What is @microsoft/load-themed-styles?
@microsoft/load-themed-styles is a utility library for loading and applying CSS styles dynamically in a way that supports theming. It is particularly useful in scenarios where styles need to be adjusted based on a theme, such as in web applications that support multiple themes or dynamic style changes.
What are @microsoft/load-themed-styles's main functionalities?
Load Styles
This feature allows you to load CSS styles dynamically. The `loadStyles` function takes a string of CSS and injects it into the document's head.
const { loadStyles } = require('@microsoft/load-themed-styles');
loadStyles('.myClass { color: red; }');
Load Themed Styles
This feature allows you to load styles that are theme-aware. The `loadTheme` function sets the theme, and `loadStyles` can then use theme tokens to apply the correct styles based on the current theme.
const { loadTheme, loadStyles } = require('@microsoft/load-themed-styles');
const theme = {
palette: {
themePrimary: '#0078d4',
themeSecondary: '#2b88d8'
loadStyles('.myClass { color: [theme:themePrimary]; }');
Clear Styles
This feature allows you to clear all dynamically loaded styles. The `clearStyles` function removes all styles that were injected using `loadStyles`.
const { clearStyles } = require('@microsoft/load-themed-styles');
Other packages similar to @microsoft/load-themed-styles
styled-components is a library for React and React Native that allows you to use component-level styles in your application. It uses tagged template literals to style components. Unlike @microsoft/load-themed-styles, styled-components is more focused on component-based styling and offers a more modern approach to styling in React applications.
Emotion is a performant and flexible CSS-in-JS library. It allows you to style applications quickly with string or object styles. Emotion provides powerful and flexible theming capabilities, similar to @microsoft/load-themed-styles, but it is more focused on the CSS-in-JS paradigm and offers a broader range of features for styling React components.
JSS is an authoring tool for CSS which uses JavaScript as a host language. It allows you to describe styles in a declarative, maintainable, and reusable way. JSS supports theming and dynamic styles, similar to @microsoft/load-themed-styles, but it is more general-purpose and can be used with various frameworks, not just React.
Loads a string of style rules, but supports detokenizing theme constants built within it.
Install with npm
$ npm install --save @microsoft/load-themed-styles
To load a given string of styles, you can do this in TypeScript or ES6:
import { loadStyles } from '@microsoft/load-themed-styles';
loadStyles('body { background: red; }');
This will register any set of styles given. However, in the above example the color is hardcoded to red. To make this theme-able, replace it with the string token in this format:
"[theme:{variableName}, default:{defaultValue}]"
For example:
loadStyles('body { background: "[theme:primaryBackgroundColor, default: blue]"');
When loading, the background will use the default value, blue. Providing your own theme values using the loadTheme
import { loadStyles, loadTheme } from '@microsoft/load-themed-styles';
primaryBackgroundColor: "#EAEAEA"
loadStyles('body { background: "[theme:primaryBackgroundColor, default: #FFAAFA]"');
This will register #EAEAEA as the body's background color. If you call loadTheme again after styles have already been registered, it will replace the style elements with retokenized values.
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