1.0.0-alpha.40 (2022-12-20)
Bug Fixes
- fix formfield hideDetails on errors (4d97992)
- fix repeater mount value (aacaf20)
- fixed detail forceLanguage default (2ab928a)
- reduce debounce output with nested repeater to prevent field deletions (b6a252e)
- reset confirm dialog options after transition to prevent graphic glitch (d2e5138)
- rewritten and more precise diffObjs function (3e79775)
- add some slots to drop area component (73d79df)
- added botdy.top and body.bottom slots for forma groups (3e48d43)
- added draggable capability to media manager selection (f6311cd)
- added global and single field configuration for initial expanded value in form groups (69249c1)
- added global and single field configuration for initial expanded value in form tabs (e4f01d0)
- added route gruard to prevent leaving a detail page with unsaved data (7d51cd2)
- added spridermenu option to nuxt.config (1808d43)
- added tab.slug.before and tab.slug.after slots for forms tabs (42a2497)
- added the possibility to set default langs in nuxt.config (81b0fe4)
- added usePatch option to partially save data with PATCH http method (1dfa3b2)
- added warning on media manager upload for big files (09743b9)
- style scrollbars (48e4c7b)