jsreport recipe which renders excel reports based on uploaded excel templates by modifying the xlsx source using predefined templating engine helpers
See the docs https://jsreport.net/learn/xlsx
- generation step: add vertical loop support as beta
- fix generation step not working when the using loop with block parameters
- fix using folder scoped asset helpers in xlsx generation
- keep existing dimension when appropriate
- fix escaping issue in formulas
- optimization for autofit cols and cell type auto detection helpers
- performance improvement for templates with lots of cells in calcChain (using lot of formulas)
- update @jsreport/office to fix set
without starting .
- performance optimizations
- remove the xlsxColAutofit comment also if there is no more text in the comment
- fix concat tags logic in some cases
- internal changes to support new
api - fix xlsx with formulas stored with
string delimiters
- fix nested loops with closing tags on single line
- fix xlsxChart not working when copy/paste charts found
- fix xml/html entities encode
- make handlebars partials to work
- remove deprecated xlsxTemplates entity set
- xlsx generation improvements when working with formulas
- xlsx generation should not throw error when formula's cell ref point to different sheet
- fix for calcChain generation when using loops and formulas in more than one sheet
- minimum node.js version is now
- update studio build against new webpack and babel
- add support for nested loops (row/block loops nested)
- remove VERTICAL TAB character (\u000b) and prevent bad xml to be generated
- improve performance (and prevent hang) by not using regexp for the auto detect content feature
- cells outside of loop should not access data from loop
- add support for block loop (loop that repeats cells across multiple rows)
- add support for specifying what are the main document properties of xlsxTemplates entitySet
- do not fail parsing cell found with error and no formula definition found
- xlsxAddImage support for alt text
- fix xlsx chart generation when it points to dynamic table generated by loop
- fix xlsx generation with template using shared formulas
- fix producing corrupted shared strings
- fix xlsx helpers execution during transformation step
- fix xlsx block helpers not working with asset call in helper body
- add support for generating xlsx based on handlebars tags present directly in a xlsx template file
- the old way of generating xlsx (transforming/assembling xml using templating engines and helpers) is still supported and it is now executed taking the generated xlsx as input
- fix error line numbers in xlsx recipe
Adaptations for the v3 APIs