Martian aptos-web3.js Docs
web3.js library for Aptos
@martiandao/aptos-web3.js is an npm module which allows developers to communicate with the Aptos core code. This module is built on top of Typescript SDK of Aptos.
npm i @martiandao/aptos-web3.js
Supported functions
- createWallet: create a new wallet
- importWallet: import an existing wallet
- airdrop: airdrop test coins into an account
- getBalance: get the balance of an account
- transfer: transfer coins from one account to another
- getSentEvents: get Sent events of an account
- getReceivedEvents: get Received events of an account
- createNFTCollection: create an NFT collection
- createNFT: create an NFT
- offerNFT: offer an NFT to a receiver
- claimNFT: claim an NFT offered by a sender
- cancelNFTOffer: cancel an outgoing NFT offer
- rotateAuthKey: rotate authentication key
Functions and their args, return values and description
Name | Argument: [name: type] | Returns | Description |
createWallet | None | "code": string "address key": string | This method is used to create new wallet. It returns “code” which is a secret phrase and “address key” which is public address of the wallet |
importWallet | code: string | "address key": string | This method is used to import wallet from mnemonic/secret phrase. It returns “address key” which is public address of the wallet |
airdrop | code: string amount: number | None | This method is used to add coins in the wallet. |
getBalance | address: string | balance: Integer | This method is used to get available balance of any address. It returns integer |
transfer | code: string recipient_address: string amount: number | None | This method is used to transfer fund from one account to another. It returns Nothing |
getSentEvents | address: string | Click Here | This method is used to fetch sent events done by the wallet. Please hit the url given in the returns field to see what it return |
getReceivedEvents | address: string | Click Here | This method is used to fetch received events to the wallet. Please hit the url given in the returns field to see what it return |
createNFTCollection | code: string description: string name: string uri: string | hash: string | This method is used to create collection inside the wallet/account. It returns submission hash |
createNFT | code: string collection_name: string description: string name: string supply: number uri: string | hash: string | This method is used to create nft inside collection. It returns submission hash |
offerNFT | code: string receiver_address: string creator_address: string collection_name: string token_name: string amount: number | hash: string | This method is used to offer nft to another address. |
claimNFT | code: string sender_address: string creator_address: string collection_name: string token_name: string | hash: string | This method is used to claim nft offered |
rotateAuthKey | code: string new_auth_key: string | hash: string | This method is used to rotate the authentication key. The new private/ public key pair used to derive the new auth key will be used to sign the account after this function call completes |
Usage Example Wallet
const aptosWeb3 = require('@martiandao/aptos-web3.js');
const walletClient = new aptosWeb3.WalletClient();
async function main() {
// create new wallet (10 test tokens airdropped by default)
console.log("\n=== Wallet Creation ===");
const wallet = await walletClient.createWallet();
const address = wallet['address key'];
const signingKey = wallet['code'];
console.log('Address:', address);
console.log('Secret recovery phrase:', signingKey);
// airdrop test tokens
console.log("\n=== Airdrop ===");
await walletClient.airdrop(wallet['code'],5000);
console.log('Balance:', await walletClient.getBalance(address));
// transfer tokens
console.log("\n=== Transfer ===");
const receiver_address = "d27307a2ccf76b4694c2b8f2ddf032fd487dbc82cb32e8b264026a9aee14df8d";
await walletClient.transfer(signingKey, receiver_address, 420);
console.log('Balance:', await walletClient.getBalance(address));
// get wallet transaction history
console.log("\n=== Wallet history ===");
const received_history = await walletClient.getReceivedEvents(address);
const sent_history = await walletClient.getSentEvents(address);
console.log('Received History:', received_history);
console.log('Sent History:', sent_history);
To Build
npm install
npm run build
Jest tests allow to test whether each function is working as it supposed to.
npm run test