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@microsoft/bf-lu - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 4.10.0-dev.20200804.10e144c to 4.10.0-dev.20200806.789391b



@@ -19,2 +19,3 @@ "use strict";

const LUISObjNameEnum = require('./../utils/enums/luisobjenum');
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
module.exports = {

@@ -354,3 +355,3 @@ /**

const buildLuJsonObject = async function (luObjArray, log, luis_culture, luSearchFn = findLuFilesInDir) {
const buildLuJsonObject = async function (luObjArray, log, luis_culture, luSearchFn = resolveLuContent) {
let allParsedLUISContent = [];

@@ -399,34 +400,72 @@ let allParsedQnAContent = [];

const findLuFilesInDir = async function (srcId, idsToFind) {
const resolveLuContent = async function (srcId, idsToFind) {
let luObjects = [];
let parentFilePath = srcId === 'stdin' ? process.cwd() : path.parse(path.resolve(srcId)).dir;
for (let idx = 0; idx < idsToFind.length; idx++) {
// Support wild cards at the end of a relative .LU file path.
// './bar/*' should look for all .lu files under the specified folder.
// './bar/**' should recursively look for .lu files under sub-folders as well.
let file = idsToFind[idx];
if (file.filePath.endsWith('*')) {
const isRecursive = file.filePath.endsWith('**');
const rootFolder = file.filePath.replace(/\*/g, '');
let rootPath = rootFolder;
if (!path.isAbsolute(rootFolder)) {
rootPath = path.resolve(parentFilePath, rootFolder);
// Get LU files in this location
const luFilesToAdd = helpers.findLUFiles(rootPath, isRecursive);
// add these to filesToParse
for (let f = 0; f < luFilesToAdd.length; f++) {
const opts = new luOptions(luFilesToAdd[f], file.includeInCollate);
luObjects.push(new luObject(readLuFile(luFilesToAdd[f]), opts));
let toResolve = idsToFind[idx];
if (isUrl(toResolve.filePath)) {
await resolveLuUriContent(srcId, toResolve, luObjects);
if (!path.isAbsolute(file.filePath)) {
file.filePath = path.resolve(parentFilePath, file.filePath);
else {
resolveLuFileContent(toResolve, luObjects, srcId);
// find matching parsed files and ensure includeInCollate is updated if needed.
luObjects.push(new luObject(readLuFile(file.filePath), new luOptions(file.filePath, file.includeInCollate)));
return luObjects;
const resolveLuFileContent = function (file, luObjects, srcId) {
let parentFilePath = srcId === 'stdin' ? process.cwd() : path.parse(path.resolve(srcId)).dir;
// Support wild cards at the end of a relative .LU file path.
// './bar/*' should look for all .lu files under the specified folder.
// './bar/**' should recursively look for .lu files under sub-folders as well.
if (file.filePath.endsWith('*')) {
const isRecursive = file.filePath.endsWith('**');
const rootFolder = file.filePath.replace(/\*/g, '');
let rootPath = rootFolder;
if (!path.isAbsolute(rootFolder)) {
rootPath = path.resolve(parentFilePath, rootFolder);
// Get LU files in this location
const luFilesToAdd = helpers.findLUFiles(rootPath, isRecursive);
// add these to filesToParse
for (let f = 0; f < luFilesToAdd.length; f++) {
const opts = new luOptions(luFilesToAdd[f], file.includeInCollate);
luObjects.push(new luObject(readLuFile(luFilesToAdd[f]), opts));
if (!path.isAbsolute(file.filePath)) {
file.filePath = path.resolve(parentFilePath, file.filePath);
// find matching parsed files and ensure includeInCollate is updated if needed.
luObjects.push(new luObject(readLuFile(file.filePath), new luOptions(file.filePath, file.includeInCollate)));
const resolveLuUriContent = async function (srcId, toResolve, luObjects) {
let uri = toResolve.filePath || undefined;
if (uri !== undefined) {
let response;
try {
response = await fetch(uri, { method: 'GET' });
catch (err) {
// throw, invalid URI
let errorMsg = `URI: "${uri}" appears to be invalid. Please double check the URI or re-try this parse when you are connected to the internet.`;
let error = BuildDiagnostic({
message: errorMsg,
range: luImport.Range
throw (new exception(retCode.errorCode.INVALID_URI, error.toString(), [error]));
var res = await response.buffer();
var encodedRes = helpers.fixBuffer(res);
luObjects.push(new luObject(encodedRes, new luOptions(toResolve.filePath, toResolve.includeInCollate)));
const isUrl = function (path) {
try {
new URL(path);
return true;
catch (err) {
return false;
const updateParsedFiles = function (allParsedLUISContent, allParsedQnAContent, allParsedAlterationsContent, luobject) {

@@ -433,0 +472,0 @@ // find the instance and ensure includeInCollate property is set correctly

@@ -91,3 +91,8 @@ "use strict";

let text = utterance.text;
let sortedEntitiesList = objectSortByStartPos(utterance.entities);
// flatten entities
let flatEntities = [];
Object.assign([], utterance.entities).forEach(entity => flattenEntities(entity, flatEntities));
let sortedEntitiesList = objectSortByStartPos(flatEntities);
// remove all children
sortedEntitiesList.forEach(entity => delete entity.children);
let tokenizedText = text.split('');

@@ -107,2 +112,8 @@ // handle cases where we have both child as well as cases where more than one entity can have the same start position

const flattenEntities = function (entity, flatEntities) {
if (entity.children !== undefined && Array.isArray(entity.children) && entity.children.length !== 0) {
entity.children.forEach(child => flattenEntities(child, flatEntities));
flatEntities.push(Object.assign({}, entity));
const getEntitiesByPositionList = function (entitiesList, tokenizedText) {

@@ -109,0 +120,0 @@ (entitiesList || []).forEach(entity => {

@@ -80,5 +80,2 @@ "use strict";

throw (new exception(retCode.errorCode.INVALID_LU_FILE_REF, `[ERROR]: Invalid LU File Ref: "${utterance}"`));
let parseUrl = url.parse(linkValue);
if ( || parseUrl.hostname)
throw (new exception(retCode.errorCode.INVALID_LU_FILE_REF, `[ERROR]: Invalid LU File Ref: "${utterance}". \n Reference cannot be a URI`));
// reference can either be #<Intent-Name> or #? or /*#? or /**#? or #*utterance* or #<Intent-Name>*patterns*

@@ -182,2 +179,36 @@ let splitRegExp = new RegExp(/^(?<fileName>.*?)(?<segment>#|\*+)(?<path>.*?)$/gim);

fixBuffer: function (fileBuffer) {
if (fileBuffer) {
// If the data starts with BOM, we know it is UTF
if (fileBuffer[0] === 0xEF && fileBuffer[1] === 0xBB && fileBuffer[2] === 0xBF) {
// EF BB BF UTF-8 with BOM
fileBuffer = fileBuffer.slice(3);
else if (fileBuffer[0] === 0xFF && fileBuffer[1] === 0xFE && fileBuffer[2] === 0x00 && fileBuffer[3] === 0x00) {
// FF FE 00 00 UTF-32, little-endian BOM
fileBuffer = fileBuffer.slice(4);
else if (fileBuffer[0] === 0x00 && fileBuffer[1] === 0x00 && fileBuffer[2] === 0xFE && fileBuffer[3] === 0xFF) {
// 00 00 FE FF UTF-32, big-endian BOM
fileBuffer = fileBuffer.slice(4);
else if (fileBuffer[0] === 0xFE && fileBuffer[1] === 0xFF && fileBuffer[2] === 0x00 && fileBuffer[3] === 0x00) {
// FE FF 00 00 UCS-4, unusual octet order BOM (3412)
fileBuffer = fileBuffer.slice(4);
else if (fileBuffer[0] === 0x00 && fileBuffer[1] === 0x00 && fileBuffer[2] === 0xFF && fileBuffer[3] === 0xFE) {
// 00 00 FF FE UCS-4, unusual octet order BOM (2143)
fileBuffer = fileBuffer.slice(4);
else if (fileBuffer[0] === 0xFF && fileBuffer[1] === 0xFE) {
// FF FE UTF-16, little endian BOM
fileBuffer = fileBuffer.slice(2);
else if (fileBuffer[0] === 0xFE && fileBuffer[1] === 0xFF) {
// FE FF UTF-16, big endian BOM
fileBuffer = fileBuffer.slice(2);
return fileBuffer.toString('utf8').replace(/\0/g, '');

@@ -184,0 +215,0 @@ };

@@ -10,2 +10,3 @@ "use strict";

const retCode = require('./../parser/utils/enums/CLI-errors');
const helpers = require('./../parser/utils/helpers');
async function readTextFile(file) {

@@ -18,34 +19,3 @@ return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {

let fileBuffer = await fs.readFile(file);
if (fileBuffer) {
// If the data starts with BOM, we know it is UTF
if (fileBuffer[0] === 0xEF && fileBuffer[1] === 0xBB && fileBuffer[2] === 0xBF) {
// EF BB BF UTF-8 with BOM
fileBuffer = fileBuffer.slice(3);
else if (fileBuffer[0] === 0xFF && fileBuffer[1] === 0xFE && fileBuffer[2] === 0x00 && fileBuffer[3] === 0x00) {
// FF FE 00 00 UTF-32, little-endian BOM
fileBuffer = fileBuffer.slice(4);
else if (fileBuffer[0] === 0x00 && fileBuffer[1] === 0x00 && fileBuffer[2] === 0xFE && fileBuffer[3] === 0xFF) {
// 00 00 FE FF UTF-32, big-endian BOM
fileBuffer = fileBuffer.slice(4);
else if (fileBuffer[0] === 0xFE && fileBuffer[1] === 0xFF && fileBuffer[2] === 0x00 && fileBuffer[3] === 0x00) {
// FE FF 00 00 UCS-4, unusual octet order BOM (3412)
fileBuffer = fileBuffer.slice(4);
else if (fileBuffer[0] === 0x00 && fileBuffer[1] === 0x00 && fileBuffer[2] === 0xFF && fileBuffer[3] === 0xFE) {
// 00 00 FF FE UCS-4, unusual octet order BOM (2143)
fileBuffer = fileBuffer.slice(4);
else if (fileBuffer[0] === 0xFF && fileBuffer[1] === 0xFE) {
// FF FE UTF-16, little endian BOM
fileBuffer = fileBuffer.slice(2);
else if (fileBuffer[0] === 0xFE && fileBuffer[1] === 0xFF) {
// FE FF UTF-16, big endian BOM
fileBuffer = fileBuffer.slice(2);
return resolve(fileBuffer.toString('utf8').replace(/\0/g, ''));
return resolve(helpers.fixBuffer(fileBuffer));

@@ -52,0 +22,0 @@ catch (err) {

"name": "@microsoft/bf-lu",
"version": "4.10.0-dev.20200804.10e144c",
"version": "4.10.0-dev.20200806.789391b",
"author": "Microsoft",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "bugs": "",

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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