4.0.0-alpha.1 (2021-11-25)
Bug Fixes
- ajv: Build @lowdefy/ajv with swc and update dep ajv to v8.6.3. (f231fcb)
- api: add createContext test (af14e7c)
- api: Add request handler tests. (b827137)
- api: Add tests (db478c9)
- api: Fix api context tests. (8aa2642)
- api: Fix tests. (7791951)
- api: JSON web token tests and fixes. (30f7267)
- Authorisation flows working. (5b32ca8)
- block-dev: exclude dev files from tests. (5f81b17)
- block-tools: Move @lowdefy/icons into @lowdefy/block-tools. (4cc8501)
- block-tools: Update test to not use inline SS for modules. (f173fb2)
- block-tools: Update tests. (ea4cc05)
- blockDev: Fix stubBlockProps test. (357fd0c)
- blockDev: Include makeCssClass in stubBlockProps. (33656e6)
- blocks-antd: Add onSearch to Selector and MultipleSelector. (68ab7ba)
- blocks-antd: runMockRenderTests working. (5f74f05)
- blocks-antd: Update tests for all blocks. (ca09c8c)
- blocks-antd: Update validationExamples test. (bc87d97)
- blocks-basic: Update tests for blocks basic and new structures. (5d16247)
- blocksAntd: Add feedback classes to labelLogic. (75ef33f)
- blocksAntd: Comment.datetime can also be a string. (56e167d)
- blocksAntd: Fix line wrapping for long description in CheckboxSwitch. (9f75253)
- blocksAntd: Fix margin in Alert when message is none. (4066869)
- blocksAntd: Icon: move color and fontSize to style. (b54ecde)
- blocksAntd: Refactor block files for next. (c310d04)
- blocksAntd: Refactored blocks for Lowdefy Version 4. (4af10f9)
- blocksAntd: Update test snapshots. (e1ad47f)
- blocksAntd: Updated CheckboxSelector block tests. (eee5e52)
- blocksAntd: Updated RadioSelector block tests. (c0588c0)
- blocksAntd: Updated RatingSlider block tests. (e486c83)
- blocksBasic: Move Anchor from antd to basic. (b065493)
- blocksBasic: Remove Context block tests. (8899e6f)
- blocks: Block test restructuring. (52ffeec)
- blocksColorSelectors: Refactored blocks for Lowdefy Version 4. (85553d3)
- blocksECharts: Refactored blocks for Lowdefy Version 4. (cfe2e20)
- blocksMarkdown: Refactored blocks for Lowdefy Version 4. (e42ba80)
- blocks: Refactored blocksBasic blocks for Lowdefy Version 4. (2ded0f0)
- blockTools: Cleanup block tools. (7ab732c)
- build: Fix build if no lowdefy.yaml file is found. (86f32a1)
- build: Fix build tests. (509d71a)
- build: Remove getMeta from context. (a982fd8)
- build: Remove nested if statements. (e4771f9)
- build: Removed check and test for duplicate block id. (8fe5cdd)
- build: Update build tests for payload change. (43c2507)
- build: Update duplicate id tests. (ed2f983)
- build: Updated formatErrorMessage and testSchema tests. (751814c)
- build: Updated formatErrorMessage function to show descriptive error paths. (5096554)
- Clean up server configuration. (dea25de)
- Cleanup build script. (ca0b4b0)
- client: Refactor root components. (e549883)
- connection-elasticsearch: Fix elasticsearch tests after plugin update. (9cb4097)
- connection-mongodb: Fix mongodb tests. (f1d11f0)
- deps: Update dependency @elastic/elasticsearch to v7.15.0. (788da55)
- deps: Update dependency @sendgrid/mail to v7.5.0. (c955a4c)
- deps: Update dependency @wojtekmaj/enzyme-adapter-react-17 to v0.6.5. (3363135)
- deps: Update dependency axios to v0.23.0. (f04f720)
- deps: Update dependency chalk to v4.1.2. (5a80923)
- deps: Update dependency chokidar to v3.5.2. (ea8300a)
- deps: Update dependency commander to v8.3.0. (45489e6)
- deps: Update dependency dompurify to v2.3.3. (7c22b15)
- deps: Update dependency knex to v0.95.11. (08d5a57)
- deps: Update dependency less to v4.1.2. (96016f5)
- deps: Update dependency mssql to v7.2.1. (c9acf42)
- deps: Update dependency openid-client to v4.9.1. (5b28ee4)
- deps: Update dependency ora to v6.0.1. (25e82f5)
- deps: Update dependency pg to v8.7.1. (cc2e30a)
- deps: Update dependency query-string to v7.0.1. (48f881f)
- deps: Update dependency reload to v3.2.0. (101ca3c)
- deps: Update dependency stripe to v8.184.0. (d75e396)
- deps: Update dependency yargs to v17.2.1. (d79be06)
- deps: Update fastify dependencies. (b1b321e)
- deps: Update package ajv to v8.8.2. (2ded889)
- deps: Update package axios to v0.24.0. (ea4f077)
- deps: Updvate dependency aws-sdk to v2.1013.0. (15c225c)
- docs: Document that _index operator is client side only. (72c8228)
- Engine test fixes. (cf752ec)
- engine: Add tests for payload change. (e8a2141)
- ES module and next server fixes. (83bca45)
- Fix blocks tests. (e5dc8aa)
- Fix tests (80c00f4)
- Fix tests. (5fd4a45)
- graphql: Fix graphql RequestInput schema (add2631)
- graphql: Fix graphql tests fro removed contextId. (67141dd)
- Next server fixes (d5ab3d9)
- operators: _index operator is no longer supported in node env. (ec777ca)
- operators: Fix _switch operator tests. (b28c65e)
- operators: Fix operator tests for payload change. (dc41f69)
- Remove auth dependencies from api (a1f72e1)
- Remove block metadata from build. (06a4fba)
- Remove nested contexts code review fixes. (ceb266d)
- Remove Root component in server. (8182775)
- Render app using blockIds generated at build. (4e46145)
- Replace all front end testing with @testing-library/react, jest and other updates. (22ec295)
- server: Move document and window to LowdefyContext component. (db21b58)
- Test fixes. (67bf2d4)
- Update all block tests. (5f0528d)
- Update antd from v4.4.2 to v4.16.13. (dfe5966)
- Update dependency mingo to v4.2.0. (cbcf3a7)
- Update to antd@4.17.0-alpha.7 and @ant-design/icons@4.7.0. (25d9067)
- Add authentication flows (15e1be9)
- Add default public files to @lowdefy/client (dcd28f5)
- Add requests support to @lowdefy/api package (86533ee)
- Add requests to client and server. (320c4a1)
- api: Add api tests and fixes. (457890b)
- api: Add authorization functions. (a039f41)
- api: Api package tests and fixes. (1f4b2f2)
- api: Init package @lowdefy/api (cbe7569)
- blockDev: Split dev files from block-tools into block-dev. (f123730)
- blocksAntd: Add align property to CheckboxSelector. (06d9d31)
- blocksAntd: Add align, direction and wrap properties to RadioSelector. (49e20a4), closes #518
- blocksAntd: Add bordered to all inputs where applicable. (4b7749d)
- blocksAntd: Add contentStyle and labelStyle properties. also extra content area.. (67e907c)
- blocksAntd: Add direction and wrap to CheckboxSelector. (77380a9), closes #518
- blocksAntd: Add HolderOutlined icon. (c39c387)
- blocksAntd: Add onSearch event to AutoComplete. (672624f)
- blocksAntd: Added direction, wrap and scroll properties to the CheckboxSelector block. (b23b483)
- blocksAntd: Added direction, wrap and scroll properties to the RadioSelector block. (e900a77)
- blocksAntd: Avatar size can now take responsive settings. (1586723)
- blocksAntd: Badge: add size property. (bee3718)
- blocksAntd: ConfirmModal: add modalStyle, closable and bodyStyle properties. (62ca4a4)
- blocksAntd: Convert Alert to container and add action content area. (49c6baa)
- blocksAntd: Drawer: Add extra content area and contentWrapperStyle property. (9273fac)
- blocksAntd: Menu: add expandIcon property. (4f4b8be)
- blocksAntd: Menu: Add MenuDivider link type. (b1fbaee)
- blocksAntd: MultipleSelector: Add bordered property. (4632c76)
- blocksAntd: NumberInput: Add bordered, controls, formatter, keyboard properties. (72858e5)
- blocksAntd: Paragraph: Add italic property. (2a6bb8c)
- blocksAntd: ParagraphInput: add italic and type: success properties. (3539992)
- blocksAntd: PasswordInput: add bordered and visibilityToggle properties. (3d26bbe)
- blocksAntd: Selector: Add bordered property. (a748b24)
- blocksAntd: Skeleton add block property to button sekeleton. (2ba7ba1)
- blocksAntd: Statistic: Add loading property. (4193621)
- blocksAntd: TextArea: add bordered, maxLength and showCount properties. (f7b2b35)
- blocksAntd: TextArea: Add size property. (b87248b)
- blocksAntd: TextInput: add bordered and maxLength properties. (7790677)
- blocksAntd: Title: add level 5 and italic properties. (eecc837)
- blocksAntd: TitleInput: add level 5 and italic properties. (af68201)
- blocks: Convert all context category blocks to container. (6bc03c8)
- blocksLoaders: Split loading blocks into separte blocks package, closes #379 (409b1fd)
- blockTools: Update to @emotion/css, optimize makeCssClass standarise jest settings. (947defa)
- blockTools: Update useDynamicScript. (cd82729)
- Build html files for each page, and serve from api (3f53d8b)
- build: Add generateDefaultTypes script. (18a4863)
- build: Added createCheckDuplicateId test. (414eaa1)
- build: Build now throws on duplicate ids. (45fd393), closes #529
- build: Count types during build. (6550f76)
- build: Remove support for nested contexts on a page. (b003b76)
- build: Write plugin imports and types.json during build. (14247ea)
- Convert connection elasticsearch to plugin structure. (a277fd0)
- Convert knex, sendgrid and stripe connections to plugin structure. (d0e751a)
- engine: Remove support for nested contexts. (612f783)
- Fixes fro requests in next server (e341d8d)
- Generate unique block ids at build. (1503970), closes #920
- graphql: Remove support for nested contexts on a page. (36cf2cf)
- icons: Create and use @lowdefy/icons, closes #948 (edcda84)
- Init @lowdefy/client package (909cef7)
- Init @lowdefy/connection-aws package. (6b008bf)
- Init @lowdefy/connection-elasticsearch package. (b6fe67f)
- Init @lowdefy/connection-google-sheets package. (4ffa94f)
- Init @lowdefy/connection-knex package (0a25b31)
- Init @lowdefy/connection-mongodb package (118a29c)
- Init @lowdefy/connection-sendgrid package. (2befa24)
- Init @lowdefy/connection-stripe package. (cf3adb0)
- Init server using next. (bfe749f)
- Make @lowdefy/build a dev dependency of server. (fa97eb6)
- Mount home page on the home route if configured. (ff23ea8)
- Next server fixes. (9e6518a)
- Next server rendering blocks (e625e07)
- operators: Convert package @lowdefy/operators to es modules. (eba25a7)
- operators: Remove ability to get from another context. (1abc542)
- Pass components to blocks in server, setup Icon. (7db2640)
- Remove @lowdefy/renderer package (c584778)
- Render Lowdefy blocks in client package. (c24bcf1)
- render: Remove support for nested contexts on a page. (09d63cf), closes #884
- Replace server side state with payload and _payload operator. (1f928d9)
- Requests working on next server (8d6abe2)
- Restructure plugin files. (f651ed7)
- Root config and link working on next server. (cf2562b)
- server: Add auth routes to server. (4a97f4c)
- server: Add mount events and simplify loading states. (104642d)
- server: Convert server to fastify. (0d2c1c3)
- Update @lowdefy/connection-axios-http package structure. (a005de6)
- Update aws and axios packages to use new plugin structure. (f20cfef)
- Update google sheets and mongodb connections to plugin structure. (53278a3)
- Use logger in request api call. (83b885b)
- render: Multiple contexts on a page are no longer supported. Context category blocks no longer exist, and the first block on a page no longer needs to be of category context.
- operators: Getter operators can no longer get from another context.
- operators: The _index operator is no longer supported in node env.
- The _event, _global, _input, _state, and _url_query operators are no longer evaluated in connections or requests.