:toc: macro
:icons: font
= Keep Random Beacon v2
The Keep Network requires a trusted source of randomness for the process of
trustless group selection. While the network requires that randomness to function
correctly, the source of randomness is itself broadly applicable. This trusted
source of randomness takes the form of a BLS Threshold Relay.
:tip-caption: :bulb:
:note-caption: :information_source:
:important-caption: :heavy_exclamation_mark:
:caution-caption: :fire:
:warning-caption: :warning:
== Overview
The threshold relay is a way of generating verifiable randomness that is
resistant to bad actors both in the relay network and on the anchoring Ethereum
blockchain. The basic functioning of the relay is:
- Some number of groups exist in the relay.
- An arbitrary seed value
counts as the first entry in the relay. - A request
is dispatched to the chain for a new entry. - The previous entry
is used to choose a group to produce the response to
the request. v_s
is signed by at least a subset of the chosen group members, and the
resulting signature is the entry generated in response to the request. It is
published to the anchoring blockchain as the entry v_i
.- The new entry
may trigger the formation of a new group from the set of
all members in the relay. - A group expires after a certain amount of time.
== Prior Work
Smart contracts for the first version of the random beacon are available in
link:https://github.com/keep-network/keep-core/tree/main/solidity-v1[`solidity-v1` directory].
The new version uses the same approach for BLS signatures as v1 but replaces
ticket-based group selection with an optimistic sortition pool call. It also
redesigns staker rewards and offers a more operator-friendly approach for
relay entry timeouts. Last but not least, most parameters for the relay are
now governable.
== The Mechanism
=== Group Creation
New groups are created with a fixed, governable frequency of relay requests.
Instead of a v1 ticket-based approach for group selection, we use a sortition
pool. Group creation start transaction is embedded into relay request
transaction and locks a sortition pool. From this moment, no operator can enter
or leave the pool. Once a new relay entry appears on the chain, all off-chain
clients perform group selection optimistically calling
view function for free. Seed is available in
event emitted when the group creation starts. After determining
group members, clients should perform off-chain distributed key generation (DKG).
<<dkg-submit-eligibility,Eligible group member>> submits the result to the chain
calling RandomBeacon.submitDkgResult(DKG.Result calldata dkgResult)
Once the result is submitted, a challenge period starts.
During the challenge period, anyone can notify that the submitted DKG result is
malicious calling RandomBeacon.challengeDkgResult(DKG.Result calldata dkgResult)
function. A malicious DKG result may contain corrupted data, group members not
selected by the pool, or incorrect supporting signatures. If such malicious
result is submitted and challenged, the result submitter gets slashed and the
malicious result is immediately discarded. The length of the challenge period
and slashing amount are governable parameters.
Once the challenge period passes, and no challenges are reported,
the DKG result submitter should unlock the sortition pool and mark the DKG result as
accepted calling
RandomBeacon.approveDkgResult(DKG.Result calldata dkgResult)
to receive a
reward. In case the submitter does not call the approve function within a
specific governable number of blocks, anyone can do that and receive the
submitter's reward as described in <<fees-and-rewards,Fees and Rewards>> section.
There is a timeout before which a DKG result should be submitted. The timeout
equals the group size multiplied by the number of blocks for a member to become
eligible to submit a DKG result. The timer starts at the moment when the first
member becomes eligible.
In case the DKG result was not submitted before a timeout, anyone can notify DKG
timed out calling RandomBeacon.notifyDkgTimeout()
and receive a reward, as
described in <<fees-and-rewards,Fees and Rewards>> section. DKG timeout includes
the situation when no new relay entry was produced and sortition could not be
The sortition pool weights operators by their authorized stake amount and allows
selecting the same operator multiple times. Off-chain DKG protocol executes in
the same way as for v1 and inactive/disqualified members during the off-chain
protocol are marked as ineligible for rewards for a certain, governable, period
of time when the DKG result is approved.
Each group created in the system remains active for a certain, governable period
of time. A group that expired is no longer selected for any new work. Group
expiration is performed in the relay request transaction.
=== Relay Request and Relay Entry
Anyone can request a new relay entry (random number) by calling
RandomBeacon.requestRelayEntry(IRandomBeaconConsumer callbackContract)
function and providing an optional callback parameter. The requester needs to
approve enough tokens for a fee, as described in
<<fees-and-rewards,Fees and Rewards>> section.
In requestRelayEntry
transaction, groups that reached their maximum lifetime
are getting expired and one of the remaining active groups is tasked with
producing a new relay entry. The off-chain clients are expected to monitor the
event. If a client is a part of a picked group they should
start the off-chain protocol to sign the previous relay entry producing a new one.
Off-chain clients are expected to follow the order when submitting relay entry
to minimize and distribute costs evenly, as described in
<<fees-and-rewards,Fees and Rewards>> section but no ordering is enforced
on-chain. New relay entry should be submitted using
RandomBeacon.submitRelayEntry(bytes calldata entry)
=== Callbacks
Random Beacon supports simple, low gas budget callbacks from a relay entry
submit a transaction with a gas limit being a governable parameter.
When requesting a relay entry, it is possible to pass an optional address
parameter - this is the address of a contract implementing
interface that should be called when a new relay entry
is submitted to the chain.
Smart contract consuming new relay entry needs to implement IRandomBeaconConsumer
interface. The gas limit for __beaconCallback
is initially set to 50k gas
which is enough to SSTORE
new relay entry, block height in which the entry was
submitted, and to emit an event. Callback gas limit is a governable value.
Failure in the callback function does not revert the relay entry transaction.
interface IRandomBeaconConsumer {
/// @notice Receives relay entry produced by Keep Random Beacon. This function
/// should be called only by Keep Random Beacon.
/// @param relayEntry Relay entry (random number) produced by Keep Random
/// Beacon.
/// @param blockNumber Block number at which the relay entry was submitted
/// to the chain.
function __beaconCallback(uint256 relayEntry, uint256 blockNumber) external;
=== Timeouts
There are two timeouts for a relay entry to be provided by a group: soft timeout
and hard timeout.
==== Soft Relay Entry Timeout
The soft timeout is the group size multiplied by the number of blocks for a
member to become eligible to submit a relay entry. Eligibility is not enforced
on-chain but off-chain clients are expected to agree and follow it.
If no entry was provided within the soft timeout, all operators in the group
start bleeding and losing their stake. The bleeding increases linearly from 0 to
the governable slashing amount per operator over time, until the hard timeout is
reached or until a relay entry is submitted by the group.
The time for a single group member to become eligible to submit a result and the
hard relay entry timeout are governable parameters. This gives a chance to start
with more forgiving penalties and increase them over time. In general, the
slashing penalty should be proportional to rewards and the frequency of relay
requests and associated risk.
==== Hard Relay Entry Timeout
When the hard timeout is reached, anyone can notify about this fact by calling
function and receive a notifier
reward. The group which failed to submit a relay entry is terminated, group
members are slashed, and if there are still active groups in the beacon, another
group is selected and tasked with producing relay entry for the given relay
==== DKG Timeout
There is a governable timeout for DKG to complete and for the result to be
submitted. DKG timeout includes the time it takes to execute off-chain protocol
to generate a key, and the time it takes for all group members to become
eligible to submit the result. Note that unlike in the case of relay entry,
RandomBeacon.submitDkgResult(DKG.Result calldata dkgResult)
function enforces the eligibility of submitters on-chain. When DKG timeout is
hit, anyone can call RandomBeacon.notifyDkgTimeout()
function and receive the
notifier's reward. The function unlocks the sortition pool and clears up DKG
data but no slashing for DKG timeout is executed and no one is losing any
=== Fees and Rewards
Relay requester should provide a fee in T. The value of the fee is a governable
parameter. The entire fee is deposited in the DKG rewards pool that is used to
reimburse for different actions related to DKG.
There is a fixed, governable reward for submitting and approving a DKG result
paid from the DKG rewards pool. The reward is paid
to the DKG result submitter in the transaction approving the DKG result. If the
DKG result submitter failed to approve the result after the challenge period,
anyone can do that and receive the submitter's reward.
The logic triggering new group selection is embedded in relay request
transaction and is as cheap as possible, so no additional reward is paid for
triggering DKG.
In case the DKG result has not been submitted on time, anyone can unlock the
pool and receive a fixed, governable reward for reporting DKG timeout. The
reward is paid from the DKG reward pool.
The order in which operators are supposed to submit a DKG result is not enforced
on-chain. The first member eligible to submit the DKG result is a member with
index keccak256(new_group_pubkey) % group_size
. Members with subsequent indices
are becoming eligible one after another, during the result submission period.
For example, if hash(new_group_pubkey) % group_size = 62
, group_size = 64
group members are becoming eligible in the following order:
62, 63, 64, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ..., 61
The transaction submitting relay entry is not reimbursable and implementation
ensures the gas cost of this transaction is as low as possible, below 200k gas
when no callback is executed.
Everyone is eligible to submit relay entry at any time but off-chain clients are
expected to agree and follow the following order to minimize the gas cost and
distribute costs: the first group member eligible to submit the result is
new_entry % group_size
; then, if the selected member does not provide an entry
within the governable eligibility period, (new_entry % group_size) + 1
so on.
If some group members are notoriously ignoring their duty, the group can vote on
failed <<heartbeats,heartbeat>> notification for these operators.
T rewards will be distributed continuously to all operators registered in the beacon
sortition pool, excluding operators who were marked as ineligible for rewards
due to failing the heartbeat.
=== Heartbeats
Off-chain clients are free to execute any heartbeat protocol they want to ensure
group members are alive and nodes are operating properly.
One example of a heartbeat protocol is signing some piece of information every
nth blocks and first making sure the information cannot be used for
, that is, the signed information can
not become msg.sender
for reportUnauthorizedSigning
Group members can agree upon members that failed the heartbeat and issue a
heartbeat failure claim. If the required threshold of group members signed
the heartbeat failure claim, they can submit it to
RandomBeacon.notifyFailedHeartbeat(Heartbeat.FailureClaim calldata claim, uint256 nonce)
function and have the group members who failed the heartbeat excluded from
the sortition pool rewards for a governable time period.
The submitter of the failed heartbeat claim receives a reward from a separate
notifier reward pool, funded by DAO for heartbeat failure claims specifically.
This pool is expected to be funded by DAO with tokens saved from sortition pool
rewards as a result of having operators marked as ineligible for rewards due to
failing a heartbeat.
This approach is theoretically susceptible to group members colluding together
but because a reasonably high number of operators is needed to sign a claim and
operators signing the claim other than the submitter receive nothing in return,
we consider this approach safe and good enough. An important advantage of this
approach is that honest players can decide off-chain when it makes sense to
submit a heartbeat fail report and mark someone as ineligible for rewards. For
example, marking an operator ineligible for rewards for the next two weeks have
a higher impact than prolonging reward ineligibility for 10 minutes for an
operator that was already marked as ineligible for rewards. This approach does
not increase the gas cost of a happy path and leaves some freedom to group
members. They may mark as ineligible operators who turned off their nodes,
operators whose nodes never participate in signing because they are
misconfigured, or operators who notoriously miss their turn in submitting relay
== Build
Random beacon contracts use https://hardhat.org/[*Hardhat*] development
environment. To build and deploy these contracts, please follow the instructions
presented below.
=== Prerequisites
Please make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your machine:
=== Build contracts
To build the smart contracts, install node packages first:
yarn install
Once packages are installed, you can build the smart contracts using:
yarn build
Compiled contracts will land in the build/
=== Test contracts
There are multiple test scenarios living in the test
You can run them by doing:
yarn test