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Dynamic form generator. This module provides components that wrap angular 2+ FormBuilder styled with Bootstrap CSS 4
![Optional Title Alt text](/imgs/readmess.png?raw=true)
npm install
npm run build:watch
Add html tag with bindings
<dynamic-form [config]="config" #form="dynamicForm" [model]="project"></dynamic-form>
- json array that contains fields definitions#form="dynamicForm"
- bind to dynamicForm
object that has form outputmodel
- preload data. One way binding only
Config example
{ type: 'hidden', name: 'id' },
{ type: 'text', label: 'Title', name: 'title', placeholder: 'Enter project title', required: true, max: 14 },
{ type: 'text', label: 'Name', name: 'activityName', placeholder: 'Enter project name', minLength: 2, maxLength: 5 },
Field options and examples
Name | Type | Description | Example |
disabled? | boolean | disable field if true | disabled: true |
label? | string | field label | label: "Project Title" |
name | string | field name | name: "projectTitle" |
options? | string[] | options for <select> dropdown | options: [ "Option 1", "Option 2" ] |
placeholder? | string | text placeholder | placeholder: "Enter Project Title" |
type | string | field type (see field type description) | type: "select" |
value? | any | field value | value: 123 |
required? | boolean | Validation: required or not | required: true |
minLength? | number | Validation: minimum length of a text field | minLength: 5 |
maxLength? | number | Validation: maximum length of a text field | maxLength: 12 |
email? | boolean | Validation: field must be an email address | email: true |
min? | number | Validation: minumum value for number fields | min: 100 |
max? | number | Validation: maximum value for number fields | max: 1000 |
pattern? | RegExp | Validation: regular expression | pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$" |
nullValidator? | any | Validation: null validation | nullValidator: true |
hidden | boolean | hide the field by default when the form loading | hidden: true |
Field types:
- text input <input type="text">
- text unput <select>
- text input <textarea>
- Rich text editor based on ngx-quill
- hidden value field <input type="hidden">
- radio buttonscheckbox
- checkbox buttons