Matechs Effect is a typescript library inspired by scala's ZIO and Haskell's RIO architecture.
It aims to provide a strong fundational block to build typescript code in a more testable and standardized way.
This library is composed at its core by the @matechs/effect
package that exposes 2 effects
type Effect<R, E, A> = (r: R) => FutureInstance<E, A>
type ConcurrentEffect<R, E, A> = (r: R) => ConcurrentFutureInstance<E, A>;
The underlying FutureInstance/ConcurrentFutureInstance
is provided by Fluture
You can think of this type as a computation that requires an environment R
to run.
An important point to note in the implementation is the src/overload.ts
file where we extend and define the new abstract types required to specialize fp-ts
behaviour to respect the variance of R
& E
The key difference is expressed in:
export interface Chain3E<F extends URIS3> extends Apply3<F> {
readonly chain: <R, E, A, R2, E2, B>(
fa: Kind3<F, R, E, A>,
f: (a: A) => Kind3<F, R2, E2, B>
) => Kind3<F, R & R2, E | E2, B>;
export interface Monad3E<M extends URIS3> extends Applicative3<M>, Chain3E<M> {}
export interface PipeableChain3E<F extends URIS3> extends PipeableApply3E<F> {
readonly chain: <R, E, A, B>(
f: (a: A) => Kind3<F, R, E, B>
) => <R2, E2>(ma: Kind3<F, R2, E2, A>) => Kind3<F, R & R2, E | E2, B>;
readonly chainFirst: <R, E, A, B>(
f: (a: A) => Kind3<F, R, E, B>
) => <R2, E2>(ma: Kind3<F, R2, E2, A>) => Kind3<F, R & R2, E | E2, A>;
readonly flatten: <R, E, R2, E2, A>(
mma: Kind3<F, R, E, Kind3<F, R2, E2, A>>
) => Kind3<F, R & R2, E | E2, A>;
export interface PipeableApply3E<F extends URIS3> extends PipeableFunctor3<F> {
readonly ap: <R, E, A, R2, E2>(
fa: Kind3<F, R, E, A>
) => <B>(fab: Kind3<F, R2, E2, (a: A) => B>) => Kind3<F, R & R2, E | E2, B>;
readonly apFirst: <R, E, B>(
fb: Kind3<F, R, E, B>
) => <A, R2, E2>(fa: Kind3<F, R2, E2, A>) => Kind3<F, R & R2, E | E2, A>;
readonly apSecond: <R, E, B>(
fb: Kind3<F, R, E, B>
) => <A, R2, E2>(fa: Kind3<F, R2, E2, A>) => Kind3<F, R & R2, E | E2, B>;
export interface Apply3E<F extends URIS3> extends Functor3<F> {
readonly ap: <R, E, A, B, R2, E2>(
fab: Kind3<F, R, E, (a: A) => B>,
fa: Kind3<F, R2, E2, A>
) => Kind3<F, R & R2, E | E2, B>;
In addition to that the fp-ts-contrib/lib/Do
module has similar overloads. This workaround is necessary because typescript's lack of variance annotation on generics.
The module exposes 2 instances of the typeclass type EffectMonad<T extends URIS3> = Monad3E<T> & MonadThrow3<T> & Bifunctor3<T>
for Effect<R, E, A>
for ConcurrentEffect<R, E, A>
Pipeable functions are also exported for both instances (default Effect
, parallel scoped under pipeablePar
In addition to default implementations additional exposed functions are:
/* utils */
export function error(message: string) {
return new Error(message);
/* lift functions */
export function fromFuture<E, A>(f: F.FutureInstance<E, A>): Effect<NoEnv, E, A>
export function right<A>(a: A): Effect<NoEnv, NoErr, A>
export function left<E>(e: E): Effect<NoEnv, E, never>
export function liftPromise<A, E>(f: () => Promise<A>): Effect<NoEnv, never, A>
export function liftIO<A>(f: () => A): Effect<NoEnv, never, A>
export function tryCatch<A, E>(f: () => Promise<A>, onLeft: (e: any) => E)
export function tryCatchIO<A, E>(f: () => A, onLeft: (e: any) => E)
export function chainLeft<R, E, E2, A, R2>(ma: Effect<R, E, A>,onLeft: (e: E) => Effect<R2, E2, A>)
/* conditionals */
// run only when predicate is true, return in Option
export function when(predicate: boolean): <R, E, A>(ma: Effect<R, E, A>) => Effect<R, E, Op.Option<A>>
// same as alt but types are different so we return in Either
export function or(predicate: boolean): <R, E, A>(ma: Effect<R, E, A>) => <R2, E2, B>(mb: Effect<R2, E2, B>) => Effect<R & R2, E | E2, Ei.Either<A, B>>
// decide what to run depending on a boolean, both side returns same type
export function alt(predicate: boolean): <R, E, A>(ma: Effect<R, E, A>) => (mb: Effect<R, E, A>) => Effect<R, E, A>
/* manipulate environment */
export const noEnv = {}; // unit
export function mergeEnv<A, B>(a: A): (b: B) => A & B // merge 2 environments
export const provide = <R>(r: R) => <R2, E, A>(ma: Effect<R2 & R, E, A>): Effect<R2, E, A> // provide environment to an effect
/* use environment */
export function accessM<R, R2, E, A>(f: (r: R) => Effect<R2, E, A>): Effect<R & R2, E, A>
export function access<R, A>(f: (r: R) => A): Effect<R, NoErr, A>
/* convert par/seq */
export function par<R, E, A>(ma: Effect<R, E, A>): ConcurrentEffect<R, E, A>
export function seq<R, E, A>(ma: ConcurrentEffect<R, E, A>): Effect<R, E, A>
/* parallel */
export function sequenceP<R, E, A>(n: number, ops: Array<Effect<R, E, A>>): Effect<R, E, Array<A>>
/* execution */
/* run an effect that requires no environment, return TaskEither */
function run<E, A>(ma: Effect<NoEnv, E, A>): () => Promise<Ei.Either<E, A>>
/* run an effect that requires no environment, return Promise(reject on error) */
promise<A>(ma: Effect<NoEnv, any, A>): Promise<A>
/* run an effect that requires no environment, return underlying Fluture fork */
fork<A, E>(res: (a: A) => void, rej: (e: E) => void): (ma: Effect<NoEnv, E, A>) => Cancel
An example of usage can be found in packages/tracing
correspondent to @matechs/tracing
and in its tests where an example implementation is used for testing.
This package is a work in progress syntax and functions might change, feedback are welcome and contributions even more!
This library would have not been feasibly possible without the strong fundations of fp-ts and Fluture huge thanks to the Authors.
Another huge thanks goes to both the scala community (ZIO in specific) and the haskell community (RIO & Polysemy) from which inspiration is taken.
All of the above projects are advised!