Cosmos JS - Wrapper for Cosmos REST API
yarn add @lunie/cosmos-js
Simple example of how to send tokens.
import Cosmos from "@lunie/cosmos-js"
const STARGATE_URL = ""
const ADDRESS = "cosmos1abcd1234"
const cosmos = Cosmos(STARGATE_URL, ADDRESS)
// create the transaction object
const msg = cosmos
.MsgSend({toAddress: 'cosmos1abcd09876', amounts: [{ denom: 'stake', amount: 10 }})
// estimate the needed gas amount
const gasEstimate = await msg.simulate()
// create a signer
const ledgerSigner = ... // async (signMessage: string) => { signature: Buffer, publicKey: Buffer }
// send the transaction
const { included }= await msg.send({ gas: gasEstimate }, ledgerSigner)
// await tx to be included in a block
await included()
If you want to query data only, you don't need to specify an address.
import { API } from "@lunie/cosmos-js"
const STARGATE_URL = ""
const api = API(STARGATE_URL)
const validators = await api.validators()