Speed up your tests
Run your 1-hour test suite in 2 minutes with optimal parallelisation on your existing CI infrastructure
Knapsack Pro wraps your current test runner(s) and works with your existing CI infrastructure to parallelize tests optimally:
- Dynamically splits your tests based on up-to-date test execution data
- Is designed from the ground up for CI and supports all of them
- Tracks your CI builds to detect bottlenecks
- Does not have access to your source code and collects minimal test data
- Enables you to export historical metrics about your CI builds
- Replaces local dependencies like Redis with an API and runs your tests regardless of network problems
See the docs to get started:
Follow the steps in the root README.md to set up the project.
You can compile TypeScript in watch mode from the root folder with:
npm start -w packages/core
cd packages/core
Sign in to the npm registry with:
npm adduser
Before releasing a new version of the package, please update CHANGELOG.md
with github_changelog_generator
gem install github_changelog_generator
github_changelog_generator --user KnapsackPro --project knapsack-pro-js --pr-wo-labels --issues-wo-labels --include-labels @knapsack-pro/core --since-tag @knapsack-pro/core@5.1.0 --exclude-tags-regex "@knapsack-pro\/(jest|cypress)@.*"
git commit -am "docs(core): update CHANGELOG.md"
git push origin main
If you have added new files to the repository, and they should be part of the released npm package, please ensure they are included in the files
array in package.json
Compile the project:
npm run build
In order to bump the version of the package run the command below. It will also create a version commit and tag for the release:
npm version patch --no-commit-hooks --tag-version-prefix=@knapsack-pro/core@
npm version minor --no-commit-hooks --tag-version-prefix=@knapsack-pro/core@
git commit -am @knapsack-pro/core@x.x.x
git tag @knapsack-pro/core@x.x.x
Push the commit and tag:
git push origin main --tags
When the git tag is on Github, you can update CHANGELOG.md
github_changelog_generator --user KnapsackPro --project knapsack-pro-js --pr-wo-labels --issues-wo-labels --include-labels @knapsack-pro/core --since-tag @knapsack-pro/core@5.1.0 --exclude-tags-regex "@knapsack-pro\/(jest|cypress)@.*"
git commit -am "docs(core): update CHANGELOG.md"
git push origin main
Publish the package to the npm registry:
npm publish