JS Animation Library with timeline
JS Animation
How to use in Browser
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var Player = anima.Player;
How to use in es6
npm install --save @mechanikadesign/anima
import { Player } from '@mechanikadesign/anima'
var player = new anima.Player([
{selector: '.sample', properties: [
property: 'width',
keyframes: [
[500, '0%'],
[3000, '100px'],
[5000, '10px']
property: 'height',
keyframes: [
[2000, '100px']
], {
duration: 5000,
iterationCount: 0,
direction: 'alternate'
Animatable Type
Type | Value |
{color} | rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) yellow
{length} | 10px 10% 10em
{number} | 10 0.3434
{boolean} | "alternate" "normal"
{rotate} | 10deg 0.5turn
{border-radius} | 10px 10px 10px 10px 10px |
{border} | border:1px solid black;border-top:10px solid yellow; .... |
{filter} | blur({length}) hue-rotate({rotate}) ... |
{clip-path} | none circle() ellipse() inset() polygon() , ... |
{transform} | translateX({length}) translateY({length}) rotate({$rotate}) ... |
{path} | "M 20 30 L 20 50 Z" |
{polygon} | "30,20 50,80 90,200" |
Animatable Properties
Single Value Type
Property | Value Type |
background-color | {color} |
color | {color} |
text-fill-color | {color} |
text-stroke-color | {color} |
fill | {color} |
stroke | {color} |
border-color | {color} |
border-top-color | {color} |
border-left-color | {color} |
border-right-color | {color} |
border-bottom-color | {color} |
Property | Value Type |
left | {length} |
top | {length} |
width | {length} |
height | {length} |
perspective | {length} |
font-size | {length} |
font-stretch | {length} |
font-weight | {length} |
text-stroke-width | {length} |
border-width | {length} |
border-top-width | {length} |
border-left-width | {length} |
border-right-width | {length} |
border-bottom-width | {length} |
Property | Value Type |
fill-opacity | {number} |
opacity | {number} |
stroke-dashoffset | {number} |
Property | Value Type |
mix-blend-mode | {boolean} |
fill-rule | {boolean} |
stroke-linecap | {boolean} |
stroke-linejoin | {boolean} |
border-style | {boolean} |
border-top-style | {boolean} |
border-left-style | {boolean} |
border-right-style | {boolean} |
border-bottom-style | {boolean} |
Property | how to use |
rotate | {rotate} |
Multi Value Type
Property | Value Type |
background-image | background-image: {image}; background-position: {length} {length}; background-size: {length} {length}; background-repeat: {boolean}; background-blend-mode: {boolean} |
offset-path | {pathLayerId},{distance:length},{rotateStatus:boolean},{rotate:rotate} |
box-shadow | {offsetX:length} {offsetY:length} {blurRadius:length} {spreadRadius:length} color:color} , ... |
text-shadow | {offsetX:length} {offsetY:length} {blurRadius:length} {color:color} , ... |
border-radius | {border-radius} |
border | {border} |
filter | {filter} |
backdrop-filter | {filter} |
clip-path | {clip-path} |
transform | {transform} |
transform-origin | {length} {length} |
perspective-origin | {length} {length} |
stroke-dasharray | {number} {number} |
d | {path} |
points | {polygon} |
License : MIT