invalid-Feature-missing-GeomType.mvt | The Feature message is missing a GeomType message. |
invalid-Feature-multiple-geometries.mvt | The Feature message as multiple geometry fields encoded, when there should only be one. |
invalid-Feature-no-geometry.mvt | The Feature message has no geometry . |
invalid-Feature-odd_number_tags.mvt | Only has a single tag where multiples of 2 are required. |
invalid-Feature-unknown_field_type.mvt | Has a field value of 10 , which is not listed as an enum and therefore invalid. |
invalid-GeomType-invalid-type.mvt | The tag for GeomType is 10 , which is invalid. |
invalid-Key-mistyped_uint32.mvt | Has a key property incorrectly encoded as a type std::uint32_t . |
invalid-Layer-extent-mistyped_string.mvt | Layer extent is incorrectly encoded as a type std::string . |
invalid-Layer-extent-none.mvt | Missing the extent type |
invalid-Layer-name-duplicates.mvt | Includes two layer name s with the same value: "layer_name". |
invalid-Layer-name-mistyped_uint32.mvt | Has a layer name incorrectly encoded as std::uint32_t . |
invalid-Layer-name-none.mvt | Does not include a layer name. |
invalid-Layer-name-none-version1.mvt | Same as above, but version 1 tile. |
invalid-Layer-no-features.mvt | Layer has no repeated Features tags. |
invalid-Layer-unknow_value_type.mvt | Includes a Layer value tag of 20 , which is not defined in the spec. |
invalid-Layer-invalid-version.mvt | Layer version is 99 , which is invalid according to the specification. |
invalid-Layer-version-mistyped_string.mvt | Layer version is incorrectly typed as a std::string . |
invalid-Layer-version-none.mvt | Layer does not have a version property. |
invalid-Tags-nonexistant-values.mvt | Feature has tags that point to non-existent Keys and Values in the layer. |
invalid-Tile-unknown-tag.mvt | Tile message has an unknown tag value. The only accepted tag value here is 3 , but this tile encodes a Feature with the tag value of 10 . |
invalid-Value-no-fields.mvt | includes a Value without any fields encoded within it. |
invalid-Value-multiple-fields.mvt | The Value message has two entries, both strings, where there should only be one. |
invalid-Value-string-mistyped_int64.mvt | A Layer value property is listed as "string" but encoded as std::int64_t . |
invalid-Value-unknown-field-type.mvt | The Value has a field with an unknown type. |
valid-GeomType-single-linestring.mvt | Single layer with a valid linestring geometry from the spec docs. |
valid-GeomType-single-multilinestring.mvt | Single layer with a valid multilinestring geometry from the spec docs. |
valid-GeomType-single-multipoint.mvt | Single layer with a valid multipoint geometry from the spec docs. |
valid-GeomType-single-point.mvt | Single layer with a valid point geometry from the spec docs. |
valid-GeomType-single-polygon.mvt | Single layer with a valid polygon geometry from the spec docs. |
valid-GeomType-unknown.mvt | Single geometry with UNKNOWN type. This is considered "valid" in the lens of the specification. Encoders/decoders can choose to use or throw on this goemetry type. |
valid-Values-all.mvt | A buffer with all possible Value types encoded in the layer and single Feature. |