@matter/tools - Matter.js Tooling
This package supports build and execution infrastructure for other matter.js packages.
Supports all Node.js LTS versions starting with 18.x
Matter.js consists of a large number of generated TypeScript files. We support multiple module formats targeting
disparate JavaScript runtimes including Node and web browsers. We publish a moderate (and growing) number of packages
to NPM. We support Linux, Windows and MacOS.
Previously, TSC analysis and test times had become quite slow. A proliferation of configuration files for TSC and test
framework was adding significant redundancy to the codebase.
This package standardizes and centralizes configuration for build and test. It minimizes reliance on TSC and generally
does its best to run build and test as quickly as possible.
Dev workflow
Although Matter.js relies on third party tools for build and test, the interface is command-line oriented and unique to
Matter.js. As such it will be unfamiliar to new developers.
To minimize developer burden, we also maintain traditional tsconfig.json
files with project references in each src/
and test/
. These files support traditional IDE and tsc --watch
workflows and are largely (but not entirely) ignored
by the tooling package.
These files do add configuration overhead but we minimize this with a shared tsconfig.base.json
supplied by this package.
We also supply a standard .mocharc.cjs
in packages with tests. You can use this with your IDE's Mocha integration for
standard testing workflows.
We use TSC to validate TypeScript types and
generate declaration files. We use esbuild for transcoding TypeScript to ESM (ES6 module
format) and CJS (CommonJS module format).
The matter-build script orchestrates TSC and esbuild. It inspects package.json
for the target
module to determine whether to emit ESM, CJS or both.
Use matter-build --help
for command line usage. matter-build --workspaces
builds all workspace packages that have
changed (or depend on other workspace packages that have changed) since the last build.
itself is implemented in TypeScript. It uses esbuild
to bootstrap itself in fresh installs.
We facilitate execution via matter-run. This command bootstraps tooling, transpiles the target module, and
executes the named JS or TS script.
understands Matter.js package.json
conventions and automatically transpiles typescript files in the
target package prior to execution.
accepts a script to run and passes other arguments to the script verbatim.
If you set the environment variable MATTER_ECHO
, matter-run
will print the command line prior to invoking a script.