kontextR prettier2eslint plugin
How to use it
You will need to install prettier-eslint
and preconfigure both using the @ktxtr/eslint-config
Include this rule in your eslint configuration with:
plugins: [
rules: {
"@ktxtr/prettier/{rule}": ...
Available rules
You might want to write an arrow function which looks like this:
const sayHello = () => console.log("hello!")
This is fine as long as the function is short enough. If it is too long though it becomes difficult to read:
const sayLongHello = (name = 'Mr. Incognito') => console.log(`This is just a test method. \n Hi${name}! That's all buddy!`);
This rule will break the method arguments into their own line, if it figures it will reduce the line length under the specified limit.
const sayLongHello = (name = 'Mr. Incognito') => console.log(
`This is just a test method. \n Hi${name}! That's all buddy!`
You can use it with:
"rules": {
"@ktxtr/prettier/no-long-implicit-arrow": [{severity}, {max-arrow-line-length}]
It also accepts general settings:
settings: {
maxLength: {max-arrow-line-length}
This rules ensures consistency between prettier's arrow function formatting and eslint's implicit-arrow-line-break.