Cooldown is a module that allows you to create cooldown for everything you want.
npm install @kamkam1_0/cooldown
How to use
const Cooldowns = require("@kamkam1_0/cooldown")
let Cooldown = new Cooldowns()
Add/Remove/Get a Cooldown
let Cooldown = new Cooldowns()
Add Cooldowns
let Cooldown = new Cooldowns()
Cooldown.Deploy(["test", "test2"])
Dealing with Users
Get a User
Get with ID
Returns all users with this ID.
Get with Properties
Returns all users with these properties.
Cooldown.GetCooldown("test").GetUsersByProperties([{Color: "Blue"}, {Server: "test"}, {phone: "06060606"}])
Get with Property
Returns all users with this property.
Cooldown.GetCooldown("test").GetUsersByProperty({Color: "Blue"})
Get with ID and Property
Returns a unique user with these properties and this ID.
Cooldown.GetCooldown("test").GetUser("ID", [{Color: "Blue"}, {Server: "test"}, {phone: "06060606"}])
Get All
Returns all the users in the cooldown.
Add a User
You have to specify at least two values: time and ID
ID is string/number.
Time is a number that represents the time of the cooldown.
Properties are optional.
Properties are an array which includes one/several object(s).
Those objects have the ID of the property as a key.
Cooldown.GetCooldown("test").AddUser({id: "ID", time: 60000, properties: [{Color: "blue"}, {phone: "06060606"}]})
Remove a User
Remove with ID
Removes all users with this ID.
Remove with Properties
Removes all users with these properties.
Cooldown.GetCooldown("test").RemoveUsersByProperties([{Color: "Blue"}, {Server: "test"}, {phone: "06060606"}])
Remove with Property
Removes all users with this property.
Cooldown.GetCooldown("test").RemoveUsersByProperty({Color: "Blue"})
Remove with ID and Property
Removes a unique user with these properties and this ID.
Cooldown.GetCooldown("test").RemoveUser("ID", [{Color: "Blue"}, {Server: "test"}, {phone: "06060606"}])
User methods
This method returns the time left before the cooldown is deleted
Cooldown.GetCooldown("test").GetUser("ID", [{Color: "Blue"}, {Server: "test"}, {phone: "06060606"}]).GetTime()