Mashroom Server
Mashroom Server is a Node.js based Integration Platform for Microfrontends.
This package contains the core of Mashroom Server. It contains core services for managing plugins and default plugin loaders
for Express middleware, Express webapps and shared code as services. It also provides a common logging infrastructure.
From a technical point of view this is s a plugin loader that scans npm packages (package.json) for plugin definitions and loads them at runtime.
Such a plugin could be an Express webapp or a SPA or more generally all kind of code it knows how to load,
which is determined by the available plugin loaders. Plugin loaders itself are also just plugins so it is possible to extend the list of known plugin types.
The easiest way to start is to clone one of the quickstart repositories:
You can find a full documentation with a setup and configuration guide here:
Accessible through
export interface MashroomPluginService {
getPluginLoaders(): MashroomPluginLoaderMap;
getPlugins(): Array<MashroomPlugin>;
getPluginPackages(): Array<MashroomPluginPackage>;
onLoadedOnce(pluginName: string, listener: () => void): void;
onUnloadOnce(pluginName: string, listener: () => void): void;
Accessible through
export interface MashroomMiddlewareStackService {
has(pluginName: string): boolean;
apply(pluginName: string, req: ExpressRequest, res: ExpressResponse): Promise<void>;
getStack(): Array<{ pluginName: string, order: number }>;
Plugin Types
A plugin-loader plugin adds support for a custom plugin type.
To register a new plugin-loader add this to package.json:
"mashroom": {
"plugins": [
"name": "My Custom Plugin Loader",
"type": "plugin-loader",
"bootstrap": "./dist/mashroom-bootstrap",
"loads": "my-custom-type",
"defaultConfig": {
"myProperty": "foo"
- loads: The plugin type this loader can handle
After that all plugins of type my-custom-type will be passed to your custom loader instantiated by the bootstrap script:
import type {
MashroomPluginLoader, MashroomPlugin, MashroomPluginConfig, MashroomPluginContext,
} from 'mashroom/type-definitions';
class MyPluginLoader implements MashroomPluginLoader {
get name(): string {
return 'My Plugin Loader';
generateMinimumConfig(plugin: MashroomPlugin) {
return {};
async load(plugin: MashroomPlugin, config: MashroomPluginConfig, context: MashroomPluginContext) {
async unload(plugin: MashroomPlugin) {
const myPluginLoaderPlugin: MashroomPluginLoaderPluginBootstrapFunction = (pluginName, pluginConfig, pluginContextHolder) => {
return new MyPluginLoader();
export default myPluginLoaderPlugin;
Registers a Express webapp that will be available at a given path.
To register a web-app plugin add this to package.json:
"mashroom": {
"plugins": [
"name": "My Webapp",
"type": "web-app",
"bootstrap": "./dist/mashroom-bootstrap.js",
"defaultConfig": {
"path": "/my/webapp",
"myProperty": "foo"
- defaultConfig.path: The default path where the webapp will be available
And the bootstrap just returns the Express webapp:
import webapp from './webapp';
import type {MashroomWebAppPluginBootstrapFunction} from '@mashroom/mashroom/type-definitions';
const bootstrap: MashroomWebAppPluginBootstrapFunction = async () => {
return webapp;
export default bootstrap;
Additional handlers
It is also possible to return handlers in the bootstrap. Currently there is only one:
- upgradeHandler: Handle HTTP Upgrades (e.g. upgrade to WebSocket)
const bootstrap: MashroomWebAppPluginBootstrapFunction = async () => {
return {
expressApp: webapp,
upgradeHandler: (request: HttpServerRequest, socket: net$Socket, head: Buffer) => {
Registers a Express Router (a REST API) and makes it available at a given path.
To register a API plugin add this to package.json:
"mashroom": {
"plugins": [
"name": "My REST API",
"type": "api",
"bootstrap": "./dist/mashroom-bootstrap.js",
"defaultConfig": {
"path": "/my/api",
"myProperty": "foo"
- defaultConfig.path: The default path where the api will be available
And the bootstrap just returns the Express router:
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
router.get('/', (req, res) => {
import type {MashroomApiPluginBootstrapFunction} from '@mashroom/mashroom/type-definitions';
const bootstrap: MashroomApiPluginBootstrapFunction = async () => {
return router;
export default bootstrap;
Registers a Express middleware and adds it to the global middleware stack.
To register a middleware plugin add this to package.json:
"mashroom": {
"plugins": [{
"name": "My Middleware",
"type": "middleware",
"bootstrap": "./dist/mashroom-bootstrap.js",
"defaultConfig": {
"order": 500,
"myProperty": "foo"
- defaultConfig.order: he weight of the middleware in the stack - the higher it is the later it will be executed (default: 1000)
And the bootstrap just returns the Express middleware:
import MyMiddleware from './MyMiddleware';
import type {MashroomMiddlewarePluginBootstrapFunction} from '@mashroom/mashroom/type-definitions';
const bootstrap: MashroomMiddlewarePluginBootstrapFunction = async (pluginName, pluginConfig, pluginContextHolder) => {
const pluginContext = pluginContextHolder.getPluginContext();
const middleware = new MyMiddleware(pluginConfig.myProperty, pluginContext.loggerFactory);
return middleware.middleware();
export default bootstrap;
Registers some static resources and exposes it at a given path (via Express static).
To register a static plugin add this to package.json:
"mashroom": {
"plugins": [{
"name": "My Documents",
"type": "static",
"documentRoot": "./my-documents",
"defaultConfig": {
"path": "/my/docs"
- documentRoot: Defines the local root path of the documents
- defaultConfig.path: The default path where the documents will be available
Used to load arbitrary shared code that can be loaded via pluginContext.
To register a service plugin add this to package.json:
"mashroom": {
"plugins": [{
"name": "My services Services",
"type": "services",
"namespace": "myNamespace",
"bootstrap": "./dist/mashroom-bootstrap.js",
"defaultConfig": {
- namespace: Defines the path to the services. In this case MyService will be accessible through
The bootstrap will just return an object with a bunch of services:
import MyService from './MyService';
import type {MashroomServicesPluginBootstrapFunction} from '@mashroom/mashroom/type-definitions';
const bootstrap: MashroomServicesPluginBootstrapFunction = async (pluginName, pluginConfig, pluginContextHolder) => {
const pluginContext = pluginContextHolder.getPluginContext();
const service = new MyService(pluginContext.loggerFactory);
return {
export default bootstrap;