Profile Card
A pop over card component that displays user information and provides some relevant links.
Add "@influitive/profile-card": "X.X.XX"
to the projects package JSON ( replaces X.X.XX with the version you want to use)
Run npm install
In your component:
import ProfileCard from '@influitive/profile-card/lib';
children={wrappedElement} />
(Uuid) of the user whose information is to be display in the card.disableViewProfile
(bool) When true hides the link to the user public profile.disableMessage
(bool) When true hides the link to message that contact.anonymous
(bool) when true renders the generic anonymous advocate information.children
(node) Corresponds to the element to be wrapped. The profile card will toggle when clicking on this element.
Extra Considerations:
You will need to style the element that is being wrapped, as the profile-card
does not make assumptions about its children. E.g for avatar images we are normally using:
.profile {
width: 32px;
border-radius: 100%;
###How it works
is just a regular component built using react-redux. When the children element is clicked an ajax call is fired to the hub's /api/people/${id}.json
to retrieve that especific user information.