Fozzie Checkout Component
Install the module using NPM or Yarn:
yarn add @justeat/f-checkout
npm install @justeat/f-checkout
Import the component and its module, ensuring the latter is registered in the Vuex store upon creation.
You can import it in your Vue SFC like this (please note that styles have to be imported separately):
import { VueCheckout, CheckoutModule } from '@justeat/f-checkout';
import '@justeat/f-checkout/dist/f-checkout.css';
export default {
components: {
created () {
if (!this.$store.hasModule('checkout')) {
this.$store.registerModule('checkout', CheckoutModule);
If you are using Webpack, you can import the component dynamically to separate the vue-checkout
bundle from the main bundle.client.js
import '@justeat/f-checkout/dist/f-checkout.css';
export default {
components: {
VueCheckout: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "vue-checkout" */ '@justeat/f-checkout')
has a number of props that allow you to customise its functionality.
The props that can be defined are as follows:
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
updateCheckoutUrl | String | - | URL for the API called to update the Checkout Data |
getCheckoutUrl | String | - | URL for the API called to load the Checkout Data.
The data returned from this API contains the serviceType, which determines if the Checkout component is created for Collection or Delivery when the user is authenticated. |
checkoutAvailableFulfilmentUrl | String | - | URL for the API called to load the Available Fulfilment data. |
createGuestUrl | String | - | URL for the API called to load the Create a Guest User. |
getBasketUrl | String | - | URL for the API called to get Basket Details.
The data returned from this API contains the serviceType, which determines if the Checkout component is created for Collection or Delivery when the user is not authenticated. |
checkoutTimeout | Number | 1000 | Timeout when submitting the checkout form. |
getCheckoutTimeout | Number | 1000 | Timeout when loading checkout data. |
createGuestTimeout | Number | 1000 | Timeout when creating a guest user. |
getBasketTimeout | Number | 1000 | Timeout when loading basket data. |
updateCheckoutTimeout | Number | 1000 | Timeout when updating checkout data. |
authToken | String | '' | Authorisation token used when submitting the checkout form. |
loginUrl | String | - | URL to navigate to if the user wishes to change account. |
Event | Description |
checkout-payment-success | Emitted when checkout form is successfully submitted. |
checkout-payment-failure | Emitted when checkout form fails when submitted. |
checkout-get-success | Emitted when checkout data is successfully loaded. |
checkout-get-failure | Emitted when checkout data fails to load. |
checkout-available-fulfilment-get-success | Emitted when available fulfilment times are successfully loaded. |
checkout-available-fulfilment-get-failure | Emitted when available fulfilment times fail to load. |
checkout-visit-login-page | Emitted when user clicks the Not you? link |
checkout-basket-get-success | Emitted when basket data is successfully loaded. |
checkout-setup-guest-success | Emitted when guest user is created successfully. |
checkout-setup-guest-failure | Emitted when guest user is not created successfully. |
checkout-validation-error | Emitted validation error occurs. |
You can add event listeners for these like so
export default {
methods: {
onPaymentSuccess () {
onPaymentFailure () {
onGetCheckoutSuccess () {
onGetCheckoutFailure () {
onGetPaymentSuccess () {
onGetPaymentFailure () {
onGetBasketSuccess () {
onGetBasketFailure () {
It is recommended to run the following commands at the root of the monorepo in order to install dependencies and allow you to view components in isolation via Storybook.
yarn install
Unit / Integration / Contract
cd ./fozzie-components
yarn test
cd ./fozzie-components/packages/f-checkout
yarn test
Component Tests
cd ./fozzie-components
yarn storybook:build
yarn storybook:serve-static
yarn test-component:chrome
cd ./fozzie-components/packages/f-checkout
yarn test-component:chrome
Documentation to be completed once module is in stable state.