MeetElise Webchat
To install MeetElise webchat on your site, add the following code:
<script type="module">
import Chat from "";
organization: "{your org here}",
building: "{your building here}",
Custom Positioning
To reposition your chat widget on the page, add the position
object to your snippet.
<script type="module">
import Chat from "";
organization: "{your org here}",
building: "{your building here}",
position: {
bottom: 100,
left: 0,
Configure Settings
To configure colors, options, and other settings you can navigate to
Separate Call to Actions
You can open any of the widgets via the functions given in the window.eliseAi namespace. The options given are
Example usage with an <a>
tag would be:
<a href="javacript:void(0)" onclick="window.eliseAi.onOpenChat()"
>Chat with us</a
While an example with a <button>
tag would be
<button onclick="window.eliseAi.onOpenSst()">Open SST</button>
Rentgrata Integration
Assuming you've followed these instructions to install Rengrata on your site, you can add the overrideRentgrata
option to your snippet to
- Hide the rentgrata widget call to actions
- Open the 'contact a resident' window via EliseAI's widget.
Example usage:
<script type="module">
import Chat from "";
organization: "{your org here}",
building: "{your building here}",
overrideRentgrata: true,
Please note this does not remove rentgrata functionality. This feature combines the rentgrata widget with the EliseAI widget