Providing a http server and client that used to transfer files between remote server and local system.
should be installed both on remote server and the local system.
$ npm i -g @lvchengbin/bifrost
On the remote server, a bifrost server can be started with running:
$ bifrost server start --port=3100
By running the cmd above, bifrost
would try looking for the ~/.bifrost.js
file, and if --port
is specfied, it will overwrite the port written in ~/.bifrost.js
. For more information about the .bifrost.js
, see .bifrost.js
Bifrost Server
While using bifrost server, the base dir is set to the home dir of current user, that means all relative path will be resolved with the home dir, including the path "~".
biforst server start [ --port ] [ --config ]
to start a server.
$ bifrost server start
✔ server is started on port 3200
bifrost server status
show running status of bifrost server.
$ bifrost server status
bifrost server is running:
Port: 3200
Pid: 57908
Config: /Users/lvchengbin/.bifrost.js
bifrost server stop
to stop the running bifrost server.
$ bifrost server stop
✔ stopping bifrost server...done!
bifrost server restart
to stop and restart the running bifrost server.
$ bifrost server restart
✔ stopping bifrost server...done!
✔ server is started on port 3200
Bifrost Client
bifrost send local host:target
to send a file from local system to the remote server.
$ bifrost send test.txt
✔ md5: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
✔ finish sending test.txt to
and you can set an alias for the remote server
in .bifrost.js
$ bifrost send test.txt local:3200:~
✔ md5: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
✔ finish sending test.txt to
if you are sending a dir, it would be packed before sending:
$ bifrost send test local:~
✔ packing files...done!
✔ md5: 61e452a833e06bae7672322569a221ad
✔ finish sending test to
bifrost get host:file [target]
to get a file or dir from remote server
$ bifrost get local:test.txt
✔ finish getting test.txt from
✔ checking file with md5: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e...passed!
Bifrost Cli
bifrost clean
this command will clean all tmp files generated by bifrost.
module.exports = {
server : {
port : 3200
client : {
servers : {
local : {
host : ''