React Timer and Stopwatch hook
A simple out of the box but highly customizable timer and stopwatch hook for React.
npm install react-timer-and-stopwatch
There are three ways to set up the timer hook: countdown with a duration of time, countdown with a Unix timestamp in milliseconds, or as a stopwatch.
Duration timer
To set up a timer with a duration, use the timerWithDuration
object property on useTimer's options.create
object parameter. Inside of timerWithDuration
are two properties, time
(required) and the optional directionOfTimeForward
bool property. The time
property takes either a number of milliseconds or alternatively a time object. The optional directionOfTimeForward
bool property controls whether the direction of the timer will flow forward (start at 00:00:00) or backward (start at end, finish at 00:00:00). Time flows backward by default on Duration timers.
const SomeReactComponent = () => {
const timer = useTimer({
create: {
timerWithDuration: {
time: {
minutes: 1,
seconds: 30
return (
<span>Time Left: {timer.timerText}</span>
This span element will show the following each tick:
Time Left: 00:01:30
Time Left: 00:01:29
Time Left: 00:01:28
Unix timer
To set up a timer with a Unix timestamp, use the timerWithTimestamp
object property on useTimer's options.create
object parameter.
const SomeReactComponent = () => {
const unixTimestamp = + 10000;
const timer = useTimer({
create: {
timerWithUnixTimestamp: {
unixTimestampMilliseconds: unixTimestamp
return (
<span>Time Left: {timer.timerText}</span>
This span element will show the following each tick:
Time Left: 00:00:10
Time Left: 00:00:09
Time Left: 00:00:08
If you'd like the Unix timer to go past its finish and show the time elapsed from the finish in negative numbers, you can set the optional property continueAfterFinish
to true on options.create.timerWithUnixTimestamp
. By default it's set to false.
It's also easy to integrate a Unix timer with popular JavaScript time libraries such as Moment.js and Luxon because in the end all you need is the Unix time in milliseconds.
Moment.js example
import moment from 'moment';
const SomeReactComponent = () => {
const unixTimestamp = moment('2025-08-14T11:04:10.570Z').valueOf();
const timer = useTimer({
create: {
timerWithUnixTimestamp: {
unixTimestampMilliseconds: unixTimestamp
return (
<span>Time Left: {timer.timerText}</span>
To set up a stopwatch, set the property stopwatch
to an object on useTimer's options.create
object parameter. There are two properties on the options
object, intervalRate
and includeMilliseconds
, which can be useful here. If you'd like your stopwatch to count by milliseconds and show milliseconds in the output, change the optional properties intervalRate
to something smaller than 1000 and includeMilliseconds
to true in options
. If not included, by default the stopwatch will count by seconds and not show milliseconds in timerText. It will also autostart by default, which can be disabled by setting the optional options
property autostart
to false.
const SomeReactComponent = () => {
const timer = useTimer({
create: {
stopwatch: {}
includeMilliseconds: true,
intervalRate: 47
return (
<span>Time Left: {timer.timerText}</span>
If you'd like to start the stopwatch past 0, you can set the optional startAtMilliseconds
property on create.stopwatch
to the number of milliseconds you wish.
Control Functions
There are functions returned by useTimer which can pause, resume, and reset the Timer component. These are togglePause, pauseTimer, resumeTimer, and resetTimer. There's also a boolean returned, timerIsPaused
, which shows if the Timer is currently paused or not.
const SomeReactComponent = () => {
const timer = useTimer({
create: {
timerWithDuration: {
time: {
seconds: 30
const {togglePause, pauseTimer, resumeTimer, resetTimer, timerIsPaused, timerText} = timer;
return (
<span>Time Left: {timerText}</span>
<button onClick={pauseTimer} disabled={timerIsPaused}>Pause</button>
<button onClick={resumeTimer} disabled={!timerIsPaused}>Resume</button>
<button onClick={togglePause} disabled={!timerIsPaused}>Toggle Pause</button>
<button onClick={resetTimer}>Reset Timer</button>
There are also functions to add and subtract time from the current timer/stopwatch. These are addTime and subtractTime. Both take either a number of milliseconds or alternatively a time object.
const SomeReactComponent = () => {
const timer = useTimer({
create: {
timerWithDuration: {
time: {
days: 1
return (
<button onClick={() => addTime({seconds: 10})}>Add 10 seconds</button>
<button onClick={() => subtractTime({seconds: 10})}>Subtract 10 seconds</button>
<span>Time Left: {timer.timerText}</span>
Note: none of these control functions affect Unix timestamp timers.
There are two optional properties on useTimer's options object that affect the timer/stopwatch's timerText string output.
Property | Type | Purpose | Default |
textOutputWithWords | boolean | Whether the timerText string is only numbers, e.g. "00:01:45", or numbers with words, e.g. "1 minute, 45 seconds" | false, only numbers |
includeMilliseconds | boolean | Whether milliseconds are included on the timerText string | false |
There are several optional callbacks you can provide to the timer to fire at various points in time: an onTick callback that fires every interval, an onFinish callback that fires when the timer completes, and there are also arrays of callbacks you can provide for onProgress callbacks that fire at provided times into a timer and onTimeLeft callbacks that fire when there's a provided time left on the timer. onTimeLeft and onFinish callbacks will never fire on Stopwatches.
const SomeReactComponent = () => {
const timer = useTimer({
create: {
timerWithDuration: {
time: {
minutes: 1,
seconds: 30
callbacks: {
onTick: () => console.log('This runs every interval.'),
onFinish: () => alert('The timer is done.'),
onProgress: [
time: { seconds: 10 },
callback: () => console.log('This is firing 10 seconds into the timer.')
time: { seconds: 20 },
callback: () => console.log('This is firing 20 seconds into the timer.')
onTimeLeft: [
time: { seconds: 5 },
callback: () => console.log('This is firing when there is 5 seconds left on the timer.')
time: { seconds: 3 },
callback: () => console.log('This is firing when there is 3 seconds left on the timer.')
return (
<span>Time Left: {timer.timerText}</span>
Misc Options
The rest of the optional customization properties you can include with the useTimer options
object parameter:
Property | Type | Purpose | Default |
autoplay | boolean | Whether the timer starts right away. Has no effect on UnixTimestamps, which is always true. | true |
includeMilliseconds | boolean | Includes milliseconds in timerText string | false |
intervalRate | number | How many milliseconds between each interval tick. | 1000 |
textOutputWithWords | boolean | timerText output in only numbers "01:20:10" or with words "1 hour, 20 minutes, 10 seconds" | false |
Common Properties
Property | Type | Purpose |
time | number or time object | Any time you need to provide a representation of time in a time property in options, the property takes either a number of milliseconds or a time object, which is an object with keys of units of time (milliseconds , seconds , minutes , hours , and days ) and values of numbers. |
Term | Definition |
Time Object | An object that has keys of units of time (milliseconds , seconds , minutes , hours , and days ) and values of numbers. Example: { hours: 2, minutes: 20, seconds: 40 } |
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