variant | 'default' , 'primary' , 'info' , 'danger' , 'dark' | Sets the style variant of the button. | 'default' |
darkMode | boolean | Determines if the component renders in dark mode | false |
size | 'xsmall' , 'small' , 'default' , 'large' | Sets the size variant of the button. | 'default' |
children | node | The content that will appear inside of the <Button /> component. | null |
className | string | Adds a className to the class attribute. | '' |
disabled | boolean | Disabled the button | false |
as | React.ElementType | Determines the root element. For example, Link or a tags can be supplied to replace button from being the DOM element that wraps the component. | button |
href | string | If a href is supplied it will change the as value, such that the component renders inside of an a tag instead of inside of a button tag. | |
leftGlyph | React.ReactElement | Glyph that will appear to the left of text, if there is text provided via the children prop. If no children are supplied to the component, passing an Icon here will render the button as an icon-only button. | |
rightGlyph | React.ReactElement | Glyph that will appear to the right of text, if there is text provided via the children prop. If no children are supplied to the component, passing an Icon here will render the button as an icon-only button. | |
baseFontSize | 14 , 16 | Determines the base font-size of the component | 14 |
... | native attributes of component passed to as prop | Any other properties will be spread on the root element | |