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Codemod scripts for Material-UI.

  • 5.0.0-beta.1
  • Source
  • npm
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Codemod scripts for Material-UI

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This repository contains a collection of codemod scripts based for use with jscodeshift that help update Material-UI APIs.

Setup & run

npx @material-ui/codemod@next <codemod> <paths...>

Applies a `@material-ui/codemod` to the specified paths

  codemod  The name of the codemod                                [string]
  paths    Paths forwarded to `jscodeshift`                       [string]

  --version  Show version number                                 [boolean]
  --help     Show help                                           [boolean]
  --dry      dry run (no changes are made to files)
                                                [boolean] [default: false]
  --print    print transformed files to stdout, useful for development
                                                [boolean] [default: false]
  --jscodeshift                                  [string] [default: false]

  npx @material-ui/codemod@next v4.0.0/theme-spacing-api src
  npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/component-rename-prop src --
  --component=Grid --from=prop --to=newProp
jscodeshift options

To pass more options directly to jscodeshift, use --jscodeshift="...". For example:

npx @material-ui/codemod@next --jscodeshift="--run-in-band --verbose=2"

See all available options here.

Recast Options

Options to recast's printer can be provided through jscodeshift's printOptions command line argument

npx @material-ui/codemod@next <transform> <path> --jscodeshift="--printOptions='{\"quote\":\"double\"}'"

Included scripts


🚀 preset-safe

A combination of all important transformers for migrating v4 to v5. ⚠️ This mod is not idempotent (theme-breakpoints) and should be run only once.

npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/preset-safe <path|folder>

The list includes these transformers


import and insert adaptV4Theme to createTheme (or createMuiTheme)

+import { adaptV4Theme } from '@material-ui/core/styles';

-createTheme({ palette: { ... }})
+createTheme(adaptV4Theme({ palette: { ... }}))
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/adapter-v4 <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Renames fade style utility import and calls from fade to alpha.

-<Autocomplete closeIcon={defaultClearIcon} />
+<Autocomplete clearIcon={defaultClearIcon} />
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/autocomplete-rename-closeicon  <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Renames getOptionSelected to isOptionEqualToValue.

- getOptionSelected={(option, value) => option.title === value.title}
+ isOptionEqualToValue={(option, value) => option.title === value.title}
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/autocomplete-rename-option  <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Updates the Avatar variant value and classes key from 'circle' to 'circular'.

-<Avatar variant="circle" />
-<Avatar classes={{ circle: 'className' }} />
+<Avatar variant="circular" />
+<Avatar classes={{ circular: 'className' }} />
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/avatar-circle-circular <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Renames the badge's props.

-<Badge overlap="circle">
-<Badge overlap="rectangle">
+<Badge overlap="circular">
+<Badge overlap="rectangular">
<Badge classes={{
- anchorOriginTopRightRectangle: 'className',
- anchorOriginBottomRightRectangle: 'className',
- anchorOriginTopLeftRectangle: 'className',
- anchorOriginBottomLeftRectangle: 'className',
- anchorOriginTopRightCircle: 'className',
- anchorOriginBottomRightCircle: 'className',
- anchorOriginTopLeftCircle: 'className',
+ anchorOriginTopRightRectangular: 'className',
+ anchorOriginBottomRightRectangular: 'className',
+ anchorOriginTopLeftRectangular: 'className',
+ anchorOriginBottomLeftRectangular: 'className',
+ anchorOriginTopRightCircular: 'className',
+ anchorOriginBottomRightCircular: 'className',
+ anchorOriginTopLeftCircular: 'className',
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/badge-overlap-value <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Updates the Box API from separate system props to sx.

-<Box borderRadius="borderRadius">
-<Box borderRadius={16}>
+<Box borderRadius={1}>
+<Box borderRadius="16px">
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/box-borderradius-values <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Renames the Box css prop to sx

-<Box css={{ m: 2 }}>
+<Box sx={{ m: 2 }}>
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/box-rename-css <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Renames the Box grid*Gap props.

-<Box gridGap={2}>Item 3</Box>
-<Box gridColumnGap={3}>Item 4</Box>
-<Box gridRowGap={4}>Item 5</Box>
+<Box gap={2}>Item 3</Box>
+<Box columnGap={3}>Item 4</Box>
+<Box rowGap={4}>Item 5</Box>
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/box-rename-gap <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Removes the outdated color prop values.

-<Button color="default">
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/button-color-prop <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Removes the Chip variant prop if the value is "default".

-<Chip variant="default">
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/chip-variant-prop <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Rename the CircularPress static variant to determinate.

-<CircularProgress variant="static" classes={{ static: 'className' }} />
+<CircularProgress variant="determinate" classes={{ determinate: 'className' }} />
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/circularprogress-variant <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Rename the CircularPress static variant to determinate.

-<Collapse collapsedHeight={40} />
-<Collapse classes={{ container: 'collapse' }} />
+<Collapse collapsedSize={40} />
+<Collapse classes={{ root: 'collapse' }} />
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/collapse-rename-collapsedheight <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


A generic codemod to rename any component prop.

-<Component prop="value" />
-<Component prop />
+<Component newProp="value" />
+<Component newProp />
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/component-rename-prop <path> -- --component=Grid --from=prop --to=newProp

Rename private import from core/styles/* to core/styles

-import { darken, lighten } from '@material-ui/core/styles/colorManipulator';
+import { darken, lighten } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/core-styles-import <path>

Rename the function createMuiTheme to createTheme

-import { createMuiTheme } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
+import { createTheme } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/create-theme <path>

Remove disableBackdropClick prop from <Dialog>

-<Dialog disableBackdropClick />
+<Dialog />
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/dialog-props <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Remove disableTypography prop from <DialogTitle>

-<DialogTitle disableTypography />
+<DialogTitle />
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/dialog-title-props <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


add prepend: true to emotion createCache

const cache = emotionCreateCache({
  key: 'css',
+ prepend: true,
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/create-theme <path>

Rename ExpansionPanel* to Accordion*

npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/expansion-panel-component <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.

-<Fab variant="round" />
+<Fab variant="circular" />
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/fab-variant <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Renames fade style utility import and calls frpm fade to alpha.

-import { fade, lighten } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
+import { alpha, lighten } from '@material-ui/core/styles';

-const foo = fade('#aaa');
+const foo = alpha('#aaa');
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/fade-rename-alpha <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Renames fade style utility import and calls frpm fade to alpha.

-<Grid justify="left">Item</Grid>
+<Grid item justifyContent="left">Item</Grid>
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/grid-justify-justifycontent <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Rename GridList* to ImageList*

npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/grid-list-component <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Add size="large" if size is empty to get the same UI as v4

-<IconButton size="medium" />
-<IconButton />
+<IconButton size="medium" />
+<IconButton size="large" />
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/icon-button-size <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.

Apply underline="hover" to <Link /> that does not define underline prop (to get the same behavior as in v4).

-<Link />
+<Link underline="hover" />
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/icon-button-size <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Move JSS imports to @material-ui/styles

-import {
-  createGenerateClassName,
-  createStyles,
-  jssPreset,
-  makeStyles,
-  ServerStyleSheets,
-  useThemeVariants,
-  withStyles,
-  withTheme,
-  ThemeProvider,
-  styled,
-  getStylesCreator,
-  mergeClasses,
-} from '@material-ui/core/styles';
+import { ThemeProvider, styled } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
+import createGenerateClassName from '@material-ui/styles/createGenerateClassName';
+import createStyles from '@material-ui/styles/createStyles';
+import jssPreset from '@material-ui/styles/jssPreset';
+import makeStyles from '@material-ui/styles/makeStyles';
+import ServerStyleSheets from '@material-ui/styles/ServerStyleSheets';
+import useThemeVariants from '@material-ui/styles/useThemeVariants';
+import withStyles from '@material-ui/styles/withStyles';
+import withTheme from '@material-ui/styles/withTheme';
+import getStylesCreator from '@material-ui/styles/getStylesCreator';
import mergeClasses from '@material-ui/styles/mergeClasses';
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/material-ui-styles <path>

Renames Omit import from @material-ui/types to DistributiveOmit

-import { Omit } from '@material-ui/types';
+import { DistributiveOmit } from '@material-ui/types';
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/material-ui-types <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Removes disableBackdropClick and onEscapeKeyDown from <Modal>

- disableBackdropClick
- onEscapeKeyDown={handleEscapeKeyDown}
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/modal-props <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Updates all imports for @material-ui/lab components that have moved to @material-ui/core.

-import Skeleton from '@material-ui/lab/Skeleton';
+import Skeleton from '@material-ui/core/Skeleton';


-import { SpeedDial } from '@material-ui/lab';
+import { SpeedDial } from '@material-ui/core';
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/moved-lab-modules <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.

-<Pagination shape="round" />
-<PaginationItem shape="round" />
+<Pagination shape="circular" />
+<PaginationItem shape="circular" />
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/pagination-round-circular <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Removes RootRef from the codebase

npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/root-ref <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.

-<Skeleton vairiant="circle" />
-<Skeleton vairiant="rect" />
+<Skeleton vairiant="circular" />
+<Skeleton vairiant="rectangular" />
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/skeleton-variant <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Applies StyledEngineProvider to the files that contains ThemeProvider

npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/styled-engine-provider <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Renames props in Table* components

-  <TablePagination onChangeRowsPerPage={() => {}} onChangePage={() => {}} />
-  <TablePagination classes={{ input: 'foo' }} />
-  <Table padding="default" />
-  <TableCell padding="default" />
+  <TablePagination onRowsPerPageChange={() => {}} onPageChange={() => {}} />
+  <TablePagination classes={{ select: 'foo' }} />
+  <Table padding="normal" />
+  <TableCell padding="normal" />

npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/table-props <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.

-<Tabs scrollButtons="on" />
-<Tabs scrollButtons="desktop" />
-<Tabs scrollButtons="off" />
+<Tabs scrollButtons allowScrollButtonsMobile />
+<Tabs scrollButtons />
+<Tabs scrollButtons={false} />
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/tabs-scroll-buttons <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.

-<TextField rowsMin={3} rowsMax={6} />
-<TextareaAutosize rows={2} />
-<TextareaAutosize rowsMin={3} rowsMax={6} />
+<TextField minRows={3} maxRows={6} />
+<TextareaAutosize minRows={2} />
+<TextareaAutosize minRows={3} maxRows={6} />
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/textarea-minmax-rows <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Add DefaultTheme module augment for typescript project

npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/theme-augment <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Updates breakpoint values to match new logic. ⚠️ This mod is not idempotent, it should be run only once.

-theme.breakpoints.between('sm', 'md')
+theme.breakpoints.between('sm', 'lg')
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/theme-breakpoints <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Rename theme.breakpoints.width('md') to

npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/theme-breakpoints-width <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.

-import { ThemeOptions } from '@material-ui/core';
+import { DeprecatedThemeOptions } from '@material-ui/core';
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/theme-options <path>

Rename type to mode

- { palette: { type: 'dark' } }
+ { palette: { mode: 'dark' } }
-theme.palette.type === 'dark'
+theme.palette.mode === 'dark'
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/theme-palette-mode <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Rename MuiThemeProvider to ThemeProvider

npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/theme-provider <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Removes the 'px' suffix from some template strings.

-`${theme.spacing(2)}px ${theme.spacing(4)}px`
+`${theme.spacing(2)} ${theme.spacing(4)}`
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/theme-spacing <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Remove theme.typography.round($number) to Math.round($number * 1e5) / 1e5

+`${Math.round($number * 1e5) / 1e5}`
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/theme-typography-round <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Renames import transitions to createTransitions

npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/transitions <path>

Renames useAutocomplete related import from lab to core

-import useAutocomplete from '@material-ui/lab/useAutocomplete';
+import useAutocomplete from '@material-ui/core/useAutocomplete';
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/use-autocomplete <path>

Updates Dialog, Menu, Popover, and Snackbar to use the TransitionProps prop to replace the onEnter* and onExit* props.

-  onEnter={onEnter}
-  onEntered={onEntered}
-  onEntering={onEntering}
-  onExit={onExit}
-  onExited={onExited}
-  onExiting={onExiting}
+  TransitionProps={{
+    onEnter,
+    onEntered,
+    onEntering,
+    onExit,
+    onExited,
+    onExiting,
+  }}
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/use-transitionprops <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Don't run this codemod if you already set variant to outlined or filled in theme default props.

Add the TextField, Select, and FormControl variant="standard" prop when variant is undefined. The diff should look like this:

-<TextField value="Standard" />
+<TextField value="Standard" variant="standard" />
-<Select value="Standard" />
+<Select value="Standard" variant="standard" />
-<FormControl value="Standard" />
+<FormControl value="Standard" variant="standard" />
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/variant-prop <path>

Remove and insert hardcoded withMobileDialog to prevent application crash.

- import withMobileDialog from '@material-ui/core/withMobileDialog';
+ // FIXME checkout
+ const withMobileDialog = () => (WrappedComponent) => (props) => <WrappedComponent {...props} width="lg" fullScreen={false} />;
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/with-mobile-dialog <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.


Remove and insert hardcoded withWidth to prevent application crash.

- import withWidth from '@material-ui/core/withWidth';
+ // FIXME checkout
+ const withWidth = () => (WrappedComponent) => (props) => <WrappedComponent {...props} width="xs" />;
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v5.0.0/with-width <path>

You can find more details about this breaking change in the migration guide.



Updates the theme-spacing-api from theme.spacing.unit x to theme.spacing(x). The diff should look like this:

-const spacing = theme.spacing.unit;
+const spacing = theme.spacing(1);
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v4.0.0/theme-spacing-api <path>

This codemod tries to perform a basic expression simplification which can be improved for expressions that use more than one operation.

-const spacing = theme.spacing.unit / 5;
+const spacing = theme.spacing(0.2);

// Limitation
-const spacing = theme.spacing.unit * 5 * 5;
+const spacing = theme.spacing(5) * 5;

Converts all @material-ui/core imports more than 1 level deep to the optimal form for tree shaking:

-import withStyles from '@material-ui/core/styles/withStyles';
-import createTheme from '@material-ui/core/styles/createTheme';
+import { withStyles, createTheme } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v4.0.0/optimal-imports <path>

Head to to understand when it's useful.


Converts all @material-ui/core submodule imports to the root module:

-import List from '@material-ui/core/List';
-import { withStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
+import { List, withStyles } from '@material-ui/core';
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v4.0.0/top-level-imports <path>

Head to to understand when it's useful.



Updates the import-paths for the new location of the components. Material-UI v1.0.0 flatten the import paths. The diff should look like this:

-import { MenuItem } from '@material-ui/core/Menu';
+import MenuItem from '@material-ui/core/MenuItem';
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v1.0.0/import-path <path>

Notice: if you are migrating from pre-v1.0, and your imports use material-ui, you will need to manually find and replace all references to material-ui in your code to @material-ui/core. E.g.:

-import Typography from 'material-ui/Typography';
+import Typography from '@material-ui/core/Typography';

Subsequently, you can run the above find ... command to flatten your imports.


Updates the color-imports for the new location of Material-UI color palettes. The diff should look like this:

-import { blue, teal500 } from 'material-ui/styles/colors';
+import blue from '@material-ui/core/colors/blue';
+import teal from '@material-ui/core/colors/teal';
+const teal500 = teal['500'];
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v1.0.0/color-imports <path>

additional options

npx @material-ui/codemod@next v1.0.0/color-imports <path> -- --importPath='mui/styles/colors' --targetPath='mui/colors'

Updates the svg-icons import paths from material-ui/svg-icons/<category>/<icon-name> to @material-ui/icons/<IconName>, to use the new @material-ui/icons package. The diff should look like this:

-import AccessAlarmIcon from 'material-ui/svg-icons/device/AccessAlarm';
-import ThreeDRotation from 'material-ui/svg-icons/action/ThreeDRotation';
+import AccessAlarmIcon from '@material-ui/icons/AccessAlarm';
+import ThreeDRotation from '@material-ui/icons/ThreeDRotation';
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v1.0.0/svg-icon-imports <path>



Updates the import-paths for the new location of the components. Material-UI v0.15.0 is reorganizing the folder distribution of the project. The diff should look like this:

// From the source
-import FlatButton from 'material-ui/src/flat-button';
+import FlatButton from 'material-ui/src/FlatButton';

// From npm
-import RaisedButton from 'material-ui/lib/raised-button';
+import RaisedButton from 'material-ui/RaisedButton';
npx @material-ui/codemod@next v0.15.0/import-path <path>



Package last updated on 21 Jul 2021

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