ERC2470 Singleton Factory Contract
The official proposal can be found at:
ERC2470 Factory
This repository contains the official implementation of the ERC2470 factory as defined in the standard.
The address of the factory on all chains is:
Vanity Generator for ERC2470 Singletons
Run the following to generate a few vanity "0x1234" addresses of "SingletonExample.sol":
npm run build
node ./scripts/vanitygen-erc2470.js "0x1234"
The script simply try salts for the bytecode of that example.
Compilation & Verification
:warning: The solc
compiler version 0.5.11+commit.22be8592
must be present on the build machine. (More info on installing solc.)
The factory can be compiled from the source code using:
npm run build
This will write the json artifacts for the factory in the artifacts
folder and the standard output in the build
The address of the account creating the factory, the address of the factory and the raw signed transaction can be generated with:
$ npm run info
> node js/info.js
RawTx: 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
Sender: 0xBb6e024b9cFFACB947A71991E386681B1Cd1477D
Contract: 0xce0042B868300000d44A59004Da54A005ffdcf9f
Those values can be compared with the values in the ERC2470 standard.
The metadata---for the factory only---can be extrated using:
node scripts/extract_metadata.js
This metadata can also be compared with the formated version in the ERC2470 standard.
Vanity address
The vanity address of the factory---starting with 0x2470
---has been generated using the scripts/
and scripts/vanitygen-info.js
The ERC2470 factory is part of the ERC2470 standard and is therefore in the public domain via CC0.
The authors waive all copyright and related or neighboring rights for the rest of this repository's content via CC0. A copy of the CC0 waiver is included in the LICENSE file.