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@ledgerhq/hw-app-btc - npm Package Compare versions

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@@ -7,28 +7,32 @@ "use strict";

var _utils = require("./utils");
var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }(); /********************************************************************************
* Ledger Node JS API
* (c) 2016-2017 Ledger
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const MAX_SCRIPT_BLOCK = 50; /********************************************************************************
* Ledger Node JS API
* (c) 2016-2017 Ledger
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// FIXME drop:
const DEFAULT_SEQUENCE = 0xffffffff;
const SIGHASH_ALL = 1;
var _utils = require("./utils");
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
var DEFAULT_SEQUENCE = 0xffffffff;
var SIGHASH_ALL = 1;

@@ -41,5 +45,6 @@ * Bitcoin API.

class Btc {
var Btc = function () {
function Btc(comm) {
_classCallCheck(this, Btc);
constructor(comm) {
this.comm = comm;

@@ -54,586 +59,704 @@ comm.setScrambleKey("BTC");

getWalletPublicKey(path) {
const paths = (0, _utils.splitPath)(path);
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(5 + 1 + paths.length * 4);
buffer[0] = 0xe0;
buffer[1] = 0x40;
buffer[2] = 0x00;
buffer[3] = 0x00;
buffer[4] = 1 + paths.length * 4;
buffer[5] = paths.length;
paths.forEach((element, index) => {
buffer.writeUInt32BE(element, 6 + 4 * index);
return"hex"), [0x9000]).then(responseHex => {
const response = Buffer.from(responseHex, "hex");
const publicKeyLength = response[0];
const addressLength = response[1 + publicKeyLength];
const publicKey = response.slice(1, 1 + publicKeyLength).toString("hex");
const bitcoinAddress = response.slice(1 + publicKeyLength + 1, 1 + publicKeyLength + 1 + addressLength).toString("ascii");
const chainCode = response.slice(1 + publicKeyLength + 1 + addressLength, 1 + publicKeyLength + 1 + addressLength + 32).toString("hex");
return { publicKey, bitcoinAddress, chainCode };
getTrustedInputRaw(transactionData, indexLookup) {
let data;
let firstRound = false;
if (typeof indexLookup === "number") {
firstRound = true;
const prefix = Buffer.alloc(4);
prefix.writeUInt32BE(indexLookup, 0);
data = Buffer.concat([prefix, transactionData], transactionData.length + 4);
} else {
data = transactionData;
let buffer = Buffer.alloc(5);
buffer[0] = 0xe0;
buffer[1] = 0x42;
buffer[2] = firstRound ? 0x00 : 0x80;
buffer[3] = 0x00;
buffer[4] = data.length;
buffer = Buffer.concat([buffer, data], 5 + data.length);
return"hex"), [0x9000]).then(trustedInput => trustedInput.substring(0, trustedInput.length - 4));
getTrustedInput(indexLookup, transaction) {
const { inputs, outputs, locktime } = transaction;
if (!outputs || !locktime) {
throw new Error("getTrustedInput: locktime & outputs is expected");
_createClass(Btc, [{
key: "getWalletPublicKey",
value: function getWalletPublicKey(path) {
var paths = (0, _utils.splitPath)(path);
var buffer = Buffer.alloc(5 + 1 + paths.length * 4);
buffer[0] = 0xe0;
buffer[1] = 0x40;
buffer[2] = 0x00;
buffer[3] = 0x00;
buffer[4] = 1 + paths.length * 4;
buffer[5] = paths.length;
paths.forEach(function (element, index) {
buffer.writeUInt32BE(element, 6 + 4 * index);
return"hex"), [0x9000]).then(function (responseHex) {
var response = Buffer.from(responseHex, "hex");
var publicKeyLength = response[0];
var addressLength = response[1 + publicKeyLength];
var publicKey = response.slice(1, 1 + publicKeyLength).toString("hex");
var bitcoinAddress = response.slice(1 + publicKeyLength + 1, 1 + publicKeyLength + 1 + addressLength).toString("ascii");
var chainCode = response.slice(1 + publicKeyLength + 1 + addressLength, 1 + publicKeyLength + 1 + addressLength + 32).toString("hex");
return { publicKey: publicKey, bitcoinAddress: bitcoinAddress, chainCode: chainCode };
}, {
key: "getTrustedInputRaw",
value: function getTrustedInputRaw(transactionData, indexLookup) {
var data = void 0;
var firstRound = false;
if (typeof indexLookup === "number") {
firstRound = true;
var prefix = Buffer.alloc(4);
prefix.writeUInt32BE(indexLookup, 0);
data = Buffer.concat([prefix, transactionData], transactionData.length + 4);
} else {
data = transactionData;
var buffer = Buffer.alloc(5);
buffer[0] = 0xe0;
buffer[1] = 0x42;
buffer[2] = firstRound ? 0x00 : 0x80;
buffer[3] = 0x00;
buffer[4] = data.length;
buffer = Buffer.concat([buffer, data], 5 + data.length);
return"hex"), [0x9000]).then(function (trustedInput) {
return trustedInput.substring(0, trustedInput.length - 4);
}, {
key: "getTrustedInput",
value: function getTrustedInput(indexLookup, transaction) {
var _this = this;
const processScriptBlocks = (script, sequence) => {
const scriptBlocks = [];
let offset = 0;
while (offset !== script.length) {
let blockSize = script.length - offset > MAX_SCRIPT_BLOCK ? MAX_SCRIPT_BLOCK : script.length - offset;
if (offset + blockSize !== script.length) {
scriptBlocks.push(script.slice(offset, offset + blockSize));
} else {
scriptBlocks.push(Buffer.concat([script.slice(offset, offset + blockSize), sequence]));
offset += blockSize;
var inputs = transaction.inputs,
outputs = transaction.outputs,
locktime = transaction.locktime;
if (!outputs || !locktime) {
throw new Error("getTrustedInput: locktime & outputs is expected");
return (0, _utils.eachSeries)(scriptBlocks, scriptBlock => this.getTrustedInputRaw(scriptBlock));
const processInputs = () => {
return (0, _utils.eachSeries)(inputs, input => {
const data = Buffer.concat([input.prevout, this.createVarint(input.script.length)]);
return this.getTrustedInputRaw(data).then(() =>
// iteration (eachSeries) ended
// TODO notify progress
// deferred.notify("input");
processScriptBlocks(input.script, input.sequence));
}).then(() => {
const data = this.createVarint(outputs.length);
return this.getTrustedInputRaw(data);
var processScriptBlocks = function processScriptBlocks(script, sequence) {
var scriptBlocks = [];
var offset = 0;
while (offset !== script.length) {
var blockSize = script.length - offset > MAX_SCRIPT_BLOCK ? MAX_SCRIPT_BLOCK : script.length - offset;
if (offset + blockSize !== script.length) {
scriptBlocks.push(script.slice(offset, offset + blockSize));
} else {
scriptBlocks.push(Buffer.concat([script.slice(offset, offset + blockSize), sequence]));
offset += blockSize;
return (0, _utils.eachSeries)(scriptBlocks, function (scriptBlock) {
return _this.getTrustedInputRaw(scriptBlock);
const processOutputs = () => (0, _utils.eachSeries)(outputs, output => {
let data = output.amount;
data = Buffer.concat([data, this.createVarint(output.script.length), output.script]);
return this.getTrustedInputRaw(data).then(() => {
// iteration (eachSeries) ended
// TODO notify progress
// deferred.notify("output");
}).then(() => this.getTrustedInputRaw(locktime));
var processInputs = function processInputs() {
return (0, _utils.eachSeries)(inputs, function (input) {
var data = Buffer.concat([input.prevout, _this.createVarint(input.script.length)]);
return _this.getTrustedInputRaw(data).then(function () {
return (
// iteration (eachSeries) ended
// TODO notify progress
// deferred.notify("input");
processScriptBlocks(input.script, input.sequence)
}).then(function () {
var data = _this.createVarint(outputs.length);
return _this.getTrustedInputRaw(data);
const data = Buffer.concat([transaction.version, this.createVarint(inputs.length)]);
return this.getTrustedInputRaw(data, indexLookup).then(processInputs).then(processOutputs);
var processOutputs = function processOutputs() {
return (0, _utils.eachSeries)(outputs, function (output) {
var data = output.amount;
data = Buffer.concat([data, _this.createVarint(output.script.length), output.script]);
return _this.getTrustedInputRaw(data).then(function () {
// iteration (eachSeries) ended
// TODO notify progress
// deferred.notify("output");
}).then(function () {
return _this.getTrustedInputRaw(locktime);
getVarint(data, offset) {
if (data[offset] < 0xfd) {
return [data[offset], 1];
var data = Buffer.concat([transaction.version, this.createVarint(inputs.length)]);
return this.getTrustedInputRaw(data, indexLookup).then(processInputs).then(processOutputs);
if (data[offset] === 0xfd) {
return [(data[offset + 2] << 8) + data[offset + 1], 3];
}, {
key: "getVarint",
value: function getVarint(data, offset) {
if (data[offset] < 0xfd) {
return [data[offset], 1];
if (data[offset] === 0xfd) {
return [(data[offset + 2] << 8) + data[offset + 1], 3];
if (data[offset] === 0xfe) {
return [(data[offset + 4] << 24) + (data[offset + 3] << 16) + (data[offset + 2] << 8) + data[offset + 1], 5];
throw new Error("getVarint called with unexpected parameters");
if (data[offset] === 0xfe) {
return [(data[offset + 4] << 24) + (data[offset + 3] << 16) + (data[offset + 2] << 8) + data[offset + 1], 5];
}, {
key: "startUntrustedHashTransactionInputRaw",
value: function startUntrustedHashTransactionInputRaw(newTransaction, firstRound, transactionData) {
var buffer = Buffer.alloc(5);
buffer[0] = 0xe0;
buffer[1] = 0x44;
buffer[2] = firstRound ? 0x00 : 0x80;
buffer[3] = newTransaction ? 0x00 : 0x80;
buffer[4] = transactionData.length;
buffer = Buffer.concat([buffer, transactionData], 5 + transactionData.length);
return"hex"), [0x9000]);
}, {
key: "startUntrustedHashTransactionInput",
value: function startUntrustedHashTransactionInput(newTransaction, transaction, inputs) {
var _this2 = this;
throw new Error("getVarint called with unexpected parameters");
startUntrustedHashTransactionInputRaw(newTransaction, firstRound, transactionData) {
let buffer = Buffer.alloc(5);
buffer[0] = 0xe0;
buffer[1] = 0x44;
buffer[2] = firstRound ? 0x00 : 0x80;
buffer[3] = newTransaction ? 0x00 : 0x80;
buffer[4] = transactionData.length;
buffer = Buffer.concat([buffer, transactionData], 5 + transactionData.length);
return"hex"), [0x9000]);
startUntrustedHashTransactionInput(newTransaction, transaction, inputs) {
let data = Buffer.concat([transaction.version, this.createVarint(transaction.inputs.length)]);
return this.startUntrustedHashTransactionInputRaw(newTransaction, true, data).then(() => {
let i = 0;
return (0, _utils.eachSeries)(transaction.inputs, input => {
// TODO : segwit
let prefix;
if (inputs[i].trustedInput) {
prefix = Buffer.alloc(2);
prefix[0] = 0x01;
prefix[1] = inputs[i].value.length;
} else {
prefix = Buffer.alloc(1);
prefix[0] = 0x00;
data = Buffer.concat([prefix, inputs[i].value, this.createVarint(input.script.length)]);
return this.startUntrustedHashTransactionInputRaw(newTransaction, false, data).then(() => {
let scriptBlocks = [];
let offset = 0;
if (input.script.length === 0) {
var data = Buffer.concat([transaction.version, this.createVarint(transaction.inputs.length)]);
return this.startUntrustedHashTransactionInputRaw(newTransaction, true, data).then(function () {
var i = 0;
return (0, _utils.eachSeries)(transaction.inputs, function (input) {
// TODO : segwit
var prefix = void 0;
if (inputs[i].trustedInput) {
prefix = Buffer.alloc(2);
prefix[0] = 0x01;
prefix[1] = inputs[i].value.length;
} else {
while (offset !== input.script.length) {
let blockSize = input.script.length - offset > MAX_SCRIPT_BLOCK ? MAX_SCRIPT_BLOCK : input.script.length - offset;
if (offset + blockSize !== input.script.length) {
scriptBlocks.push(input.script.slice(offset, offset + blockSize));
} else {
scriptBlocks.push(Buffer.concat([input.script.slice(offset, offset + blockSize), input.sequence]));
prefix = Buffer.alloc(1);
prefix[0] = 0x00;
data = Buffer.concat([prefix, inputs[i].value, _this2.createVarint(input.script.length)]);
return _this2.startUntrustedHashTransactionInputRaw(newTransaction, false, data).then(function () {
var scriptBlocks = [];
var offset = 0;
if (input.script.length === 0) {
} else {
while (offset !== input.script.length) {
var blockSize = input.script.length - offset > MAX_SCRIPT_BLOCK ? MAX_SCRIPT_BLOCK : input.script.length - offset;
if (offset + blockSize !== input.script.length) {
scriptBlocks.push(input.script.slice(offset, offset + blockSize));
} else {
scriptBlocks.push(Buffer.concat([input.script.slice(offset, offset + blockSize), input.sequence]));
offset += blockSize;
offset += blockSize;
return (0, _utils.eachSeries)(scriptBlocks, scriptBlock => {
return this.startUntrustedHashTransactionInputRaw(newTransaction, false, scriptBlock);
}).then(() => {
return (0, _utils.eachSeries)(scriptBlocks, function (scriptBlock) {
return _this2.startUntrustedHashTransactionInputRaw(newTransaction, false, scriptBlock);
}).then(function () {
}, {
key: "provideOutputFullChangePath",
value: function provideOutputFullChangePath(path) {
var paths = (0, _utils.splitPath)(path);
var buffer = Buffer.alloc(5 + 1 + paths.length * 4);
buffer[0] = 0xe0;
buffer[1] = 0x4a;
buffer[2] = 0xff;
buffer[3] = 0x00;
buffer[4] = 1 + paths.length * 4;
buffer[5] = paths.length;
paths.forEach(function (element, index) {
buffer.writeUInt32BE(element, 6 + 4 * index);
return"hex"), [0x9000]);
}, {
key: "hashOutputFull",
value: function hashOutputFull(outputScript) {
var _this3 = this;
provideOutputFullChangePath(path) {
let paths = (0, _utils.splitPath)(path);
let buffer = Buffer.alloc(5 + 1 + paths.length * 4);
buffer[0] = 0xe0;
buffer[1] = 0x4a;
buffer[2] = 0xff;
buffer[3] = 0x00;
buffer[4] = 1 + paths.length * 4;
buffer[5] = paths.length;
paths.forEach((element, index) => {
buffer.writeUInt32BE(element, 6 + 4 * index);
return"hex"), [0x9000]);
var offset = 0;
return (0, _utils.asyncWhile)(function () {
return offset < outputScript.length;
}, function () {
var blockSize = offset + MAX_SCRIPT_BLOCK >= outputScript.length ? outputScript.length - offset : MAX_SCRIPT_BLOCK;
var p1 = offset + blockSize === outputScript.length ? 0x80 : 0x00;
var prefix = Buffer.alloc(5);
prefix[0] = 0xe0;
prefix[1] = 0x4a;
prefix[2] = p1;
prefix[3] = 0x00;
prefix[4] = blockSize;
var data = Buffer.concat([prefix, outputScript.slice(offset, offset + blockSize)]);
return"hex"), [0x9000]).then(function () {
offset += blockSize;
hashOutputFull(outputScript) {
let offset = 0;
return (0, _utils.asyncWhile)(() => offset < outputScript.length, () => {
let blockSize = offset + MAX_SCRIPT_BLOCK >= outputScript.length ? outputScript.length - offset : MAX_SCRIPT_BLOCK;
let p1 = offset + blockSize === outputScript.length ? 0x80 : 0x00;
let prefix = Buffer.alloc(5);
prefix[0] = 0xe0;
prefix[1] = 0x4a;
prefix[2] = p1;
prefix[3] = 0x00;
prefix[4] = blockSize;
let data = Buffer.concat([prefix, outputScript.slice(offset, offset + blockSize)]);
return"hex"), [0x9000]).then(() => {
offset += blockSize;
}, {
key: "signTransaction",
value: function signTransaction(path) {
var lockTime = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : DEFAULT_LOCKTIME;
var sigHashType = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : SIGHASH_ALL;
var paths = (0, _utils.splitPath)(path);
var buffer = Buffer.alloc(5 + 1 + paths.length * 4 + 1 + 4 + 1);
var offset = 0;
buffer[offset++] = 0xe0;
buffer[offset++] = 0x48;
buffer[offset++] = 0x00;
buffer[offset++] = 0x00;
buffer[offset++] = 1 + paths.length * 4 + 1 + 4 + 1;
buffer[offset++] = paths.length;
paths.forEach(function (element) {
buffer.writeUInt32BE(element, offset);
offset += 4;
signTransaction(path, lockTime = DEFAULT_LOCKTIME, sigHashType = SIGHASH_ALL) {
const paths = (0, _utils.splitPath)(path);
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(5 + 1 + paths.length * 4 + 1 + 4 + 1);
let offset = 0;
buffer[offset++] = 0xe0;
buffer[offset++] = 0x48;
buffer[offset++] = 0x00;
buffer[offset++] = 0x00;
buffer[offset++] = 1 + paths.length * 4 + 1 + 4 + 1;
buffer[offset++] = paths.length;
paths.forEach(element => {
buffer.writeUInt32BE(element, offset);
buffer[offset++] = 0x00; // authorization length
buffer.writeUInt32LE(lockTime, offset);
offset += 4;
buffer[offset++] = 0x00; // authorization length
buffer.writeUInt32LE(lockTime, offset);
offset += 4;
buffer[offset++] = sigHashType;
return"hex"), [0x9000]).then(signature => {
const result = Buffer.from(signature, "hex");
result[0] = 0x30;
return result.slice(0, result.length - 2);
buffer[offset++] = sigHashType;
return"hex"), [0x9000]).then(function (signature) {
var result = Buffer.from(signature, "hex");
result[0] = 0x30;
return result.slice(0, result.length - 2);
* You can sign a message according to the Bitcoin Signature format and retrieve v, r, s given the message and the BIP 32 path of the account to sign.
* @example
btc.signMessageNew_async("44'/60'/0'/0'/0", Buffer.from("test").toString("hex")).then(function(result) {
var v = result['v'] + 27 + 4;
var signature = Buffer.from(v.toString(16) + result['r'] + result['s'], 'hex').toString('base64');
console.log("Signature : " + signature);
}).catch(function(ex) {console.log(ex);});
signMessageNew(path, messageHex) {
const paths = (0, _utils.splitPath)(path);
const message = new Buffer(messageHex, "hex");
let offset = 0;
const apdus = [];
while (offset !== message.length) {
let maxChunkSize = offset === 0 ? MAX_SCRIPT_BLOCK - 1 - paths.length * 4 - 4 : MAX_SCRIPT_BLOCK;
let chunkSize = offset + maxChunkSize > message.length ? message.length - offset : maxChunkSize;
const buffer = new Buffer(offset === 0 ? 5 + 1 + paths.length * 4 + 2 + chunkSize : 5 + chunkSize);
buffer[0] = 0xe0;
buffer[1] = 0x4e;
buffer[2] = 0x00;
buffer[3] = offset === 0 ? 0x01 : 0x80;
buffer[4] = offset === 0 ? 1 + paths.length * 4 + 2 + chunkSize : chunkSize;
if (offset === 0) {
buffer[5] = paths.length;
paths.forEach((element, index) => {
buffer.writeUInt32BE(element, 6 + 4 * index);
* You can sign a message according to the Bitcoin Signature format and retrieve v, r, s given the message and the BIP 32 path of the account to sign.
* @example
btc.signMessageNew_async("44'/60'/0'/0'/0", Buffer.from("test").toString("hex")).then(function(result) {
var v = result['v'] + 27 + 4;
var signature = Buffer.from(v.toString(16) + result['r'] + result['s'], 'hex').toString('base64');
console.log("Signature : " + signature);
}).catch(function(ex) {console.log(ex);});
}, {
key: "signMessageNew",
value: function signMessageNew(path, messageHex) {
var _this4 = this;
var paths = (0, _utils.splitPath)(path);
var message = new Buffer(messageHex, "hex");
var offset = 0;
var apdus = [];
var _loop = function _loop() {
var maxChunkSize = offset === 0 ? MAX_SCRIPT_BLOCK - 1 - paths.length * 4 - 4 : MAX_SCRIPT_BLOCK;
var chunkSize = offset + maxChunkSize > message.length ? message.length - offset : maxChunkSize;
var buffer = new Buffer(offset === 0 ? 5 + 1 + paths.length * 4 + 2 + chunkSize : 5 + chunkSize);
buffer[0] = 0xe0;
buffer[1] = 0x4e;
buffer[2] = 0x00;
buffer[3] = offset === 0 ? 0x01 : 0x80;
buffer[4] = offset === 0 ? 1 + paths.length * 4 + 2 + chunkSize : chunkSize;
if (offset === 0) {
buffer[5] = paths.length;
paths.forEach(function (element, index) {
buffer.writeUInt32BE(element, 6 + 4 * index);
buffer.writeUInt16BE(message.length, 6 + 4 * paths.length);
message.copy(buffer, 6 + 4 * paths.length + 2, offset, offset + chunkSize);
} else {
message.copy(buffer, 5, offset, offset + chunkSize);
offset += chunkSize;
while (offset !== message.length) {
return (0, _utils.foreach)(apdus, function (apdu) {
return, [0x9000]);
}).then(function () {
var buffer = Buffer.alloc(6);
buffer[0] = 0xe0;
buffer[1] = 0x4e;
buffer[2] = 0x80;
buffer[3] = 0x00;
buffer[4] = 0x01;
buffer[5] = 0x00;
return"hex"), [0x9000]).then(function (apduResponse) {
var response = Buffer.from(apduResponse, "hex");
var v = response[0] - 0x30;
var r = response.slice(4, 4 + response[3]);
if (r[0] === 0) {
r = r.slice(1);
r = r.toString("hex");
var offset = 4 + response[3] + 2;
var s = response.slice(offset, offset + response[offset - 1]);
if (s[0] === 0) {
s = s.slice(1);
s = s.toString("hex");
return { v: v, r: r, s: s };
buffer.writeUInt16BE(message.length, 6 + 4 * paths.length);
message.copy(buffer, 6 + 4 * paths.length + 2, offset, offset + chunkSize);
} else {
message.copy(buffer, 5, offset, offset + chunkSize);
offset += chunkSize;
return (0, _utils.foreach)(apdus, apdu =>, [0x9000])).then(() => {
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(6);
buffer[0] = 0xe0;
buffer[1] = 0x4e;
buffer[2] = 0x80;
buffer[3] = 0x00;
buffer[4] = 0x01;
buffer[5] = 0x00;
return"hex"), [0x9000]).then(apduResponse => {
const response = Buffer.from(apduResponse, "hex");
const v = response[0] - 0x30;
let r = response.slice(4, 4 + response[3]);
if (r[0] === 0) {
r = r.slice(1);
r = r.toString("hex");
let offset = 4 + response[3] + 2;
let s = response.slice(offset, offset + response[offset - 1]);
if (s[0] === 0) {
s = s.slice(1);
s = s.toString("hex");
return { v, r, s };
* To sign a transaction involving standard (P2PKH) inputs, call createPaymentTransactionNew with the following parameters
* @param inputs is an array of [ transaction, output_index, optional redeem script, optional sequence ] where
* * transaction is the previously computed transaction object for this UTXO
* * output_index is the output in the transaction used as input for this UTXO (counting from 0)
* * redeem script is the optional redeem script to use when consuming a Segregated Witness input
* * sequence is the sequence number to use for this input (when using RBF), or non present
* @param associatedKeysets is an array of BIP 32 paths pointing to the path to the private key used for each UTXO
* @param changePath is an optional BIP 32 path pointing to the path to the public key used to compute the change address
* @param outputScript is the hexadecimal serialized outputs of the transaction to sign
* @param lockTime is the optional lockTime of the transaction to sign, or default (0)
* @param sigHashType is the hash type of the transaction to sign, or default (all)
* @return the signed transaction ready to be broadcast
* @example
[ [tx1, 1] ],
).then(res => ...);
createPaymentTransactionNew(inputs, associatedKeysets, changePath, outputScriptHex, lockTime = DEFAULT_LOCKTIME, sigHashType = SIGHASH_ALL) {
// Inputs are provided as arrays of [transaction, output_index, optional redeem script, optional sequence]
// associatedKeysets are provided as arrays of [path]
const nullScript = Buffer.alloc(0);
const nullPrevout = Buffer.alloc(0);
const defaultVersion = Buffer.alloc(4);
defaultVersion.writeUInt32LE(1, 0);
const trustedInputs = [];
const regularOutputs = [];
const signatures = [];
const publicKeys = [];
let firstRun = true;
const resuming = false;
const targetTransaction = {
inputs: [],
version: defaultVersion
* To sign a transaction involving standard (P2PKH) inputs, call createPaymentTransactionNew with the following parameters
* @param inputs is an array of [ transaction, output_index, optional redeem script, optional sequence ] where
* * transaction is the previously computed transaction object for this UTXO
* * output_index is the output in the transaction used as input for this UTXO (counting from 0)
* * redeem script is the optional redeem script to use when consuming a Segregated Witness input
* * sequence is the sequence number to use for this input (when using RBF), or non present
* @param associatedKeysets is an array of BIP 32 paths pointing to the path to the private key used for each UTXO
* @param changePath is an optional BIP 32 path pointing to the path to the public key used to compute the change address
* @param outputScript is the hexadecimal serialized outputs of the transaction to sign
* @param lockTime is the optional lockTime of the transaction to sign, or default (0)
* @param sigHashType is the hash type of the transaction to sign, or default (all)
* @return the signed transaction ready to be broadcast
* @example
[ [tx1, 1] ],
).then(res => ...);
const outputScript = Buffer.from(outputScriptHex, "hex");
}, {
key: "createPaymentTransactionNew",
value: function createPaymentTransactionNew(inputs, associatedKeysets, changePath, outputScriptHex) {
var _this5 = this;
return (0, _utils.foreach)(inputs, input => (0, _utils.doIf)(!resuming, () => this.getTrustedInput(input[1], input[0]).then(trustedInput => {
trustedInput: true,
value: Buffer.from(trustedInput, "hex")
})).then(() => {
const { outputs } = input[0];
const index = input[1];
if (outputs && index <= outputs.length - 1) {
})).then(() => {
for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
let sequence = Buffer.alloc(4);
sequence.writeUInt32LE(inputs[i].length >= 4 && typeof inputs[i][3] === "number" ? inputs[i][3] : DEFAULT_SEQUENCE, 0);
script: nullScript,
prevout: nullPrevout,
var lockTime = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : DEFAULT_LOCKTIME;
var sigHashType = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== undefined ? arguments[5] : SIGHASH_ALL;
// Inputs are provided as arrays of [transaction, output_index, optional redeem script, optional sequence]
// associatedKeysets are provided as arrays of [path]
var nullScript = Buffer.alloc(0);
var nullPrevout = Buffer.alloc(0);
var defaultVersion = Buffer.alloc(4);
defaultVersion.writeUInt32LE(1, 0);
var trustedInputs = [];
var regularOutputs = [];
var signatures = [];
var publicKeys = [];
var firstRun = true;
var resuming = false;
var targetTransaction = {
inputs: [],
version: defaultVersion
var outputScript = Buffer.from(outputScriptHex, "hex");
return (0, _utils.foreach)(inputs, function (input) {
return (0, _utils.doIf)(!resuming, function () {
return _this5.getTrustedInput(input[1], input[0]).then(function (trustedInput) {
trustedInput: true,
value: Buffer.from(trustedInput, "hex")
}).then(function () {
var outputs = input[0].outputs;
var index = input[1];
if (outputs && index <= outputs.length - 1) {
}).then(() => {
return (0, _utils.doIf)(!resuming, () =>
// Collect public keys
(0, _utils.foreach)(inputs, (input, i) => this.getWalletPublicKey(associatedKeysets[i])).then(result => {
for (let index = 0; index < result.length; index++) {
publicKeys.push(this.compressPublicKey(Buffer.from(result[index].publicKey, "hex")));
}).then(function () {
for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
var _sequence = Buffer.alloc(4);
_sequence.writeUInt32LE(inputs[i].length >= 4 && typeof inputs[i][3] === "number" ? inputs[i][3] : DEFAULT_SEQUENCE, 0);
script: nullScript,
prevout: nullPrevout,
sequence: _sequence
}).then(() => (0, _utils.foreach)(inputs, (input, i) => {
targetTransaction.inputs[i].script = inputs[i].length >= 3 && typeof inputs[i][2] === "string" ? Buffer.from(inputs[i][2], "hex") : regularOutputs[i].script;
return this.startUntrustedHashTransactionInput(firstRun, targetTransaction, trustedInputs).then(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => {
if (!resuming && typeof changePath !== "undefined") {
return this.provideOutputFullChangePath(changePath);
}).then(function () {
return (0, _utils.doIf)(!resuming, function () {
return (
// Collect public keys
(0, _utils.foreach)(inputs, function (input, i) {
return _this5.getWalletPublicKey(associatedKeysets[i]);
}).then(function (result) {
for (var index = 0; index < result.length; index++) {
publicKeys.push(_this5.compressPublicKey(Buffer.from(result[index].publicKey, "hex")));
}).then(function () {
return (0, _utils.foreach)(inputs, function (input, i) {
targetTransaction.inputs[i].script = inputs[i].length >= 3 && typeof inputs[i][2] === "string" ? Buffer.from(inputs[i][2], "hex") : regularOutputs[i].script;
return _this5.startUntrustedHashTransactionInput(firstRun, targetTransaction, trustedInputs).then(function () {
return Promise.resolve().then(function () {
if (!resuming && typeof changePath !== "undefined") {
return _this5.provideOutputFullChangePath(changePath);
}).then(function () {
return _this5.hashOutputFull(outputScript);
}).then(function () {
return _this5.signTransaction(associatedKeysets[i], lockTime, sigHashType).then(function (signature) {
targetTransaction.inputs[i].script = nullScript;
if (firstRun) {
firstRun = false;
}).then(function () {
// Populate the final input scripts
for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
var signatureSize = Buffer.alloc(1);
var keySize = Buffer.alloc(1);
signatureSize[0] = signatures[i].length;
keySize[0] = publicKeys[i].length;
targetTransaction.inputs[i].script = Buffer.concat([signatureSize, signatures[i], keySize, publicKeys[i]]);
targetTransaction.inputs[i].prevout = trustedInputs[i].value.slice(4, 4 + 0x24);
}).then(() => this.hashOutputFull(outputScript)).then(() => this.signTransaction(associatedKeysets[i], lockTime, sigHashType).then(signature => {
targetTransaction.inputs[i].script = nullScript;
if (firstRun) {
firstRun = false;
})).then(() => {
// Populate the final input scripts
for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
const signatureSize = Buffer.alloc(1);
const keySize = Buffer.alloc(1);
signatureSize[0] = signatures[i].length;
keySize[0] = publicKeys[i].length;
targetTransaction.inputs[i].script = Buffer.concat([signatureSize, signatures[i], keySize, publicKeys[i]]);
targetTransaction.inputs[i].prevout = trustedInputs[i].value.slice(4, 4 + 0x24);
const lockTimeBuffer = Buffer.alloc(4);
lockTimeBuffer.writeUInt32LE(lockTime, 0);
var lockTimeBuffer = Buffer.alloc(4);
lockTimeBuffer.writeUInt32LE(lockTime, 0);
const result = Buffer.concat([this.serializeTransaction(targetTransaction), outputScript, lockTimeBuffer]);
var result = Buffer.concat([_this5.serializeTransaction(targetTransaction), outputScript, lockTimeBuffer]);
return result.toString("hex");
return result.toString("hex");
* To obtain the signature of multisignature (P2SH) inputs, call signP2SHTransaction_async with the folowing parameters
* @param inputs is an array of [ transaction, output_index, redeem script, optional sequence ] where
* * transaction is the previously computed transaction object for this UTXO
* * output_index is the output in the transaction used as input for this UTXO (counting from 0)
* * redeem script is the mandatory redeem script associated to the current P2SH input
* * sequence is the sequence number to use for this input (when using RBF), or non present
* @param associatedKeysets is an array of BIP 32 paths pointing to the path to the private key used for each UTXO
* @param outputScript is the hexadecimal serialized outputs of the transaction to sign
* @param lockTime is the optional lockTime of the transaction to sign, or default (0)
* @param sigHashType is the hash type of the transaction to sign, or default (all)
* @return the signed transaction ready to be broadcast
* @example
[ [tx, 1, "52210289b4a3ad52a919abd2bdd6920d8a6879b1e788c38aa76f0440a6f32a9f1996d02103a3393b1439d1693b063482c04bd40142db97bdf139eedd1b51ffb7070a37eac321030b9a409a1e476b0d5d17b804fcdb81cf30f9b99c6f3ae1178206e08bc500639853ae"] ],
).then(result => ...);
signP2SHTransaction(inputs, associatedKeysets, outputScriptHex, lockTime = DEFAULT_LOCKTIME, sigHashType = SIGHASH_ALL) {
// Inputs are provided as arrays of [transaction, output_index, redeem script, optional sequence]
// associatedKeysets are provided as arrays of [path]
const nullScript = Buffer.alloc(0);
const nullPrevout = Buffer.alloc(0);
const defaultVersion = Buffer.alloc(4);
defaultVersion.writeUInt32LE(1, 0);
const trustedInputs = [];
const regularOutputs = [];
const signatures = [];
let firstRun = true;
let resuming = false;
let targetTransaction = {
inputs: [],
version: defaultVersion
* To obtain the signature of multisignature (P2SH) inputs, call signP2SHTransaction_async with the folowing parameters
* @param inputs is an array of [ transaction, output_index, redeem script, optional sequence ] where
* * transaction is the previously computed transaction object for this UTXO
* * output_index is the output in the transaction used as input for this UTXO (counting from 0)
* * redeem script is the mandatory redeem script associated to the current P2SH input
* * sequence is the sequence number to use for this input (when using RBF), or non present
* @param associatedKeysets is an array of BIP 32 paths pointing to the path to the private key used for each UTXO
* @param outputScript is the hexadecimal serialized outputs of the transaction to sign
* @param lockTime is the optional lockTime of the transaction to sign, or default (0)
* @param sigHashType is the hash type of the transaction to sign, or default (all)
* @return the signed transaction ready to be broadcast
* @example
[ [tx, 1, "52210289b4a3ad52a919abd2bdd6920d8a6879b1e788c38aa76f0440a6f32a9f1996d02103a3393b1439d1693b063482c04bd40142db97bdf139eedd1b51ffb7070a37eac321030b9a409a1e476b0d5d17b804fcdb81cf30f9b99c6f3ae1178206e08bc500639853ae"] ],
).then(result => ...);
const outputScript = Buffer.from(outputScriptHex, "hex");
}, {
key: "signP2SHTransaction",
value: function signP2SHTransaction(inputs, associatedKeysets, outputScriptHex) {
var _this6 = this;
return (0, _utils.foreach)(inputs, input => (0, _utils.doIf)(!resuming, () => this.getTrustedInput(input[1], input[0]).then(trustedInput => {
let inputItem = {};
inputItem.trustedInput = false;
inputItem.value = Buffer.from(trustedInput, "hex").slice(4, 4 + 0x24);
})).then(() => {
const { outputs } = input[0];
const index = input[1];
if (outputs && index <= outputs.length - 1) {
})).then(() => {
// Pre-build the target transaction
for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
let tmp = Buffer.alloc(4);
let sequence;
if (inputs[i].length >= 4 && typeof inputs[i][3] === "number") {
sequence = inputs[i][3];
} else {
var lockTime = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : DEFAULT_LOCKTIME;
var sigHashType = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : SIGHASH_ALL;
// Inputs are provided as arrays of [transaction, output_index, redeem script, optional sequence]
// associatedKeysets are provided as arrays of [path]
var nullScript = Buffer.alloc(0);
var nullPrevout = Buffer.alloc(0);
var defaultVersion = Buffer.alloc(4);
defaultVersion.writeUInt32LE(1, 0);
var trustedInputs = [];
var regularOutputs = [];
var signatures = [];
var firstRun = true;
var resuming = false;
var targetTransaction = {
inputs: [],
version: defaultVersion
var outputScript = Buffer.from(outputScriptHex, "hex");
return (0, _utils.foreach)(inputs, function (input) {
return (0, _utils.doIf)(!resuming, function () {
return _this6.getTrustedInput(input[1], input[0]).then(function (trustedInput) {
var inputItem = {};
inputItem.trustedInput = false;
inputItem.value = Buffer.from(trustedInput, "hex").slice(4, 4 + 0x24);
}).then(function () {
var outputs = input[0].outputs;
var index = input[1];
if (outputs && index <= outputs.length - 1) {
}).then(function () {
// Pre-build the target transaction
for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
var tmp = Buffer.alloc(4);
var _sequence2 = void 0;
if (inputs[i].length >= 4 && typeof inputs[i][3] === "number") {
_sequence2 = inputs[i][3];
} else {
_sequence2 = DEFAULT_SEQUENCE;
tmp.writeUInt32LE(_sequence2, 0);
prevout: nullPrevout,
script: nullScript,
sequence: tmp
tmp.writeUInt32LE(sequence, 0);
prevout: nullPrevout,
script: nullScript,
sequence: tmp
}).then(function () {
return (0, _utils.foreach)(inputs, function (input, i) {
targetTransaction.inputs[i].script = inputs[i].length >= 3 && typeof inputs[i][2] === "string" ? Buffer.from(inputs[i][2], "hex") : regularOutputs[i].script;
return _this6.startUntrustedHashTransactionInput(firstRun, targetTransaction, trustedInputs).then(function () {
return _this6.hashOutputFull(outputScript);
}).then(function () {
return _this6.signTransaction(associatedKeysets[i], lockTime, sigHashType).then(function (signature) {
signatures.push(signature.slice(0, signature.length - 1).toString("hex"));
targetTransaction.inputs[i].script = nullScript;
if (firstRun) {
firstRun = false;
}).then(function () {
return signatures;
}, {
key: "compressPublicKey",
value: function compressPublicKey(publicKey) {
var prefix = (publicKey[64] & 1) !== 0 ? 0x03 : 0x02;
var prefixBuffer = Buffer.alloc(1);
prefixBuffer[0] = prefix;
return Buffer.concat([prefixBuffer, publicKey.slice(1, 1 + 32)]);
}, {
key: "createVarint",
value: function createVarint(value) {
if (value < 0xfd) {
var _buffer = Buffer.alloc(1);
_buffer[0] = value;
return _buffer;
}).then(() => (0, _utils.foreach)(inputs, (input, i) => {
targetTransaction.inputs[i].script = inputs[i].length >= 3 && typeof inputs[i][2] === "string" ? Buffer.from(inputs[i][2], "hex") : regularOutputs[i].script;
return this.startUntrustedHashTransactionInput(firstRun, targetTransaction, trustedInputs).then(() => this.hashOutputFull(outputScript)).then(() => this.signTransaction(associatedKeysets[i], lockTime, sigHashType).then(signature => {
signatures.push(signature.slice(0, signature.length - 1).toString("hex"));
targetTransaction.inputs[i].script = nullScript;
if (firstRun) {
firstRun = false;
})).then(() => signatures);
compressPublicKey(publicKey) {
const prefix = (publicKey[64] & 1) !== 0 ? 0x03 : 0x02;
const prefixBuffer = Buffer.alloc(1);
prefixBuffer[0] = prefix;
return Buffer.concat([prefixBuffer, publicKey.slice(1, 1 + 32)]);
createVarint(value) {
if (value < 0xfd) {
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(1);
buffer[0] = value;
return buffer;
if (value <= 0xffff) {
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(3);
buffer[0] = 0xfd;
if (value <= 0xffff) {
var _buffer2 = Buffer.alloc(3);
_buffer2[0] = 0xfd;
_buffer2[1] = value & 0xff;
_buffer2[2] = value >> 8 & 0xff;
return _buffer2;
var buffer = Buffer.alloc(5);
buffer[0] = 0xfe;
buffer[1] = value & 0xff;
buffer[2] = value >> 8 & 0xff;
buffer[3] = value >> 16 & 0xff;
buffer[4] = value >> 24 & 0xff;
return buffer;
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(5);
buffer[0] = 0xfe;
buffer[1] = value & 0xff;
buffer[2] = value >> 8 & 0xff;
buffer[3] = value >> 16 & 0xff;
buffer[4] = value >> 24 & 0xff;
return buffer;
* For each UTXO included in your transaction, create a transaction object from the raw serialized version of the transaction used in this UTXO.
* @example
const tx1 = btc.splitTransaction("01000000014ea60aeac5252c14291d428915bd7ccd1bfc4af009f4d4dc57ae597ed0420b71010000008a47304402201f36a12c240dbf9e566bc04321050b1984cd6eaf6caee8f02bb0bfec08e3354b022012ee2aeadcbbfd1e92959f57c15c1c6debb757b798451b104665aa3010569b49014104090b15bde569386734abf2a2b99f9ca6a50656627e77de663ca7325702769986cf26cc9dd7fdea0af432c8e2becc867c932e1b9dd742f2a108997c2252e2bdebffffffff0281b72e00000000001976a91472a5d75c8d2d0565b656a5232703b167d50d5a2b88aca0860100000000001976a9144533f5fb9b4817f713c48f0bfe96b9f50c476c9b88ac00000000");
splitTransaction(transactionHex) {
const inputs = [];
const outputs = [];
let offset = 0;
const transaction = Buffer.from(transactionHex, "hex");
const version = transaction.slice(offset, offset + 4);
offset += 4;
let varint = this.getVarint(transaction, offset);
const numberInputs = varint[0];
offset += varint[1];
for (let i = 0; i < numberInputs; i++) {
const prevout = transaction.slice(offset, offset + 36);
offset += 36;
varint = this.getVarint(transaction, offset);
* For each UTXO included in your transaction, create a transaction object from the raw serialized version of the transaction used in this UTXO.
* @example
const tx1 = btc.splitTransaction("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");
}, {
key: "splitTransaction",
value: function splitTransaction(transactionHex) {
var inputs = [];
var outputs = [];
var offset = 0;
var transaction = Buffer.from(transactionHex, "hex");
var version = transaction.slice(offset, offset + 4);
offset += 4;
var varint = this.getVarint(transaction, offset);
var numberInputs = varint[0];
offset += varint[1];
const script = transaction.slice(offset, offset + varint[0]);
offset += varint[0];
const sequence = transaction.slice(offset, offset + 4);
offset += 4;
inputs.push({ prevout, script, sequence });
varint = this.getVarint(transaction, offset);
const numberOutputs = varint[0];
offset += varint[1];
for (let i = 0; i < numberOutputs; i++) {
const amount = transaction.slice(offset, offset + 8);
offset += 8;
for (var i = 0; i < numberInputs; i++) {
var _prevout = transaction.slice(offset, offset + 36);
offset += 36;
varint = this.getVarint(transaction, offset);
offset += varint[1];
var _script = transaction.slice(offset, offset + varint[0]);
offset += varint[0];
var _sequence3 = transaction.slice(offset, offset + 4);
offset += 4;
inputs.push({ prevout: _prevout, script: _script, sequence: _sequence3 });
varint = this.getVarint(transaction, offset);
var numberOutputs = varint[0];
offset += varint[1];
const script = transaction.slice(offset, offset + varint[0]);
offset += varint[0];
outputs.push({ amount, script });
for (var _i = 0; _i < numberOutputs; _i++) {
var _amount = transaction.slice(offset, offset + 8);
offset += 8;
varint = this.getVarint(transaction, offset);
offset += varint[1];
var _script2 = transaction.slice(offset, offset + varint[0]);
offset += varint[0];
outputs.push({ amount: _amount, script: _script2 });
var locktime = transaction.slice(offset, offset + 4);
return { version: version, inputs: inputs, outputs: outputs, locktime: locktime };
let locktime = transaction.slice(offset, offset + 4);
return { version, inputs, outputs, locktime };
const tx1 = btc.splitTransaction("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");
const outputScript = btc.serializeTransactionOutputs(tx1).toString('hex');
serializeTransactionOutputs({ outputs }) {
let outputBuffer = Buffer.alloc(0);
if (typeof outputs !== "undefined") {
outputBuffer = Buffer.concat([outputBuffer, this.createVarint(outputs.length)]);
outputs.forEach(output => {
outputBuffer = Buffer.concat([outputBuffer, output.amount, this.createVarint(output.script.length), output.script]);
const tx1 = btc.splitTransaction("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");
const outputScript = btc.serializeTransactionOutputs(tx1).toString('hex');
}, {
key: "serializeTransactionOutputs",
value: function serializeTransactionOutputs(_ref) {
var _this7 = this;
var outputs = _ref.outputs;
var outputBuffer = Buffer.alloc(0);
if (typeof outputs !== "undefined") {
outputBuffer = Buffer.concat([outputBuffer, this.createVarint(outputs.length)]);
outputs.forEach(function (output) {
outputBuffer = Buffer.concat([outputBuffer, output.amount, _this7.createVarint(output.script.length), output.script]);
return outputBuffer;
return outputBuffer;
}, {
key: "serializeTransaction",
value: function serializeTransaction(transaction) {
var _this8 = this;
serializeTransaction(transaction) {
let inputBuffer = Buffer.alloc(0);
transaction.inputs.forEach(input => {
inputBuffer = Buffer.concat([inputBuffer, input.prevout, this.createVarint(input.script.length), input.script, input.sequence]);
var inputBuffer = Buffer.alloc(0);
transaction.inputs.forEach(function (input) {
inputBuffer = Buffer.concat([inputBuffer, input.prevout, _this8.createVarint(input.script.length), input.script, input.sequence]);
let outputBuffer = this.serializeTransactionOutputs(transaction);
if (typeof transaction.outputs !== "undefined" && typeof transaction.locktime !== "undefined") {
outputBuffer = Buffer.concat([outputBuffer, transaction.locktime]);
var outputBuffer = this.serializeTransactionOutputs(transaction);
if (typeof transaction.outputs !== "undefined" && typeof transaction.locktime !== "undefined") {
outputBuffer = Buffer.concat([outputBuffer, transaction.locktime]);
return Buffer.concat([transaction.version, this.createVarint(transaction.inputs.length), inputBuffer, outputBuffer]);
}, {
key: "displayTransactionDebug",
value: function displayTransactionDebug(transaction) {
console.log("version " + transaction.version.toString("hex"));
transaction.inputs.forEach(function (input, i) {
var prevout = input.prevout.toString("hex");
var script = input.script.toString("hex");
var sequence = input.sequence.toString("hex");
console.log("input " + i + " prevout " + prevout + " script " + script + " sequence " + sequence);
(transaction.outputs || []).forEach(function (output, i) {
var amount = output.amount.toString("hex");
var script = output.script.toString("hex");
console.log("output " + i + " amount " + amount + " script " + script);
if (typeof transaction.locktime !== "undefined") {
console.log("locktime " + transaction.locktime.toString("hex"));
return Buffer.concat([transaction.version, this.createVarint(transaction.inputs.length), inputBuffer, outputBuffer]);
return Btc;
displayTransactionDebug(transaction) {
console.log("version " + transaction.version.toString("hex"));
transaction.inputs.forEach((input, i) => {
const prevout = input.prevout.toString("hex");
const script = input.script.toString("hex");
const sequence = input.sequence.toString("hex");
console.log(`input ${i} prevout ${prevout} script ${script} sequence ${sequence}`);
(transaction.outputs || []).forEach((output, i) => {
const amount = output.amount.toString("hex");
const script = output.script.toString("hex");
console.log(`output ${i} amount ${amount} script ${script}`);
if (typeof transaction.locktime !== "undefined") {
console.log("locktime " + transaction.locktime.toString("hex"));
exports.default = Btc;

@@ -13,4 +13,5 @@ "use strict";

function defer() {
let resolve, reject;
let promise = new Promise(function (success, failure) {
var resolve = void 0,
reject = void 0;
var promise = new Promise(function (success, failure) {
resolve = success;

@@ -20,3 +21,3 @@ reject = failure;

if (!resolve || !reject) throw "defer() error"; // this never happens and is just to make flow happy
return { promise, resolve, reject };
return { promise: promise, resolve: resolve, reject: reject };

@@ -44,6 +45,6 @@

function splitPath(path) {
let result = [];
let components = path.split("/");
components.forEach(element => {
let number = parseInt(element, 10);
var result = [];
var components = path.split("/");
components.forEach(function (element) {
var number = parseInt(element, 10);
if (isNaN(number)) {

@@ -63,3 +64,7 @@ return; // FIXME shouldn't it throws instead?

function eachSeries(arr, fun) {
return arr.reduce((p, e) => p.then(() => fun(e)), Promise.resolve());
return arr.reduce(function (p, e) {
return p.then(function () {
return fun(e);
}, Promise.resolve());

@@ -76,7 +81,9 @@

return Promise.resolve().then(() => iterate(0, arr, []));
return Promise.resolve().then(function () {
return iterate(0, arr, []);
function doIf(condition, callback) {
return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
return Promise.resolve().then(function () {
if (condition) {

@@ -93,3 +100,3 @@ return callback();

} else {
return callback().then(res => {
return callback().then(function (res) {

@@ -96,0 +103,0 @@ return iterate(result);

"name": "@ledgerhq/hw-app-btc",
"version": "1.0.5",
"version": "1.0.8",
"description": "Ledger Hardware Wallet Bitcoin Application API",

@@ -28,3 +28,3 @@ "keywords": [

"dependencies": {
"@ledgerhq/hw-transport": "^1.0.5"
"@ledgerhq/hw-transport": "^1.0.8"

@@ -31,0 +31,0 @@ "devDependencies": {

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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