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Set of functions often needed when using Node.js.

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Set of functions often needed when using Node.js.

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Many jsenv packages needs the same helper functions. This package exports and document them.

This repository exists mostly to work with files relative to a directory with an approach that works on windows and linux filesystems as shown in the code example below.

import { readFileSync } from "fs"
import { resolveUrl, urlToFileSystemPath, assertAndNormalizeDirectoryUrl } from "@jsenv/util"

const directoryUrl = assertAndNormalizeDirectoryUrl(__dirname)
const packageFileUrl = resolveUrl("package.json", directoryUrl)
const packageFilePath = urlToFileSystemPath(packageFileUrl)
const packageFileBuffer = readFileSync(packageFilePath)

With times more functions were added, all util are documented in the Documentation part.


npm install @jsenv/util@3.5.0

Url preference

In this package functions related to filesystem work with url string instead of a filesystem path.

const url = "file:///directory/file.js"
const filesystemPath = "/directory/file.js"

This allows function to manipulate a value that is the same across operating systems. Because on windows a filesystem path looks like C:\\directory\\file.js while linux/mac equivalent looks like /directory/file.js. Also url are standard. A standard is more robust and knowledge acquired on a standard is reusable.

You might also notice a slight preference for url string over url object in the documentation or codebase. This is a deliberate choice because over time it appeared that an url string are easier to work with. Certainly because a string is a well known primitive while an url object is a more complex structure.

const urlString = "file:///directory/file.js"
const urlObject = new URL("file:///directory/file.js")


assertAndNormalizeDirectoryUrl is a function ensuring the received value can be normalized to a directory url string. This function is great to make a function accept various values as directory url and normalize it to a standard directory url like file:///directory/. Jsenv uses it for every function having a directory url parameter.

import { assertAndNormalizeDirectoryUrl } from "@jsenv/util"

assertAndNormalizeDirectoryUrl("/directory") // file:///directory/

— source code at src/assertAndNormalizeDirectoryUrl.js.


assertAndNormalizeFileUrl is a function ensuring the received value can be normalized to a file url string. This function is great to make a function accept various values as file url and normalize it to a standard file url like file:///directory/file.js. Jsenv uses it for every function having a file url parameter.

import { assertAndNormalizeFileUrl } from "@jsenv/util"


— source code at src/assertAndNormalizeFileUrl.js.


assertDirectoryPresence is an async function throwing if directory does not exists on the filesystem. This function is great to assert a directory existence before going further. Jsenv uses it to throw early when a directory presence is mandatory for a given function to work properly.

import { assertDirectoryPresence } from "@jsenv/util"

await assertDirectoryPresence("file:///Users/directory/")

— source code at src/assertDirectoryPresence.js.


assertFilePresence is an async function throwing if a file does not exists on the filesystem. This function is great to assert a file existence before going further. Jsenv uses it to throw early when a file presence is mandatory for a given function to work properly.

import { assertFilePresence } from "@jsenv/util"

await assertFilePresence("file:///Users/directory/file.js")

— source code at src/assertFilePresence.js.


bufferToEtag is a function receiving a buffer and converting it into an eTag. This function returns a hash (a small string) representing a file content. You can later check if the file content has changed by comparing a previously generated eTag with the current file content. Jsenv uses it to generate eTag headers and to know if a file content has changed in specific scenarios.

import { bufferToEtag } from "@jsenv/util"

const eTag = bufferToEtag(Buffer.from("Hello world"))
const otherEtag = bufferToEtag(Buffer.from("Hello world"))
eTag === otherEtag

— see Buffer documentation on Node.js
— see eTag documentation on MDN
— source code at src/bufferToEtag.js.


catchCancellation is a function receiving an async function and immediatly calling it and catching cancelError to avoid unhandled rejection.

Considering that cancelling a function rejects it rejected with a cancel error.

import { createCancellationSource, isCancelError } from "@jsenv/cancellation"

const fn = async ({ cancellationToken }) => {

const cancelSource = createCancellationSource()

try {
  await fn({ cancellationToken: cancelSource.token })
} catch (e) {
  isCancelError(e) // true

You have to catch the cancel errors to avoid unhandled rejection inside Node.js. catchCancellation resolves with the cancel error instead of rejecting with it to avoid the unhandledRejection. You can still detect the cancellation using isCancelError(result) but cancellation means you're no longer interested in the result so you shoud not need this at all.

import { catchCancellation } from "@jsenv/util"
import { createCancellationSource, isCancelError } from "@jsenv/cancellation"

const fn = async ({ cancellationToken }) => {

const cancelSource = createCancellationSource()

const result = await catchCancellation(() => fn({ cancellationToken: cancelSource.token }))
isCancelError(result) // true

— source code at src/catchCancellation.js.


collectFiles is an async function collectings a subset of files inside a directory.

import { collectFiles } from "@jsenv/util"

const files = await collectFiles({
  directoryUrl: "file:///Users/you/directory",
  specifierMetaMap: {
    "./**/*.js": {
      whatever: 42,
  predicate: (meta) => {
    return meta.whatever === 42

— source code at src/collectFiles.js.


comparePathnames is a function compare two pathnames and returning which pathnames comes first in a filesystem.

import { comparePathnames } from "@jsenv/util"

const pathnames = ["a/b.js", "a.js"]

— source code at src/comparePathnames.js.


copyFileSystemNode is an async function creating a copy of the filesystem node at a given destination

import { copyFileSystemNode } from "@jsenv/util"

await copyFileSystemNode(`file:///file.js`, "file:///destination/file.js")
await copyFileSystemNode(`file:///directory`, "file:///destination/directory")

— source code at src/copyFileSystemNode.js.


createCancellationTokenForProcess is a function returning a cancellation token cancelled just before process exits. Can be used to close a server before a process exists for instance.

import { createCancellationTokenForProcess } from "@jsenv/util"
import { startServer } from "somewhere"

const cancellationToken = createCancellationTokenForProcess()
const server = await startServer()
cancellationToken.register(() => {

— source code at src/createCancellationTokenForProcess.js.


ensureEmptyDirectory is an async function ensuring a directory is empty. It removes a directory content when it exists or create an empty directory. This function was written for testing. It is meant to clean up a directory in case a previous test execution let some files and you want to clean them before running your test. Jsenv uses it in some tests involving the filesystem.

import { ensureEmptyDirectory } from "@jsenv/util"

await ensureEmptyDirectory(`file:///directory`)

— source code at src/ensureEmptyDirectory.js.


ensureParentDirectories is an async function creating every directory leading to a file. This function is useful to ensure a given file directories exists before doing any operation on that file. Jsenv uses it to write file in directories that does not exists yet.

import { ensureParentDirectories } from "@jsenv/util"

await ensureParentDirectories(`file:///directory/subdirectory/file.js`)

— source code at src/ensureParentDirectories.js.


writeDirectory is an async function creating a directory on the filesystem. writeDirectory is equivalent to fs.promises.mkdir but accepts url strings as directory path.

import { writeDirectory } from "@jsenv/util"

await writeDirectory(`file:///directory`)

— source code at src/writeDirectory.js.


grantPermissionsOnFileSystemNode is an async function granting permission on a given file system node. It returns an async function restoring the previous permissions.

import { grantPermissionsOnFileSystemNode } from "@jsenv/util"

const restorePermissions = await grantPermissionsOnFileSystemNode("file:///file.js", {
  execute: true,
await restorePermissions()

— source code at src/grantPermissionsOnFileSystemNode.js.


fileSystemPathToUrl is a function returning a filesystem path from an url string. fileSystemPathToUrl is equivalent to pathToFileURL from Node.js but returns string instead of url objects.

import { fileSystemPathToUrl } from "@jsenv/util"


— source code at src/fileSystemPathToUrl.js.


isFileSystemPath is a function returning a filesystem path from an url string.

import { isFileSystemPath } from "@jsenv/util"

isFileSystemPath("/directory/file.js") // true
isFileSystemPath("C:\\directory\\file.js") // true
isFileSystemPath("directory/file.js") // false
isFileSystemPath("file:///directory/file.js") // false

— source code at src/isFileSystemPath.js.


memoize is a function wrapping an other function to ensure it is called once.

import { memoize } from "@jsenv/util"

let callCount = 0

const fn = memoize(async () => {
  const value = await Promise.resolve("hello")
  return value

const firstCallValue = await fn()
const secondCallValue = await fn()

firstCallValue // "hello"
secondCallValue // "hello"
callCount // 1

— source code at src/memoize.js.


moveFileSystemNode is an async function moving a filesystem node to a destination.

import { moveFileSystemNode } from "@jsenv/util"

await moveFileSystemNode("file:///file.js", "file:///destination/file.js")
await moveFileSystemNode("file:///directory", "file:///destination/directory")

— source code at src/moveFileSystemNode.js.


readDirectory is an async function returning an array of string representing all filesystem nodes inside that directory.

import { readDirectory } from "@jsenv/util"

const content = await readDirectory("file:///directory")

— source code at src/readDirectory.js.


readFileSystemNodeModificationTime is an async function returning a number of milliseconds representing the date when the file was modified.

import { readFileSystemNodeModificationTime } from "@jsenv/util"

const mtimeMs = await readFileSystemNodeModificationTime("file:///directory/file.js")

— source code at src/readFileSystemNodeModificationTime.js.


readFileSystemNodePermissions is an async function returning an object representing the permissions of a given filesystem node.

import { readFileSystemNodePermissions } from "@jsenv/util"

const permissions = await readFileSystemNodePermissions("file:///directory/file.js")

— see also file modes documentation on Node.js
— source code at src/readFileSystemNodePermissions.js.


readFile is an async function returning the content of a file as string.

import { readFile } from "@jsenv/util"

const content = await readFile("file:///directory/file.js")

— source code at src/readFile.js.


readFileSystemNodeStat is an async function returning a filesystem node stats object. readFileSystemNodeStat is equivalent to fs.promises.stats from Node.js but accepts url strings as file path.

import { readFileSystemNodeStat } from "@jsenv/util"

const stats = await readFileSystemNodeStat("file:///directory/file.js")

— see also stats object documentation on Node.js
— source code at src/readFileSystemNodeStat.js.

readSymbolicLink is an async function returning a symbolic link target as url string.

import { readSymbolicLink } from "@jsenv/util"

const targetUrlOrRelativeUrl = await readSymbolicLink("file:///directory/link")

— see also symlink documentation on Node.js
— source code at src/readSymbolicLink.js.


registerDirectoryLifecycle is a function watching a directory at a given path and calling added, updated, removed according to what is happening inside that directory. Usually, filesystem takes less than 100ms to notify something has changed.

import { registerDirectoryLifecycle } from "@jsenv/util"

const contentMap = {}
const unregister = registerDirectoryLifecycle("file:///directory", {
  added: ({ relativeUrl, type }) => {
    contentMap[relativeUrl] = type
  removed: ({ relativeUrl }) => {
    delete contentMap[relativeUrl]

// you can call unregister when you want to stop watching the directory

— source code at src/registerDirectoryLifecycle.js.


registerFileLifecycle is a function watching a file and calling added, updated, removed according to what is happening to that file. Usually, filesystem takes less than 100ms to notify something has changed.

import { readFileSync } from "fs"
import { registerFileLifecycle } from "@jsenv/file-watcher"

const filePath = "/file.config.json"
let currentConfig = null
const unregister = registerFileLifecycle(filePath, {
  added: () => {
    currentConfig = JSON.parse(String(readFileSync(filePath)))
  updated: () => {
    currentConfig = JSON.parse(String(readFileSync(filePath)))
  removed: () => {
    currentConfig = null
  notifyExistent: true,

// you can call unregister() when you want to stop watching the file

— source code at src/registerFileLifecycle.js.


removeFileSystemNode is an async function removing a node (directory, file, symbolic link) from the filesystem.

import { removeFileSystemNode } from "@jsenv/util"

await removeFileSystemNode("file:///file.js")
await removeFileSystemNode("file:///directory")

— source code at src/removeFileSystemNode.js.


resolveDirectoryUrl is a function resolving a relative url to an absolute directory url string. This function applies url resolution and ensure the returned url ends with a slash. Enforcing the trailing slash indicates explicitely that the url is a directory. file:///directory/whatever/ shows whatever is a directory while file:///directory/whatever is ambiguous. This specificity helps url resolution against a directory as shown in the code below.

const urlA = new URL("file.js", "file:///directory/")
const urlB = new URL("file.js", "file:///directory")

urlA.href // file:///directory/file.js
urlB.href // file:///file.js
import { resolveDirectoryUrl } from "@jsenv/util"

resolveDirectoryUrl("src", "file:///directory")

— source code at src/resolveDirectoryUrl.js.


resolveUrl is a function resolving a relative url to an absolute url string. As explained before jsenv prefer to work with url string. When it comes to url resolution it implies to write code like String(new URL(relativeUrl, url)). But it makes relativeUrl and url values less readable in the middle of String(new URL()). resolveUrl exists just to increase code readability.

import { resolveUrl } from "@jsenv/util"

resolveUrl("file.js", "file:///directory/")

— source code at src/resolveUrl.js.


testFileSystemNodePermissions is an async function returning a boolean indicating if current user has read/write/execute permission on the filesystem node.

import { testFileSystemNodePermissions } from "@jsenv/util"

const allowed = await testFileSystemNodePermissions("file:///file.js", { execute: true })

— source code at src/testFileSystemNodePermissions.js.


urlIsInsideOf is a function returning a boolean indicating if an url is inside an other url.

import { urlIsInsideOf } from "@jsenv/util"

urlIsInsideOf("file:///directory/file.js", "file:///directory/") // true
urlIsInsideOf("file:///file.js", "file:///directory/") // false

— source code at src/urlIsInsideOf.js.


urlToFileSystemPath is a function returning a filesystem path from an url. urlToFileSystemPath is equivalent to pathToFileURL from Node.js but returns string instead of url objects.

import { urlToFileSystemPath } from "@jsenv/util"


— source code at src/urlToFileSystemPath.js.


urlToRelativeUrl is a function receiving two absolute urls and returning the first url relative to the second one. urlToRelativeUrl is the url equivalent to path.relative from Node.js.

import { urlToRelativeUrl } from "@jsenv/util"

urlToRelativeUrl("file:///directory/file.js", "file:///directory/")
urlToRelativeUrl("", "")

— source code at src/urlToRelativeUrl.js.


writeFile is an async function writing file and its content on the filesystem. This function auto create file parent directories if they do not exists.

import { writeFile } from "@jsenv/util"

await writeFile("file:///directory/file.txt", "Hello world")

— source code at src/writeFile.js.


writeFileSystemNodeModificationTime is an async function writing file and its content on the filesystem. writeFileSystemNodeModificationTime is like fs.promises.utimes but accepts url strings as file path.

import { writeFileSystemNodeModificationTime } from "@jsenv/util"

await writeFileSystemNodeModificationTime("file:///directory/file.js",

— source code at src/writeFileSystemNodeModificationTime.js.


writeFileSystemNodePermissions is an async function setting the permissions of a filesystem node.

import { writeFileSystemNodePermissions } from "@jsenv/util"

await writeFileSystemNodePermissions("file:///directory/file.js", {
  owner: { read: true, write: true, execute: true },
  group: { read: true, write: true, execute: false },
  others: { read: true, write: false, execute: false },

— see also file modes documentation on Node.js
— source code at src/writeFileSystemNodePermissions.js.

writeSymbolicLink is an async function writing a symlink link to a file or directory on the filesystem.

import { writeSymbolicLink } from "@jsenv/util"

await writeSymbolicLink("file:///foo.js", "./bar.js")

— see also symlink documentation on Node.js
— source code at src/writeSymbolicLink.js.


Package last updated on 08 Jul 2020

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