Blower Frontend Framework
Blower is a modern CSS frontend framework for modern browsers. It brings full support for RTL languages, uses the new CSS Cascade Layers syntax and just doesn't want to stay in your way.
Currently in development
Blower is currently in development and not ready for production use. You can still try it out, but be aware that there could be still some bugs and missing features. Watch this project to follow the development progress.
Use githooks
Blower comes with an githook that will automatically build the changes you made to the framework. To use it, run git config core.hooksPath .githooks
once in your project folder.
Minimum Browser support
As Blower tries to bring you the newest CSS features, it requires a modern browser.
The minimum browser support (according to Can I use) is:
- Chrome 99
- Edge 99
- Safari 15.4
- Firefox 97
- Opera 86
So if your target group uses browser versions that were released after March 2022, you're good to go.
CSS Cascade Layers
CSS Cascade Layers are a new CSS feature that allows you to define a layer for your CSS rules. This allows you to define a layer for your CSS rules, so that you can easily override them. This is especially useful for CSS frameworks, as it allows you to override the framework's CSS rules without having to use !important
Blower wrap itself in a global layer called simply blower
, so that you can easily see in your dev tools which rules are from Blower and which are not. As it's possible to nest layers Blower brings some additional layers to group its rules:
– This layer contains a simple modern CSS resetbase
– All of Blowers base styles, this contains base HTML elements and stuff like thatlayout
– All website layout related styles as themes or the navigation classescomponents
– The core of Blower, all components like buttons, cards, etc. are in this layerutilities
– Everything you love from utility based CSS frameworks will be in this layer