Mayan Swap SDK
A minimal package for sending cross-chain swap transactions
npm install --save @mayanfinance/swap-sdk
Import the necessary functions and models:
import { fetchQuote, swapFromEvm, swapFromSolana, Quote } from '@mayanfinance/swap-sdk'
Then you will need to get a quote:
Getting Quote:
const quote = await fetchQuote({
amount: 250,
fromToken: fromToken.contract,
toToken: toToken.contract,
fromChain: "bsc",
toChain: "solana",
slippage: 3,
gasDrop: 0.04,
You can get the list of supported tokens using Tokens API
Gas on destination:
To enable Gas on destination set the gasDrop param to the amount of native token (e.g. ETH, BNB..) you want to receive on the destination chain.
Maximum supported amount of gasDrop for each destination chain:
ethereum: 0.05 ETH
bsc: 0.02 BNB
polygon: 0.2 MATIC
avalanche: 0.2 AVAX
solana: 0.2 SOL
arbitrum: 0.01 ETH
Referrer fee:
If you want to receive referrer fee, set the referrer
param to your wallet address.
Slippage is in percentage, so 3 means "up to three percent slippage".
After you get the quote, you can send the swap transaction:
Swap from Solana:
swapTrx = await swapFromSolana(quote, originWalletAddress, destinationWalletAddress, deadlineInSeconds, referrerAddress, signSolanaTransaction, solanaConnection)
Swap from EVM:
swapTrx = await swapFromEvm(quote, destinationWalletAddress, deadlineInSeconds, referrerAddress, provider, signer)
must be a Solana wallet address. If you don't want to get referrer fee from users, set "referrerAddress" to null
or "11111111111111111111111111111111"
To track the progress of swaps, you can use Mayan Explorer API
📱 React Native Support (Solana Mobile SDK):
You can also use this SDK in your react native app:
import { transact, Web3MobileWallet } from '@solana-mobile/mobile-wallet-adapter-protocol-web3js';
import { createSwapFromSolanaInstructions } from '@react-native-swap-sdk';
For swaps from solana after importing the necessary functions you can use createSwapFromSolanaInstructions
function to get the instructions and signers for the swap transaction. Then you can use transact
function to sign and then send the transaction.
For swaps from EVM you can continue using swapFromEvm
const swapper = new PublicKey(originWalletAddress);
const { instructions, signers } = await createSwapFromSolanaInstructions(
const signedTrx = await transact(async (wallet: Web3MobileWallet) => {
const authorizationResult = await authorizeSession(wallet);
if (!authorizationResult.publicKey.equals(swapper)) {
throw new Error('Wallet account does not match the swapper account');
const blockhash = await solanaConnection.getLatestBlockhash();
const swapTransaction = new Transaction({
feePayer: authorizationResult.publicKey,
signers.forEach(signer => {
return swapTransaction.partialSign(signer);
const signedTransactions = await wallet.signTransactions({
transactions: [swapTransaction],
return signedTransactions[0];
const trxHash = await solanaConnection.sendRawTransaction(signedTrx.serialize());
To learn more about how to manage authorized session you can check this practice.