JSON Schema Transpiler
Turn your JSON Schemas into types to be used in various languages.
Try Me
- Generate types for:
- Golang
- Typescript
- Rust
- Python
- handles cycle detection
- automatically determines references
- includes documentation annotations for easy documentation generation with native language tools.
- minimal dependencies (wip)
- Creates 1 type alias per 1 schema
- Autogenerated deterministic titles where missing
- Autoreferencer (removes duplication)
- Code is synchronous - no IO keeps it lean and fast
- Convert schema to types in browser too!
Getting Started
npm install @json-schema-tools/transpiler
const JsonSchemaTranspiler = require("@json-schema-tools/transpiler").default;
const mySchema = {
"title": "PlowAnimals",
"description": "an array of animals that are good at pulling things",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"oneOf": [
{ "title": "Horse" },
{ "title": "Donkey" },
{ "title": "Elephant" },
const transpiler = new JsonSchemaTranspiler(mySchema);
How to contribute, build and release are outlined in CONTRIBUTING.md, BUILDING.md and RELEASING.md respectively. Commits in this repository follow the CONVENTIONAL_COMMITS.md specification.