Fork of with playwright-core
in peerDependencies
Modification of actual ghost-cursor for puppeteer, with more functionality and rewrite to work well with playwright.
Note! target elements rendered in the DOM will be scrolled vertically and horizontally to be visible in viewport
git clone cursor
cd cursor
npm install
example of usage in src/example.ts
to run example use
npm run example
for wsl2 don't forget to set up display
Download as package
npm i ghost-cursor-playwright
import { createCursor } from 'ghost-cursor-playwright';
const { createCursor } = require('ghost-cursor-playwright');
How to use
Create amd attach cursor to page
const cursor = await createCursor(page);
manipulate the cursor via:
cursor.actions.move(target: string | BoundingBox | Vector, moveOptions?: moveOptions): Promise<void>;
type moveOptions = {
paddingPercentage?: number;
waitForSelector?: number;
waitBeforeMove?: [number, number];
}; clickOptions, moveOptions?: moveOptions): Promise<void>;
type clickOptions = {
target?: string | BoundingBox | Vector;
waitBeforeClick?: [number, number];
waitBetweenClick?: [number, number];
doubleClick?: boolean;
util functions
cursor.getActualPosOfMouse(): Promise<Vector>;
cursor.compareTargetOfMouse(selector: string): Promise<boolean>
cursor.getElemBoundingBox(selector: string): Promise<BoundingBox>
cursor.getRandomPointInsideElem(elemBoundingBox: BoundingBox, paddingPercentage?): Vector
cursor.getRandomPointOnViewport(paddingPercentage?): Promise<Vector>