Security News
Node.js EOL Versions CVE Dubbed the "Worst CVE of the Year" by Security Experts
Critics call the Node.js EOL CVE a misuse of the system, sparking debate over CVE standards and the growing noise in vulnerability databases.
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npm i @icreate/ics-basic-form-builder # 安装包
import VForm from '@icreate/ics-basic-form-builder' //引入VForm库
import '@icreate/ics-basic-form-builder/styles/form-builder.css' //引入VForm样式
import IcsUI from '@icreate/ics-ui' //引入ics-ui
import '@icreate/ics-ui/lib/ics-ui.css'
Vue.use(IcsUI) //全局注册ics-ui
Vue.use(VForm) //全局注册VForm(同时注册了v-form-designer和v-form-render组件)
<ics-button type="primary" @click="submitForm">Submit</ics-button>
import customCom from "./customCom.vue"; //自定义组件的格式,请参考最后的示例
v-form-designer 表单设计器
designerConfig :表单设计器配置 (必传) basicFieldsTransfer : 基础字段组件(必传) formJson: 显示上次编辑的设计器页面 (选传) formTemplateJson :显示保存的模板 (选传) saveFormTemplateHandler :保存模板后的回调函数,可以获取到模板的json数据 customComponentObj: 自定义组件的对象格式
v-form-render 表单渲染器 formJson:需要渲染的表单的json数据(从设计器复制json数据)(必传) formData:需要渲染的表单数据(选传) optionData:动态传入的选项数据(例如:多选框的选项)(选传) appendButtonClickHandler : 输入框后置按钮的回调函数(选传) handleFormChange: 表单数据改变时触发 submitForm: 可以获取到表单数据formData customComponentObj: 自定义组件的对象格式
export default {
data() {
return {
customComponentArr:[customCom], //自定义组件的数组
customComponentObj:{}, //将数组转成对象的格式 (写在created())
designerConfig: {
resetFormJson: false,
toolbarMaxWidth: 490,
saveFormTemplate: false, //隐藏保存模板
basicFieldsTransfer: [
{ //自定义组件
type: "customType", //自定义类型
formItemFlag: true,
options: {
name: "customName", //name唯一值
label: "自定义组件", //label值
labelAlign: "", //label对齐方式
defaultValue: null, //默认值
labelWidth: null, //标签宽度
labelHidden: false, //标签是否隐藏
hidden: false, //是否隐藏
required: false, //是否必填
requiredHint: "", //必填提示
columnWidth: '200px', //在子表单中的组件列宽
optionItems: [ //选项(ics-radio/ics-checkbox/ics-select...)
{ label: "选项1", value: 1 },
{ label: "选项2", value: 2 },
type: "data-table", //数据表格
options: {
name: "dataTable",
label: "数据表格",
tableWidth: "100%", //表格宽度
tableHeight: "300px", //表格高度
showCheckBox: true, //是否显示复选框列
stripe: true, //是否斑马线
tableBorder: true, //是否带有边框
showActionButton: true, //显示操作按钮列
optionItems: {
thOptions: [
label: "日期",
value: "date",
width: "180",
label: "姓名",
value: "name",
width: "180",
label: "地址",
value: "address",
width: "",
tbodyOptions: [
id: "1",
date: "2016-05-02",
name: "张三",
address: "上海市普陀区金沙江路 1518 弄",
id: "2",
date: "2016-05-04",
name: "李四",
address: "上海市普陀区金沙江路 1517 弄",
id: "3",
date: "2016-05-01",
name: "王二麻子",
address: "上海市普陀区金沙江路 1519 弄",
], //表格内容
type: "input", //表单组件类型(必传)
options: {
label: "输入框", //组件label(必传)
name: "inputtext", //组件name(必传,而且必须是唯一值)
type: "text", //input 输入框的类型(可传)
defaultValue:"", //默认值(可传)
required: true, //是否必填(可传)
requiredHint:'', //必填提示(可传)
validation: "/^[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+$/", //组件的正则校验规则 (可传)
validationHint: "只能输入中文哦", //校验提示语(可传)
reverseValidation:'/[^\u4e00-\u9fa5]/g', //数据格式:正则取反+g (需要限制输入时,必传)
max:"" ,//限制输入的最大值 (限制输入是数字的情况)
readOnlyNoBorder: true, //只读时的样式 不要边框
type: "input",
options: {
label: "输入框",
name: "inputpsw",
type: "password",
type: "textarea",
options: {
label: "文本域",
name: "textarea",
type: "radio",
options: {
name: "radio",
label: "单选项",
optionItems: [ //选项列表(必传)
label: "选项1",
value: "1",
label: "选项2",
value: "2",
type: "checkbox",
options: {
name: "checkbox",
label: "多选框",
max: 1, // 可被勾选的 checkbox 的最大数量
optionItems: [ //选项列表(必传)
label: "选项1",
value: "1",
label: "选项2",
value: "2",
label: "选项3",
value: "3",
type: "number",
options: {
name: "number",
label: "计数器",
min: 0, //最小值(可传)
max: 100000, //最大值(可传)
precision: 0, //精度(可传)
step: 1, //增减步长(可传)
type: "select",
options: {
name: "select",
label: "下拉框",
labelAndValue: true, // 获取选项数据的格式(例如:选中下拉框,是否需要获取label值,默认不获取)
collapseTags: true, //多选时是否将选中值按文字的形式展示 默认为fale
optionItems: [ //下拉列表(必传)
id:"", // 唯一key值 (如果value值不唯一,id必传)
label: "select 1",
value: 1,
label: "select 2",
value: 2,
label: "select 3",
value: 3,
type: "select-plus",
options: {
name: "select-plus",
label: "下拉框加强版",
optionItems: [
label: "select 1",
value: 1,
label: "select 2",
value: 2,
label: "select 3",
value: 3,
type: "time",
options: {
name: "time",
label: "时间",
format: "HH:mm:ss", //时间格式(可传)
type: "time-range",
options: {
name: "time-range",
label: "时间范围",
format: "HH:mm:ss", //时间格式(可传)
type: "date",
options: {
name: "date",
label: "日期",
format: "yyyy-MM-dd", //日期显示格式(可传)
valueFormat: "yyyy-MM-dd", //日期对象格式(可传)
type: "date-range",
options: {
name: "date-range",
label: "日期范围",
format: "yyyy-MM-dd", //日期显示格式(可传)
valueFormat: "yyyy-MM-dd", //日期对象格式(可传)
type: "datetime",
options: {
name: "datetime",
label: "日期时间",
format: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", //日期显示格式(可传)
valueFormat: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", //日期对象格式(可传)
type: "switch",
options: {
name: "switch",
label: "开关",
type: "rate",
options: {
name: "rate",
label: "评分",
type: "button",
options: {
name: "button",
label: "按钮",
type: "cascader",
options: {
name: "cascader",
label: "级联选择",
optionItems: [ //级联选择选项(必传)
label: "select 1",
value: 1,
children: [{ label: "child 1", value: 11 }],
{ label: "select 2", value: 2 },
{ label: "select 3", value: 3 },
type: "combo-grid",
options: {
name: "comboGrid",
label: "组合网格",
labelColumn: "name", //name列对应label
valueColumn: "id", //id列对应value(选中列表,获取的值)
valueKey:"", //添加表格数据的唯一key值属性(不传,默认是valueColumn)
labelAndValue: true, //true: 绑定的值是对象(含label) 默认为false
customFilter: ["id", "name"], //自定义搜索字段
optionItems: { //选项值:表头字段+表格数据 (必传)
thOptions: [
label: "日期",
value: "date",
width: "180",
label: "姓名",
value: "name",
width: "180",
label: "地址",
value: "address",
width: "260",
tbodyOptions: [
id: "111111",
date: "2016-05-02",
name: "王小虎1",
address: "上海市普陀区金沙江路 1518 弄",
id: "111112",
date: "2016-05-04",
name: "王小虎2",
address: "上海市普陀区金沙江路 1517 弄",
id: "111113",
date: "2016-05-01",
name: "王小虎3",
address: "上海市普陀区金沙江路 1519 弄",
JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("saveFormTemplateJson")) || null,
formJson: {
widgetList: [
type: "input",
options: {
labelAlign: "",
defaultValue: "",
placeholder: "",
columnWidth: "200px",
size: "",
labelWidth: null,
labelHidden: false,
readonly: false,
disabled: false,
hidden: false,
clearable: true,
showPassword: false,
required: true,
requiredHint: "",
validation: "/^[一-龥]+$/",
validationHint: "只能输入中文哦",
minLength: null,
maxLength: null,
showWordLimit: false,
appendButton: true,
appendButtonDisabled: false,
buttonIcon: "el-icon-search",
label: "用户名",
name: "username",
type: "text",
icon: "text-field",
formItemFlag: true,
id: "username",
type: "input",
options: {
labelAlign: "",
defaultValue: "",
placeholder: "",
columnWidth: "200px",
size: "",
labelWidth: null,
labelHidden: false,
readonly: false,
disabled: false,
hidden: false,
clearable: true,
showPassword: false,
required: false,
requiredHint: "",
validation: "",
validationHint: "",
minLength: null,
maxLength: null,
showWordLimit: false,
appendButton: false,
appendButtonDisabled: false,
buttonIcon: "el-icon-search",
label: "密码",
name: "password",
type: "password",
icon: "text-field",
formItemFlag: true,
id: "password",
type: "textarea",
options: {
labelAlign: "",
defaultValue: "",
placeholder: "",
columnWidth: "200px",
size: "",
labelWidth: null,
labelHidden: false,
readonly: false,
disabled: false,
hidden: false,
clearable: true,
showPassword: false,
required: false,
requiredHint: "",
validation: "",
validationHint: "",
minLength: null,
maxLength: null,
showWordLimit: false,
appendButton: false,
appendButtonDisabled: false,
buttonIcon: "el-icon-search",
label: "留言板",
name: "message",
rows: 3,
icon: "text-field",
formItemFlag: true,
id: "message",
formConfig: {
labelWidth: 80,
labelPosition: "left",
size: "",
labelAlign: "label-left-align",
labelColor:"", //label颜色
labelFontSize:"", //label字体大小
labelLineHeight: "", //标签行高
cssCode: "",
customClass: "",
functions: "",
layoutType: "PC",
modelName: "formData",
refName: "vForm",
rulesName: "rules",
onFormCreated: "",
onFormMounted: "",
onFormDataChange: "",
formData: {},
optionData: { //动态传入的选项数据
checkbox: [ //checkbox 是name名称
label: "动态选项1",
value: "1",
label: "动态选项2",
value: "2",
label: "动态选项3",
value: "3",
methods: {
submitForm() {
.then((formData) => {
// Form Validation OK
.catch((error) => {
// Form Validation failed
saveFormTemplateHandler(data) {
localStorage.setItem("saveFormTemplateJson", data);
appendButtonClickHandler(data) {
console.log("appendButtonClickHandler=======", data.$data.fieldModel);
) {
//fieldName name
//newValue 新值
//oldValue 旧值
//formDataModel 表单数据
//comboGridItem 组合网格组件,传过来的对象
console.log(this.$refs["vFormRef"].widgetRefList) //获取每个组件的属性方法
this.$refs["vFormRef"].widgetRefList["select"].setRequired(true); //设置select组件必填属性为true
this.$refs["vFormRef"].widgetRefList["select"].setValue("1"); //设置select组件值为1
this.$refs["vFormRef"].widgetRefList["input"].setWidgetOption("max",newValue) //设置input组件的最大值为newValue
this.$refs["vFormRef"].widgetRefList["comboGrid"].setValueNotEmitHandler(newValue); //给组合网格赋值(赋值不会触发handleFormChange) //改变组合网格选项,会触发
this.$refs["vFormRef"].widgetRefList["select"].$refs.fieldEditor.toggleMenu(); //select组件 自动展开下拉框
this.$refs.vfDesignerRef.$refs.toolbarRef.saveFormTemplate() //方法的返回值即是保存的数据
created(){ => {
return (this.customComponentObj[] = item);
<!-- template 按需编写, 示例如下 -->
<ics-select v-model="fieldModelData.selectVal" placeholder="请选择">
v-for="item in field.options.optionItems"
export default {
name: "customTypeWidget", //自定义组件的类型(type) + 'Widget'
data() {
return {
fieldModelData: {
switchVal: false, //每个组件的绑定值(名称自定义),都放在fieldModelData里面
inputVal: "",
selectVal: "",
props: {
field: Object, //basicFieldsTransfer的自定义组件的数据
value: Object,
model: {
prop: "value",
event: "change",
}, // v-model
methods: {
watch: {
value: {
handler(val) {
if (val) {
this.fieldModelData = this.value;
deep: true,
immediate: true,
fieldModelData: {
handler(val) {
this.$emit("change", val);
deep: true,
<style scoped>
.marginBottom {
margin-bottom: 20px;
The npm package @icreate/ics-basic-form-builder receives a total of 4 weekly downloads. As such, @icreate/ics-basic-form-builder popularity was classified as not popular.
We found that @icreate/ics-basic-form-builder demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago. It has 8 open source maintainers collaborating on the project.
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Security News
Critics call the Node.js EOL CVE a misuse of the system, sparking debate over CVE standards and the growing noise in vulnerability databases.
Security News
cURL and Go security teams are publicly rejecting CVSS as flawed for assessing vulnerabilities and are calling for more accurate, context-aware approaches.
Security News
Bun 1.2 enhances its JavaScript runtime with 90% Node.js compatibility, built-in S3 and Postgres support, HTML Imports, and faster, cloud-first performance.