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@material-tailwind/html - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.0.0-beta.4 to 3.0.0-beta.5


# Change Log
## [3.0.0-beta.5] 2025-02-13
- Fix type definitions on import from NPM in NextJS
- Fix name for the global object MaterialTailwind
## [3.0.0-beta.4] 2025-02-12

@@ -4,0 +9,0 @@



@@ -1,30 +0,637 @@

import { initAlert } from './alert/ts/alert';
import { initGallery, cleanupGallery } from './gallery/ts/gallery';
import { initCollapse } from './collapse/ts/collapse';
import { Collapse } from './collapse/ts/collapse-programmatic';
import type { CollapseConfig, ICollapse } from './collapse/ts/collapse.types';
import { initDropdowns, cleanupDropdowns } from './dropdown/ts/dropdown';
import { Dropdown } from './dropdown/ts/dropdown-programmatic';
import type { DropdownConfig, IDropdown } from './dropdown/ts/dropdown.types';
import { initPopovers, cleanupPopovers } from './popover/ts/popover';
import { Popover } from './popover/ts/popover-programmatic';
import type { PopoverConfig, IPopover } from './popover/ts/popover.types';
import { initTooltips, cleanupTooltips } from './tooltip/ts/tooltip';
import { Tooltip } from './tooltip/ts/tooltip-programmatic';
import type { TooltipConfig, ITooltip } from './tooltip/ts/tooltip.types';
import { initTabs, cleanupTabs } from './tabs/ts/tabs';
import { Tabs } from './tabs/ts/tabs-programmatic';
import type { TabsConfig, ITabs } from './tabs/ts/tabs.types';
import { initModal, cleanupModals } from './modal/ts/modal';
import { Modal } from './modal/ts/modal-programmatic';
import type { ModalConfig, IModal } from './modal/ts/modal.types';
import { initAccordion, cleanupAccordions, toggleAccordionById } from './accordion/ts/accordion';
import { Accordion } from './accordion/ts/accordion-programmatic';
import type { AccordionConfig, IAccordion } from './accordion/ts/accordion.types';
import { initStepper, cleanupSteppers } from './stepper/ts/stepper';
import { Stepper } from './stepper/ts/stepper-programmatic';
import type { StepperConfig, IStepper } from './stepper/ts/stepper.types';
export { initAlert, initCollapse, Collapse, initDropdowns, cleanupDropdowns, Dropdown, initPopovers, cleanupPopovers, Popover, initTooltips, cleanupTooltips, Tooltip, initTabs, cleanupTabs, Tabs, initModal, cleanupModals, Modal, initAccordion, cleanupAccordions, Accordion, toggleAccordionById, initStepper, cleanupSteppers, Stepper, initGallery, cleanupGallery, };
export type { ModalConfig, IModal, DropdownConfig, IDropdown, CollapseConfig, ICollapse, PopoverConfig, IPopover, TabsConfig, ITabs, TooltipConfig, ITooltip, AccordionConfig, IAccordion, StepperConfig, IStepper };
export declare const DavidAI: {
import { Instance, Placement } from '@popperjs/core';
declare function initAlert(): void;
declare function initGallery(): void;
declare function cleanupGallery(): void;
* Initializes collapsible buttons by attaching event listeners.
declare function initCollapse(): void;
* Configuration options for the Collapse component.
interface CollapseConfig {
* Selector for the icon element to toggle rotation.
* For example, you can pass "[data-icon]" to target specific icons.
iconSelector?: string;
* Interface for the Collapse component.
interface ICollapse {
* Toggles the collapsible content visibility.
toggle(): void;
* Expands the collapsible content.
expand(): void;
* Collapses the collapsible content.
collapse(): void;
* Class representing a programmatic Collapse component.
declare class Collapse implements ICollapse {
private button;
private collapseElement;
private config;
* Creates an instance of Collapse.
* @param button - The button element or its selector controlling the collapsible content.
* @param collapseElement - The collapsible content element or its selector.
* @param config - Configuration options for the collapse.
constructor(button: HTMLElement | string, collapseElement: HTMLElement | string, config?: CollapseConfig);
* Resolves an element from an HTMLElement or selector string.
* @param elementOrSelector - HTMLElement or a selector string.
* @param errorMessage - Error message if the element is not found.
* @returns The resolved HTMLElement.
private resolveElement;
* Initializes the Collapse component by attaching event listeners.
private init;
* Toggles the collapsible content visibility.
toggle(): void;
* Expands the collapsible content.
expand(): void;
* Collapses the collapsible content.
collapse(): void;
declare function initDropdowns(): void;
declare function cleanupDropdowns(): void;
* Configuration options for the Dropdown component.
interface DropdownConfig {
* Placement of the dropdown relative to the button (default: "bottom-start").
placement?: string;
* Whether clicking outside the dropdown menu closes it (default: true).
closeOnOutsideClick?: boolean;
* Offset of the dropdown menu relative to the button ([x, y]).
offset?: [number, number];
* Interface for the Dropdown component.
interface IDropdown {
* Toggles the dropdown menu visibility.
toggle(): void;
* Opens the dropdown menu.
open(): void;
* Closes the dropdown menu.
close(): void;
* Destroys the Dropdown instance and cleans up resources.
destroy(): void;
* Set the prevent outside click flag to true.
preventOutsideClick(): void;
* Class representing a programmatic Dropdown component.
declare class Dropdown implements IDropdown {
private menu;
private referenceElement;
private popperInstance;
private config;
private isOpen;
private shouldIgnoreClick;
private documentClickHandler;
* Creates an instance of Dropdown.
* @param reference - The element or selector to position the dropdown menu relative to.
* @param menu - The menu element to display as the dropdown.
* @param config - Configuration options for the dropdown.
constructor(reference: HTMLElement | string, menu: HTMLElement | string, config: DropdownConfig);
* Resolves an element from an HTMLElement or selector string.
* @param elementOrSelector - HTMLElement or a selector string.
* @param errorMessage - Error message if the element is not found.
* @returns The resolved HTMLElement.
private resolveElement;
* Handles document click events for outside clicks
private handleDocumentClick;
* Initializes the Dropdown component.
private init;
* Set the prevent outside click flag to true.
preventOutsideClick(): void;
* Toggles the dropdown menu visibility.
toggle(): void;
* Opens the dropdown menu programmatically.
open(): void;
* Closes the dropdown menu programmatically.
close(): void;
* Destroys the Dropdown instance and cleans up resources.
destroy(): void;
* Initializes all popovers in the DOM.
declare function initPopovers(): void;
* Cleans up all active popovers and their event listeners.
declare function cleanupPopovers(): void;
* Configuration options for the Popover component.
interface PopoverConfig {
* The placement of the popover relative to the trigger.
placement?: string;
* Custom classes to apply to the popover element.
popoverClass?: string;
* Plain text content for the popover.
content?: string | HTMLElement;
* Whether the popover is open by default.
openByDefault?: boolean;
* Offset for the popover position.
offset?: [number, number];
* Interface for the Popover instance.
interface IPopover {
* Opens the popover programmatically.
open(): void;
* Closes the popover programmatically.
close(): void;
* Toggles the popover's visibility programmatically.
toggle(): void;
* Destroys the Popover instance and cleans up resources.
destroy(): void;
* Class representing a programmatic Popover component.
declare class Popover implements IPopover {
private trigger;
private config;
private popperInstance;
private popoverElement;
* Creates an instance of Popover.
* @param trigger - The element that triggers the popover.
* @param config - Configuration options for the popover.
constructor(trigger: HTMLElement, config: PopoverConfig);
* Initializes the Popover instance.
private init;
* Handles the click event on the trigger element.
* @param event - The click event.
private handleTriggerClick;
* Opens the popover programmatically.
open(): Promise<void>;
* Closes the popover programmatically.
close(): void;
* Toggles the popover's visibility programmatically.
toggle(): void;
* Destroys the Popover instance and cleans up resources.
destroy(): void;
declare function initTooltips(): void;
declare function cleanupTooltips(): void;
* Options for configuring a tooltip instance.
interface TooltipConfig {
* The placement of the tooltip relative to the trigger element.
* Possible values include "top", "bottom", "left", "right", etc.
* @see
placement?: Placement;
* CSS classes to apply to the tooltip element for styling.
tooltipClass?: string;
* The content to display inside the tooltip.
* This can be a string or an HTML element.
content?: string | HTMLElement;
* Represents an active tooltip instance.
interface ITooltip {
* The HTML element that serves as the trigger for the tooltip.
triggerElement: HTMLElement;
* The tooltip's HTML element.
tooltipElement: HTMLElement | null;
* The Popper.js instance used for positioning.
tooltipInstance: Instance | null;
* Shows the tooltip.
* @returns A promise that resolves once the tooltip is displayed.
showTooltip: () => Promise<void>;
* Hides the tooltip.
hideTooltip: () => void;
* Destroys the tooltip instance, removing all event listeners and DOM elements.
destroy: () => void;
declare class Tooltip implements ITooltip {
triggerElement: HTMLElement;
tooltipElement: HTMLElement | null;
tooltipInstance: Instance | null;
options: TooltipConfig;
constructor(triggerElement: HTMLElement, options?: TooltipConfig);
private init;
showTooltip(): Promise<void>;
hideTooltip(): void;
destroy(): void;
* Initialize all tabs in the document.
declare function initTabs(): void;
* Cleans up all initialized tabs.
declare function cleanupTabs(): void;
* Configuration options for the Tabs component.
interface TabsConfig {
* Whether the tabs are oriented vertically or horizontally.
* - `horizontal`: Tabs are arranged in a row.
* - `vertical`: Tabs are arranged in a column.
* @default "horizontal"
orientation?: "horizontal" | "vertical";
* The ID of the tab to activate by default.
* @default "tab-1"
defaultTabId?: string;
* Interface defining the programmatic API for the Tabs component.
interface ITabs {
* Activates the specified tab by ID.
* @param tabId - The ID of the tab to activate.
activateTab(tabId: string): void;
* Cleans up the tab group by removing event listeners and resetting the DOM.
cleanup(): void;
* A class for managing tabs programmatically.
declare class Tabs implements ITabs {
private tabGroup;
private tabList;
private tabLinks;
private tabContents;
private indicator;
private orientation;
private defaultTabId;
* Creates a new Tabs instance.
* @param tabGroup - The container element of the tab group.
* @param options - Configuration options for the tabs.
constructor(tabGroup: HTMLElement, options?: TabsConfig);
* Initializes the tab group by setting up event listeners and activating the initial tab.
private initialize;
* Updates the position of the tab indicator dynamically.
* @param link - The active tab link element.
private updateIndicator;
* Activates the specified tab by its ID.
* @param tabId - The ID of the tab to activate.
activateTab(tabId: string): void;
* Cleans up the tab group by removing event listeners and resetting the DOM.
cleanup(): void;
* Initialize modal triggers and dismiss buttons.
declare function initModal(): void;
* Cleanup function to remove event listeners from active modals.
declare function cleanupModals(): void;
* Configuration options for the Modal component.
interface ModalConfig {
* Whether the Escape key should close the modal (default: true).
keyboard?: boolean;
* Whether clicking outside the modal content should close the modal (default: true).
closeOnOutsideClick?: boolean;
* Interface for the Modal component.
interface IModal {
* Show the modal.
show(): void;
* Hide the modal.
hide(): void;
* Toggle the modal's visibility.
toggle(): void;
* Check if the modal is currently visible.
isVisible(): boolean;
* A class to handle programmatic modal behavior.
* @implements {IModal}
declare class Modal implements IModal {
private _isVisible;
private _config;
private _modalElement;
* Initialize the modal.
* @param {HTMLElement} modalElement - The modal element.
* @param {ModalConfig} [config={}] - Configuration options for the modal.
constructor(modalElement: HTMLElement, config?: ModalConfig);
* Show the modal.
show(): void;
* Hide the modal.
hide(): void;
* Toggle the modal's visibility.
toggle(): void;
* Check if the modal is currently visible.
* @returns {boolean}
isVisible(): boolean;
* Set up initial modal state.
* Hides the modal if it's not already hidden.
private setupModal;
* Handle keydown events (e.g., Escape to close the modal).
* @param {KeyboardEvent} event
private handleKeydown;
* Handle clicks outside the modal content to close the modal.
* @param {MouseEvent} event
private handleOutsideClick;
* Removes the hidden class from the modal element.
* This is typically called before showing the modal.
private removeHiddenClass;
declare function toggleAccordionById(targetId: string): void;
declare function initAccordion(): void;
declare function cleanupAccordions(): void;
* Configuration options for the Accordion component
interface AccordionConfig {
/** When true, only one section can be open at a time */
exclusive?: boolean;
/** When true, allows multiple sections to be open simultaneously */
allOpen?: boolean;
* Interface defining the public API for controlling Accordion behavior
interface IAccordion {
* Toggles the open/closed state of an accordion section
* @param element - The accordion section element or its ID
toggle: (element: HTMLElement | string) => void;
* Opens an accordion section
* @param element - The accordion section element or its ID
show: (element: HTMLElement | string) => void;
* Closes an accordion section
* @param element - The accordion section element or its ID
hide: (element: HTMLElement | string) => void;
* Opens all accordion sections simultaneously
showAll: () => void;
* Closes all accordion sections simultaneously
hideAll: () => void;
* Removes all event listeners and cleans up the accordion instance
cleanup: () => void;
declare class Accordion implements IAccordion {
private container;
private options;
private initialized;
constructor(container: HTMLElement, options?: AccordionConfig);
private init;
private resolveElement;
toggle(element: HTMLElement | string): void;
show(element: HTMLElement | string): void;
hide(element: HTMLElement | string): void;
showAll(): void;
hideAll(): void;
cleanup(): void;
private toggleHandler;
private setAccordionState;
declare function initStepper(): void;
declare function cleanupSteppers(): void;
* Configuration options for initializing a Stepper instance
* @interface StepperConfig
interface StepperConfig {
/** Array of HTML elements representing the step indicators */
stepElements: HTMLElement[];
/** Array of HTML elements containing the content for each step */
contentElements: HTMLElement[];
/** HTML element for the "previous" navigation button */
prevButton: HTMLElement;
/** HTML element for the "next" navigation button */
nextButton: HTMLElement;
/** Optional initial step number (defaults to 1 if not provided) */
initialStep?: number;
* Interface defining the public API for the Stepper component
* @interface IStepper
interface IStepper {
/** Advances to the next step if available */
next(): void;
/** Returns to the previous step if available */
prev(): void;
* Jumps to a specific step number
* @param step - The step number to navigate to
goToStep(step: number): void;
/** Returns the current active step number */
getCurrentStep(): number;
/** Destroys the Stepper instance, cleaning up event listeners and references */
destroy(): void;
declare class Stepper implements IStepper {
private steps;
private contents;
private prevButton;
private nextButton;
private currentStep;
constructor(config: StepperConfig);
private updateState;
next(): void;
prev(): void;
goToStep(step: number): void;
getCurrentStep(): number;
destroy(): void;
declare const MaterialTailwind: {
initAlert: typeof initAlert;

@@ -50,5 +657,5 @@ initCollapse: typeof initCollapse;

export declare function initDavidAI(): void;
declare function initMaterialTailwind(): void;
declare const _default: {
initDavidAI: typeof initDavidAI;
initMaterialTailwind: typeof initMaterialTailwind;
initAlert: typeof initAlert;

@@ -74,2 +681,3 @@ initCollapse: typeof initCollapse;

export default _default;
export { Accordion, AccordionConfig, Collapse, CollapseConfig, Dropdown, DropdownConfig, IAccordion, ICollapse, IDropdown, IModal, IPopover, IStepper, ITabs, ITooltip, MaterialTailwind, Modal, ModalConfig, Popover, PopoverConfig, Stepper, StepperConfig, Tabs, TabsConfig, Tooltip, TooltipConfig, cleanupAccordions, cleanupDropdowns, cleanupGallery, cleanupModals, cleanupPopovers, cleanupSteppers, cleanupTabs, cleanupTooltips, _default as default, initAccordion, initAlert, initCollapse, initDropdowns, initGallery, initMaterialTailwind, initModal, initPopovers, initStepper, initTabs, initTooltips, toggleAccordionById };


"name": "@material-tailwind/html",
"version": "3.0.0-beta.4",
"version": "3.0.0-beta.5",
"description": "Material Tailwind is an open-source library that uses the power of Tailwind CSS and React to help you build unique web projects faster and easier. The stunning design inspired by Material Design is a bonus!",
"main": "dist/material-tailwind.js",
"main": "dist/material-tailwind.cjs.js",
"module": "dist/material-tailwind.esm.js",
"browser": "dist/material-tailwind.js",
"unpkg": "dist/material-tailwind.min.js",
"browser": "dist/material-tailwind.umd.js",
"unpkg": "dist/material-tailwind.umd.js",
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",

@@ -13,3 +13,4 @@ "type": "module",

"import": "./dist/material-tailwind.esm.js",
"require": "./dist/material-tailwind.js"
"require": "./dist/material-tailwind.cjs.js",
"default": "./dist/material-tailwind.umd.js"

@@ -55,5 +56,6 @@ "files": [

"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "^16.0.0",
"@rollup/plugin-terser": "^0.4.4",
"rollup-plugin-terser": "^7.0.2",
"rollup": "^4.34.6",
"rollup-plugin-typescript2": "^0.36.0",
"rollup-plugin-dts": "^5.0.0",
"typescript": "^5.7.3"

@@ -60,0 +62,0 @@ },

@@ -85,3 +85,3 @@ // Utilities

// Aggregate all exports into a single object for UMD consumers
export const DavidAI = {
export const MaterialTailwind = {

@@ -109,3 +109,3 @@ initCollapse,

// Global initialization function
export function initDavidAI(): void {
export function initMaterialTailwind(): void {
// Initialize non-Popper components

@@ -135,3 +135,3 @@ initAlert();

// Initialize all components

@@ -154,4 +154,4 @@ // Observe DOM changes for dynamically added elements

// Expose DavidAI globally for UMD usage
(window as any).DavidAI = { ...DavidAI, initDavidAI };
// Expose MaterialTailwind globally for UMD usage
(window as any).MaterialTailwind = { ...MaterialTailwind, initMaterialTailwind };

@@ -161,2 +161,2 @@ }

// Default export for ES modules
export default { ...DavidAI, initDavidAI };
export default { ...MaterialTailwind, initMaterialTailwind };

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