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@jsonic/multisource - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.8 to 0.1.0




@@ -1,13 +0,44 @@

import { Plugin, Context } from 'jsonic';
import { makeMemResolver } from './resolver/mem';
import { makeFileResolver } from './resolver/file';
interface Resolution {
path: string;
full: string;
base: string;
import { Jsonic, Context, Rule, Plugin } from 'jsonic';
interface MultiSourceMeta {
path?: string;
deps?: DependencyMap;
declare const NONE = "";
declare type MultiSourceOptions = {
resolver: Resolver;
path?: string;
markchar?: string;
processor?: {
[kind: string]: Processor;
implictExt?: [];
declare type PathSpec = {
kind: string;
path?: string;
full?: string;
base?: string;
abs: boolean;
declare type Resolution = PathSpec & {
src?: string;
declare type Resolver = (path: string, ctx?: Context) => Resolution;
val?: any;
found: boolean;
declare type Resolver = (spec: PathSpec, popts: MultiSourceOptions, rule: Rule, ctx: Context, jsonic: Jsonic) => Resolution;
declare type Processor = (res: Resolution, popts: MultiSourceOptions, rule: Rule, ctx: Context, jsonic: Jsonic) => void;
declare type Dependency = {
tar: string | typeof TOP;
src: string;
wen: number;
declare type DependencyMap = {
[tar_full_path: string]: {
[src_full_path: string]: Dependency;
declare const TOP: unique symbol;
declare let MultiSource: Plugin;
export { MultiSource, Resolver, Resolution, TOP, Context, makeFileResolver, makeMemResolver, };
declare const MultiSource: Plugin;
declare function resolvePathSpec(popts: MultiSourceOptions, ctx: Context, spec: any, resolvefolder: (path: string) => string): PathSpec;
export type { Resolver, Resolution, Processor, MultiSourceOptions, Dependency, DependencyMap, MultiSourceMeta, PathSpec, };
export { MultiSource, resolvePathSpec, NONE, TOP, };

@@ -0,84 +1,103 @@

"use strict";
/* Copyright (c) 2021 Richard Rodger, MIT License */
/* $lab:coverage:off$ */
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.makeMemResolver = exports.makeFileResolver = exports.TOP = exports.MultiSource = void 0;
const jsonic_1 = require("jsonic");
// TODO: get package sub file refs working with ts
const mem_1 = require("./resolver/mem");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "makeMemResolver", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return mem_1.makeMemResolver; } });
const file_1 = require("./resolver/file");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "makeFileResolver", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return file_1.makeFileResolver; } });
//import { Json } from './json'
//import { Csv } from './csv'
/* $lab:coverage:on$ */
// TODO: .jsonic suffix optional
// TODO: jsonic-cli should provide basepath
// TODO: auto load index.jsonic, index.<folder-name>.jsonic
let DEFAULTS = {
markchar: '@',
exports.TOP = exports.NONE = exports.resolvePathSpec = exports.MultiSource = void 0;
const directive_1 = require("@jsonic/directive");
const jsonic_1 = require("./processor/jsonic");
const js_1 = require("./processor/js");
// Unknown source reference file extension.
const NONE = '';
exports.NONE = NONE;
// The top of the dependence tree.
const TOP = Symbol('TOP');
exports.TOP = TOP;
let MultiSource = function multisource(jsonic) {
let popts = jsonic_1.util.deep({}, DEFAULTS, jsonic.options.plugin.multisource);
let markchar = popts.markchar;
let resolver = popts.resolver;
let tn = '#T<' + markchar + '>';
const MultiSource = (jsonic, popts) => {
const markchar = popts.markchar;
const resolver = popts.resolver;
const processor = popts.processor;
// Normalize implicit extensions to format `.name`.
const implictExt = (popts.implictExt || []);
for (let extI = 0; extI < implictExt.length; extI++) {
let ext = implictExt[extI];
implictExt[extI] = ext.startsWith('.') ? ext : '.' + ext;
token: {
[tn]: { c: markchar }
error: {
multifile_unsupported_file: 'unsupported file: $path'
multisource_not_found: 'source not found: $path',
hint: {
multifile_unsupported_file: `This file type is not supported and cannot be parsed: $path.`,
multisource_not_found: 'TODO: PATH: $path DETAILS: $details',
// These inherit previous plugins - they are not clean new instances.
//let json = jsonic.make().use(Json, jsonic.options.plugin.json || {})
//let csv = jsonic.make().use(Csv, jsonic.options.plugin.csv || {})
let ST = jsonic.token.ST;
let AT = jsonic.token(tn);
jsonic.rule('val', (rs) => {{ s: [AT, ST] });
let orig_bc = rs.def.bc;
rs.def.bc = function (rule, ctx) {
if ([0] && AT ===[0].tin) {
// console.log('MS res meta', ctx.meta)
let val = undefined;
let path =[1].val;
let res = resolver(path, ctx);
if (null != res.src) {
let msmeta = ctx.meta.multisource || {};
let meta = {
multisource: {
path: res.full
// console.log('MSMETA path', path, res.full)
val = jsonic(res.src, meta);
if (msmeta.deps) {
let depmap = msmeta.deps;
let parent = (msmeta.path || TOP);
if (null != parent) {
(depmap[parent] = depmap[parent] || {})[res.full] = {
tar: parent,
src: res.full,
}[0].val = val;
// Define a directive that can load content from multiple sources.
let dopts = {
name: 'multisource',
open: markchar,
action: (rule, ctx) => {
var _a;
let spec = rule.child.node;
let res = resolver(spec, popts, rule, ctx, jsonic);
if (!res.found) {
return (_a = rule.parent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.o0.bad('multisource_not_found', { ...res });
return orig_bc(...arguments);
return rs;
res.kind = null == res.kind ? NONE : res.kind;
let proc = processor[res.kind] || processor[NONE];
proc(res, popts, rule, ctx, jsonic);
rule.node = res.val;
jsonic.use(directive_1.Directive, dopts);
exports.MultiSource = MultiSource;
// Convenience maker for Processors
function makeProcessor(process) {
return (res) => (res.val = process(res.src, res));
// Default is just to insert file contents as a string.
const defaultProcessor = makeProcessor((src) => src);
// TODO: use json plugin to get better error msgs.
const jsonProcessor = makeProcessor((src) => null == src ? undefined : JSON.parse(src));
const jsonicProcessor = (0, jsonic_1.makeJsonicProcessor)();
const jsProcessor = (0, js_1.makeJavaScriptProcessor)();
MultiSource.defaults = {
markchar: '@',
processor: {
[NONE]: defaultProcessor,
jsonic: jsonicProcessor,
jsc: jsonicProcessor,
json: jsonProcessor,
js: jsProcessor,
implictExt: ['jsonic', 'jsc', 'json', 'js'],
function resolvePathSpec(popts, ctx, spec, resolvefolder) {
var _a;
let msmeta = (_a = ctx.meta) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.multisource;
let base = resolvefolder(null == msmeta || null == msmeta.path ? popts.path : msmeta.path);
let path = 'string' === typeof spec
? spec
: null != spec.path
? '' + spec.path
: undefined;
let abs = !!((path === null || path === void 0 ? void 0 : path.startsWith('/')) || (path === null || path === void 0 ? void 0 : path.startsWith('\\')));
let full = abs
? path
: null != path && '' != path
? null != base && '' != base
? base + '/' + path
: path
: undefined;
let kind = null == full ? NONE : (full.match(/\.([^.]*)$/) || [NONE, NONE])[1];
let res = {
found: false,
// console.log('RES', res)
return res;
exports.resolvePathSpec = resolvePathSpec;
import { Resolver } from '../multisource';
declare function makeFileResolver(): Resolver;
export { makeFileResolver };
export { makeFileResolver, };

@@ -9,29 +9,52 @@ "use strict";

const path_1 = __importDefault(require("path"));
const multisource_1 = require("../multisource");
const mem_1 = require("./mem");
function makeFileResolver() {
return function FileResolver(path, ctx) {
let msmeta = ctx && ctx.meta && ctx.meta.multisource || {};
let popts = ctx && ctx.opts && ctx.opts &&
ctx.opts.plugin && ctx.opts.plugin.multisource || {};
let basefile = null == msmeta.path ?
null == popts.path ?
path : popts.path : msmeta.path;
let fstats = fs_1.default.statSync(basefile);
let basepath = basefile;
if (fstats.isFile()) {
let basedesc = path_1.default.parse(basefile);
basepath = basedesc.dir;
return function FileResolver(spec, popts, _rule, ctx) {
let ps = (0, multisource_1.resolvePathSpec)(popts, ctx, spec, resolvefolder);
let src = undefined;
// console.log(ps)
if (null != ps.full) {
ps.full = path_1.default.resolve(ps.full);
src = load(ps.full);
if (null == src && multisource_1.NONE === ps.kind) {
let potentials = (0, mem_1.buildPotentials)(ps, popts, (...s) => path_1.default.resolve(s.reduce((a, p) => path_1.default.join(a, p))));
for (let path of potentials) {
if (null != (src = load(path))) {
ps.full = path;
ps.kind = (path.match(/\.([^.]*)$/) || [multisource_1.NONE, multisource_1.NONE])[1];
let isabsolute = path_1.default.isAbsolute(path);
let fullpath = isabsolute ? path :
(null == basepath ? path : path_1.default.resolve(basepath, path));
let src = fs_1.default.readFileSync(fullpath).toString();
return {
path: path,
full: fullpath,
base: basepath,
let res = {,
found: null != src
return res;
exports.makeFileResolver = makeFileResolver;
function resolvefolder(path) {
let folder = path;
let pathstats = fs_1.default.statSync(path);
if (pathstats.isFile()) {
let pathdesc = path_1.default.parse(path);
folder = pathdesc.dir;
return folder;
// TODO: in multisource.ts, generate an error token if cannot resolve
function load(path) {
// console.log('LOAD', path)
try {
return fs_1.default.readFileSync(path).toString();
catch (e) {
// NOTE: don't need this, as in all cases, we consider failed
// reads to indicate non-existence.

@@ -1,5 +0,6 @@

import { Resolver } from '../multisource';
declare function makeMemResolver(map: {
import { MultiSourceOptions, Resolver, PathSpec } from '../multisource';
declare function makeMemResolver(filemap: {
[fullpath: string]: string;
}): Resolver;
export { makeMemResolver };
declare function buildPotentials(ps: PathSpec, popts: MultiSourceOptions, pathjoin: ( string[]) => string): string[];
export { buildPotentials, makeMemResolver, };
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.makeMemResolver = void 0;
function makeMemResolver(map) {
return function MemResolver(path, ctx) {
let msmeta = ctx && ctx.meta && ctx.meta.multisource || {};
let popts = ctx && ctx.opts && ctx.opts &&
ctx.opts.plugin && ctx.opts.plugin.multisource || {};
let basepath = null == msmeta.path ? popts.path : msmeta.path;
let isabsolute = path.startsWith('/');
let fullpath = isabsolute ? path : (null == basepath ? '' : basepath) + '/' + path;
//console.log('MEM', path, basepath, isabsolute, fullpath)
let src = map[fullpath];
return {
path: path,
full: fullpath,
base: basepath,
exports.makeMemResolver = exports.buildPotentials = void 0;
const multisource_1 = require("../multisource");
function makeMemResolver(filemap) {
return function MemResolver(spec, popts, _rule, ctx) {
let ps = (0, multisource_1.resolvePathSpec)(popts, ctx, spec, makeresolvefolder(filemap));
let src = undefined;
if (null != ps.full) {
src = filemap[ps.full];
if (null == src && multisource_1.NONE === ps.kind) {
let potentials = buildPotentials(ps, popts, (...s) => s.reduce((a, p) => a + '/' + p));
for (let path of potentials) {
if (null != (src = filemap[path])) {
ps.full = path;
ps.kind = (path.match(/\.([^.]*)$/) || [multisource_1.NONE, multisource_1.NONE])[1];
let res = {,
found: null != src
return res;
exports.makeMemResolver = makeMemResolver;
function makeresolvefolder(filemap) {
return function resolvefolder(path) {
let folder = path;
if (filemap[path]) {
folder = (path
.replace(/[\\\/]+$/, '')
.match(/[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)$/) || ['', ''])[1];
// console.log('PF', path, folder)
// console.log('RF', folder)
return folder;
function buildPotentials(ps, popts, pathjoin) {
let full = ps.full;
let potentials = [];
let implictExt = popts.implictExt || [];
// Implicit extensions.
for (let ext of implictExt) {
potentials.push(full + ext);
// Folder index file.
for (let ext of implictExt) {
potentials.push(pathjoin(full, 'index' + ext));
// Folder index file (includes folder name).
if (null != ps.path) {
let folder = (ps.path
.replace(/[\\\/]+$/, '')
.match(/[^\\\/]+$/) || [])[0];
if (null != folder) {
for (let ext of implictExt) {
potentials.push(pathjoin(full, 'index.' + folder + ext));
// console.log(potentials)
return potentials;
exports.buildPotentials = buildPotentials;
"name": "@jsonic/multisource",
"version": "0.0.8",
"version": "0.1.0",
"description": "",

@@ -8,15 +8,28 @@ "main": "dist/multisource.js",

"types": "dist/multisource.d.ts",
"homepage": "",
"keywords": [
"author": "Richard Rodger,",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git://"
"scripts": {
"test": "jest --coverage",
"test-some": "jest -t",
"test-watch": "jest --coverage --watchAll",
"watch": "tsc -w -d",
"build": "tsc -d",
"test": "lab -v -P test -t 50 --sourcemaps --transform node_modules/lab-transform-typescript -r console -o stdout -r html -o test/coverage.html",
"test-some": "lab -v -P test --sourcemaps --transform node_modules/lab-transform-typescript -g",
"test-web": "echo no-test-web",
"build": "tsc -d && cp dist/multisource.js dist/multisource.min.js && browserify -o dist/multisource.min.js -e dist/multisource.js -s @JsonicMultiSource -im -i assert -p tinyify",
"prettier": "prettier --write --no-semi --single-quote **/*.ts",
"clean": "rm -rf node_modules yarn.lock package-lock.json",
"reset": "npm run clean && npm i && npm run build && npm test",
"reset": "npm run clean && npm i && npm test",
"repo-tag": "REPO_VERSION=`node -e \"console.log(require('./package').version)\"` && echo TAG: v$REPO_VERSION && git commit -a -m v$REPO_VERSION && git push && git tag v$REPO_VERSION && git push --tags;",
"repo-publish": "npm run clean && npm i && npm run repo-publish-quick",
"repo-publish-quick": "npm run build && npm run test && npm run test-web && npm run repo-tag && npm publish --registry --access=public"
"repo-publish-quick": "npm run prettier && npm run build && npm run test && npm run repo-tag && npm publish --access public --registry "
"author": "",
"license": "MIT",

@@ -26,14 +39,19 @@ "files": [

"devDependencies": {
"jsonic": "jsonicjs/jsonic#4edd639987b75ef62a74e3904fb890f59d21379c",
"@hapi/code": "^8.0.3",
"@hapi/lab": "^24.3.0",
"lab-transform-typescript": "^3.0.1",
"typescript": "^4.3.5"
"@types/jest": "^27.0.1",
"jest": "^27.1.1",
"jsonic": "github:jsonicjs/jsonic#nextgen",
"prettier": "^2.4.0",
"tinyify": "^3.0.0",
"ts-jest": "^27.0.5",
"typescript": "^4.4.2"
"dependencies": {
"@jsonic/directive": "^0.3.0"

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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