LikeC4 views as webcomponents
Generates JS with custom elements:
<script src="https://published.website/likec4-views.js"></script>
<likec4-view view-id="index"></likec4-view>
Always generated on likec4 build
, but also available as likec4 gen webcomponent
New predicate include some._
Expand and include nested elements only if they have in/out relationships (internals are not considered):
view {
include some._
Differs from include some.*
, which includes all nested elements regardless of relationships.
Almost the same as:
view {
include some
include -> some.* ->
exclude some.* -> some.*
New predicate <->
Include relationships of both directions between elements:
view {
include someA.* <-> someB.*
Pre-bundled CLI
Builds and exports are 6-8x times faster
New renderer
Fast and responsive views on any device, based on xyflow
VSCode Preview allows to change color, shape and switch auto-layout.
Changes are persistent and update sources.
Also available in preview (via CLI), but changes are not saved back.