IG.GFX.Standard - Standard Interactors
IG.GFX.Standard 1.10.4
- set multi rotations via quaternion if available
IG.GFX.Standard 1.10.3
IG.GFX.Standard 1.10.2
- add AutoReset option for AnimationInteractor
IG.GFX.Standard 1.10.1
- use SetQuaternionRotation() call if available
- use "Record" feature with static class var instead of window object
- add optional GetHints() stub
IG.GFX.Standard 1.10.0
- fix OffsetRotator to work as documented
IG.GFX.Standard 1.9.3
- readd images to distribution artefact
IG.GFX.Standard 1.9.2
- properly mark api parameters as optional
IG.GFX.Standard 1.9.1
- improve _index.json types
IG.GFX.Standard 1.9
- support quaternion in animation.json
IG.GFX.Standard 1.8.2
- add EmptyInteractor for placeholder usage
IG.GFX.Standard 1.8.1 Patch 1
- fix cached deformation for 0 state
IG.GFX.Standard 1.8.1
- add missing FourBar.calculatePosition
IG.GFX.Standard 1.8 Patch 1
- fix animation interactor cache for . path
IG.GFX.Standard 1.8
- animation interactor cache for stable kinematics and better performance
- restructured code
IG.GFX.Standard 1.7.6
- added more params (up to 50 now) for the animation and kinematics interactor
- stage fix for deformation interactor
IG.GFX.Standard 1.7.5
- support visibility changes of attached children via LinkedPoints
IG.GFX.Standard 1.7.4
- AutoReset param for:
- all range and raster translators
- all range and raster rotators
- deformation interactor
- offset rotator
- code cleanup
IG.GFX.Standard 1.7.3 Patch 4
- Added AutoReset param for ZRangeTranslator
IG.GFX.Standard 1.7.3 Patch 3
- ICOM loading new product with kinematics bugfix
IG.GFX.Standard 1.7.3 Patch 2
- single kinematic chain bugfix
IG.GFX.Standard 1.7.3 Patch 1
- intermediate calculation for special cases in kinematic animation
- kinematic subbase bugfix
IG.GFX.Standard 1.7.3
- fix for scaled FourBar interactor
- deprecated old vector / matrix functions in Utils
- code cleanup
IG.GFX.Standard 1.7.2
- Kinematics Interactor:
- better centroid calculation (multi target)
- fixed constraints
- follow target feature
- independent multiple chains in one animation.json
- Utilities:
- updated GetLocalTransform with correct math functions (composeTRS - needs Math library 1.0.2)
- new GetRelativePosition function
IG.GFX.Standard 1.7.1
- Animation Interactor: mapping of object paths to attachment points:
- new entry "LinkedPoints" parallel to "Animations": path -> array of point keys
IG.GFX.Standard 1.7 Patch 1
- in case, BackwardPeriod is not set, use (Forward)Period as fallback, was: 1.0
- auto-correct localized float parameters by replacing , with .
IG.GFX.Standard 1.7
- Kinematics Interactor: added support for multiple targets
IG.GFX.Standard 1.6.4
- Animation Interactor: new params "BackwardAnimation" and "BackwardPeriod"
IG.GFX.Standard 1.6.3
- Animation Interactor: auto-insertion of default definition for animated values
IG.GFX.Standard 1.6.2 Patch 1
- fix for z rotation issue ( was assigned to x rotation due to copy paste type )
IG.GFX.Standard 1.6.2
- parametrics for animations and kinematics: now up to 20 parameters (was: 10), also support for plain types instead of string conversions
IG.GFX.Standard 1.6.1
- parametrics added to animations and kinematics
IG.GFX.Standard 1.6
- new interactor: KinematicsInteractor
IG.GFX.Standard 1.5.3
- new interactor: OffsetRotator
IG.GFX.Standard 1.5.2 Patch 2
- automatically provide IGX.Float3 if not available by the run-time environment
IG.GFX.Standard 1.5.2 Patch 1
- AnimationInteractor: improved robustness if component does not exist
IG.GFX.Standard 1.5.2
- new interactor: VisibilityInteractor
IG.GFX.Standard 1.5.1
- AnimationInteractor:
-- access to neighbors via path prefix '..'
-- new parameter Visibility
-- fix for assignment to root components
IG.GFX.Standard 1.5
- new special functions for particular hinges: IGX.Std.FourBar
- new basic vector functions: IGX.Std.Util
IG.GFX.Standard 1.4.1
- SetupValue() more robustness in case of bad input
- new interactor: DeformationInteractor
IG.GFX.Standard 1.4
- new interactor: AnimationInteractor
IG.GFX.Standard 1.3
- new interactor: BasicLinearInterpolator
IG.GFX.Standard 1.2 Patch 1
- Fixes x, y, z raster translator movements
IG.GFX.Standard 1.2
- Adds animation stages to x y z range rotator and range translator
IG.GFX.Standard 1.1.1
- Adds Animation stages start and end to range rotators and range translators
IG.GFX.Standard 1.1 Patch 1
- FIX issue with IGX.Vector3
IG.GFX.Standard 1.1
- (X,Y,Z)(Range,Raster)(Rotator,Translator) fixed SetStagePosition()
- number conversion of Start/End parameters if provided as strings
IG.GFX.Standard 1.0 Patch 1
- number conversion of numeric parameters if provided as strings
- (X,Y,Z)(Range,Raster)(Rotator,Translator) added SetStagePosition()
IG.GFX.Standard 1.0