Wire Service
This code is the implementation of the Lightning Web Component wire service. The wire service enables declarative binding of data providers called wire adapters to a Lightning web component using the @wire
decorator. It fulfills the goals of the data service proposal.
Wire adapters simply provide data. A wire adapter doesn't know anything about the components that it provides data to.
In a component, declare its data needs by using the @wire
decorator to connect (or wire) it to a wire adapter. In this example, the component is wired to the getBook
wire adapter. This declarative technique makes component code easy to read and reason about.
import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';
export default class WireExample extends {
@api bookId;
@wire(getBook, { id: '$bookId'})
Wire adapters are part of LWC's reactivity system. An @wire
takes the name of a wire adapter and an optional configuration object, which is specific to the wire adapter. You can use a $
to mark the property of a configuration object as reactive. When a reactive property’s value changes, the wire adapter's update
method executes with the new value. When the wire adapter provisions new data, the component rerenders if necessary.
import { bookEndpoint } from './server';
export class getBook {
connected = false;
constructor(dataCallback) {
this.dataCallback = dataCallback;
connect() {
this.connected = true;
disconnect() {
this.connected = false;
update(config) {
if (this.bookId !== config.id) {
this.bookId = config.id;
provideBookWithId(id) {
if (this.connected && this.bookId !== undefined) {
const book = bookEndpoint.getById(id);
if (book) {
this.dataCallback(Object.assign({}, book));
} else {
For complete information about syntax, see lwc.dev/guide/wire_adapter.
Implementation Example
The RCast App is a PWA podcast player written with Lightning Web Components.