To develop vue components independently, you can use Storybook installation:
npm run storybook
Functions and services should be developed in parent's repository.
Local development
For local development in parent project use package linking, which is a two step process.
- Create package symlink in the localazy-components
npm link
- In some other location, create a symbolic link from globally-installed, localazy-components package
npm link @localazy/components
- Whenever you update Vue components and wish to see it in other project, you must first run
npm run build:local
To return to published package version run:
npm unlink --no-save @localazy/components && npm install
Where unlink
is an alias for uninstall
Run unit tests
npm run test
Master branch has a workflow to automatically release package with package version higher than on npm
npm version [major|minor|patch]
git push origin --tags