Kushki React components project.
Getting Started
Execute command npm run start
Running the tests
Run npm run test
Build components
Execute command npm run build
Publish components
Execute command npm run publish-cmp
You must know
Read about React reusable components and Typescript to edit this project. You must not commit at develop and master branches.
You must create a pull request to merge your code.
Built With
Single SPA
Webpack configuration to work with Single SPA framework.
module.exports = (webpackConfigEnv) => {
const defaultConfig = singleSpaDefaults({
orgName: "kushki",
projectName: "single-spa-name",
return webpackMerge.smart(defaultConfig, {
externals : {
kushki: 'kushki'
- Kushki Dev Team
- Bryan Arellano - Initial work - github
“It’s dangerous to go alone, take this!” - Old Man