Portal: Re-check authentication expiration at least every 60sec, so, if the session for some reason expires (or gets revoked)
the user will get notified faster.
Core: Dropped Node.js 12.x support
Portal: Prevent a loop if error messages can not be sent to the server
MongoDB Session Provider: BREAKING CHANGE: Changed config structure to be able to pass parameters to connect-mongo,
such as ttl and autoRemove.
"uri": "mongodb://username:password@localhost:27017/mashroom_session_db?connectTimeoutMS=1000&socketTimeoutMS=2500",
"collection": "sessions",
"connectionOptions": {
"poolSize": 5
"client": {
"uri": "mongodb://username:password@localhost:27017/mashroom_session_db?connectTimeoutMS=1000&socketTimeoutMS=2500",
"connectionOptions": {
"poolSize": 5
"collectionName": "sessions",
"ttl": 86400
Redis Session Provider: BREAKING CHANGE: Changed config structure to be able to pass parameters to connect-redis,
such as prefix and ttl. Setting prefix on this level instead of the Redis client level fixed the session count metric,
which was broken.
"redisOptions": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": "6379",
"keyPrefix": "mashroom:sess:"
"cluster": false
"client": {
"redisOptions": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": "6379",
"cluster": false
"prefix": "mashroom:sess:",
"ttl": 86400
Admin Toolbar: Only allow valid characters (according to RFC 3986) in Routes
Admin Toolbar: Added checkbox for client-side routing and renamed friendlyUrl to Route because that's more what it is.
Portal: Added support for client-side routing. If you enable it everything appended to the page URL is ignored.
Portal: Added new property portalAppHost to the log context of Remote Portal Apps