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CLI for working wit message catalogs

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Package description

What is @lingui/cli?

@lingui/cli is a command-line interface for the LinguiJS framework, which is used for internationalization (i18n) in JavaScript applications. It provides tools for extracting messages, compiling them, and managing translations.

What are @lingui/cli's main functionalities?

Extract Messages

This command scans your source code for messages marked for translation and extracts them into a catalog file. This is useful for identifying all the text that needs to be translated in your application.

lingui extract

Compile Messages

This command compiles the message catalogs into a format that can be used by the application at runtime. This step is necessary to convert the raw translation files into a format that the LinguiJS runtime can understand.

lingui compile

Add Locale

This command adds a new locale to your project. It sets up the necessary files and directories for managing translations in the specified locale.

lingui add-locale [locale]

Extract and Compile

This combined command first extracts messages and then compiles them. It is a convenient way to update your translation catalogs and make them ready for use in your application.

lingui extract && lingui compile

Other packages similar to @lingui/cli



4.11.2 (2024-07-03)

Bug Fixes

  • cli: update translationIO service in CLI package (to handle context) (#1949) (ea7b9e7)
  • include type cast on ts compilation (#1962) (0f66617)



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lingui command line library for manipulating message catalogues

@lingui/cli is part of LinguiJS. See the documentation for all information, tutorials and examples.


The library can be installed globally or locally using yarn or npm. The recommended way is installing the package locally. This ensures that everyone who uses the project has the same version and does not need to install additional packages.

npm install --save-dev @lingui/cli
# or using yarn
yarn add --dev @lingui/cli

To run the library locally there are three options, with the first one been recommended one.

1) Add commands to scripts

Add these scripts to your package.json.

  "scripts": {
    "extract": "lingui extract",
    "compile": "lingui compile"

Then you can use:

npm run extract
npm run compile

2) Use NPX

You can run the scripts directly using a tool for executing Node packages NPX. NPX is included in NPM version 5.2 and higher.

npx lingui extract
npx lingui compile

3) Run commands directly

You can run commands directly from node_modules folder.

node_modules/.bin/lingui extract
node_modules/.bin/lingui compile


See the reference documentation.


This package is licensed under MIT license.



Package last updated on 03 Jul 2024

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