Madgex Design System
A work-in progress Design System for building a UI for Madgex products.
Available on NPM as @madgex/design-system.
npm install @madgex/design-system --save
NOTE: Right now you'll need to be authenticated on npm under the Madgex account.
Importing styles
You'll need to use the Madgex DS CSS file in your project (which you will find in @madgex/design-system/dist/css/index.css
The design system is using CSS Custom Properties to apply the brand styling of each site so you will need to import the custom properties file found in S3 for each client property id as well.
if you want to use the default styling set in the design system, you can use the _tokens.css
file found in dist/_tokens/css
If you're wanting to use the Madgex DS components from a hapi.js+vision+Nunjucks setup you'll need to include the Madgex DS in the Nunjucks pathing:
engines: {
njk: {
compile: (src, options) => {
const template = Nunjucks.compile(src, options.environment);
return (context) => {
return template.render(context);
prepare: (options, next) => {
options.compileOptions.environment = Nunjucks.configure(
{ watch: false }
return next();
Then you should be able to use components as such:
{% extends "template.njk" %} {# a base template is available in the DS #}
{% from "button/_macro.njk" import Button %} {# load the DS button component #}
{% block content %}
<p>My new project homepage</p>
{# Use the Madgex DS button! #}
text: 'Click me please!'
{% endblock %}
Note you'll need the CSS for the component styles.
Working with vue.js
With every commit to master
the build server attempts to create a new version using semantic-release and deploys to npm as @madgex/design-system.
Local Development with jobseekers-frontend
You can see your changes to the jobseekers-frontend in a local dev enviroment by using npm link.
cd [your local path]/madgex-design-system
npm link
cd [your local path]/jobseekers-frontend
npm link npm link @madgex/design-system