1.0.1 (2025-01-27)
🚀 Features
- DS-434/tag: create a new component
- Modal: create a new component
- Modal: create a new component
- Modal: fix styling, delete not used codes and add button component
- ⚠️ accordion: new build
- ⚠️ breadcrumbs: new build
- button: added tertiary and danger themes
- ⚠️ button: new build
- button: remove underline from tertiary button
- button: add icon and iconSize prop and logic to make icon smaller when size=small
- button: update button stories
- button: remove unused icon
- button: add property to change button's icon direction
- button: change inline style to class style
- button: add buttongroup component, move mobile rules
- ⚠️ card: new build
- ⚠️ card: new api, replace button with stretched link
- card: support custom link component
- checkbox: select all checkbox
- checkbox: new wrapper
- ⚠️ checkbox: new build
- combobox: create a combobox component with styling
- ⚠️ combobox: new build
- date-picker: new wrapper
- date-picker: new datepicker
- date-picker: datepicker renamed daterangepicker in favor of datepicker
- ⚠️ date-picker: new build
- dropdown: new component
- ⚠️ file-upload: new build
- fileupload: new wrapper
- flex: add fluid variant
- flex: can now take all props of usual div
- ⚠️ flex: new build
- grid: add fluid variant
- grid: can now take all props of usual div
- ⚠️ grid: new build
- info-banner: add support for ReactNodes in message
- info-banner: dismissable banner
- ⚠️ info-banner: new build
- ⚠️ link: new build
- link: add standalone link variant
- link: ability to stretch link in parent
- link: add icon in prop, add disabeld, and add states in css
- ⚠️ link-button: new build
- link-button: inherits api from button
- link-button: add own style, delete unuse codes, and fix the stories
- link-button: add full width
- link-button: add full width and delete unuse code
- linkButton: add icon
- ⚠️ logo: new build
- logo: new variants and refactor
- ⚠️ modal: new API
- multi-select: new component
- radio: new wrapper
- ⚠️ radio: new build + replace vite test
- ⚠️ search-field: new build
- searchfield: props rewrite
- select: new wrapper
- ⚠️ select: new build
- sidebar: new component
- ⚠️ spinner: new build
- table: new component!
- ⚠️ table: new build
- table: add docs + striped option
- ⚠️ tabs: new build
- tag: new component
- tertiary button: change padding
- textArea: creat textArea component
- textarea: new component
- textarea: new wrapper
- ⚠️ textarea: new build
- textfield: add ssn validation
- ⚠️ textfield: new build
- textfield: support counter and maxCharacters
- theme: new build
- ⚠️ toast: new build
- ui: export new components
- ui: new build
🩹 Fixes
- change node version on deploy
- new readme + doc build
- a littel fixing
- add test for textarea in textfield.spec
- add test for textarea
- shows an error when the max current charaters are more from max charecters
- shows an error when the max current charaters are more from max charecters
- shows an error when the max current charaters are more from max charecters
- add how many characters are over from max characters
- fix disable state text color and change px to rem
- add a character's collector when there is no max characters was given
- add isDisabled in AriaSelect tag and fix the style in css
- remove file
- dependencies
- fix the link path in readme
- accordion: new build
- accordion: fix changelog
- accordion: hover on trigger
- accordion: update icon size
- accordion: color on iOS
- breadcrumbs: fix styles + new build
- breadcrumbs: remove stories from build
- breadcrumbs: update deps
- breadcrumbs: dependency update
- breadcrumbs: update deps
- button: add large option to size in storybook and fix styling to tertiary
- button: change name large to null in the size option in storybook
- button: new build
- button: test fix
- button: add icon variant
- button: clear changelog
- button: share api with link-button
- button: change property name to iconPlacement
- button: delete unuse inline style and fix merge
- button: adjust spacing
- button: update icon size
- button: fix styling to focus-visible state
- button: delete the third box-shadow and fix style to all
- button: remove the duplicated code
- button: move the styling from global to under button class
- button: add variable focus in tokens.css and fix the style with variable
- button: add press style on icon btn
- button: change the styling in focus visible to a variable
- button: correct spacing on icon button
- button: remove pixel and rem mixing
- card: accecibility fix on icon
- card: new build
- card: only animate out arrow
- card: correct border-color
- card: clear changelog
- card: remove stories from build
- card: update deps
- card: update deps
- card: better column stretching
- card: support custom link
- checkbox: new build
- checkbox: change styling of description
- checkbox: fix gap between label and description
- checkbox: change to luide icon and fix css
- checkbox: fix checkbox size and disabled state css
- checkbox: change back to polyline for checkmark
- checkbox: add the animation back again
- checkbox: remove unused icons
- checkbox: change gap to 0.5rem
- checkbox: remove left line when invalid
- checkbox: change gap to 0,5rem
- checkbox: remove stories from build + clear changelog
- checkbox: adjust styling
- checkbox: select all can be indeterminate
- checkbox: change the styling in focus visible to a variable
- checkbox: fix state could be null
- combobox: add a story autocomplete,fix storybook name,the tag to ComboBox,and style focus state
- combobox: fix diabled state style and fix combobox test
- combobox: naming, docs, build
- combobox: rewrite to new wrapper
- combobox: fix props
- combobox: button alignment
- combobox: naming
- combobox: focus style fix
- combobox: chevron icon will be upp when select is opened
- combobox: add aria-expanded to css to rotate chevron icon
- combobox: remove unessecary component rename + a11y
- combobox: remove stories from build
- combobox: update readme
- combobox: update icon size
- combobox: new focus style
- combobox: fix style
- combobox: support modals
- combobox: color on iOS
- combobox: fix build
- date-picker: new build
- date-picker: correct color on placeholder
- date-picker: correct colors
- date-picker: remove stories from build
- date-picker: update deps
- date-picker: fix deps
- date-picker: update icon size
- date-picker: change the styling in focus visible to a variable
- date-picker: add variable
- date-picker: new focus state
- date-picker: dependency update
- date-picker: spacing on timefields
- date-picker: update deps
- date-picker: support modals
- date-picker: add deps
- date-picker: color on iOS
- date-picker: update deps
- date-picker: update deps
- docs: change doc structure
- docs: accessibility is back
- docs: mend broken pages
- docs: fix top banner
- docs: test commit on GitHub
- docs: updates to accomodate storybook
- docs: remove "build with"
- docs: fix storybook link
- docs: new frontpage
- docs: fix broken link
- docs: update url
- docs: update url
- docs: fix broken link
- file-upload: fix build
- file-upload: remove stories from build
- file-upload: update deps
- file-upload: update icon size
- file-upload: fix text overflow mobile
- flex: new build
- flex: remove stories from build
- flex: better column stretching
- flex: fix column wrapping
- grid: new build
- grid: remove stories from build
- grid: update readme
- grid: better column stretching
- info-banner: new build
- info-banner: fix dismissable button
- info-banner: add div props to info-banner
- info-banner: remove stories from build
- info-banner: update deps
- info-banner: fix classname info clsx
- info-banner: update icon size
- link: new build
- link: remove stories from build
- link: update readme
- link: icon stays in size
- link: ignore icon prop if link is standalone
- link: fix style to center the icon with text
- link: fix the wrong style
- link: add style underline to hover and active state
- link: add visited state to css
- link: add url address which leads to link component in docsweb
- link: commit
- link: support custom link component
- link-button: new build
- link-button: update deps
- link-button: update readme
- link-button: fix dependency
- link-button: fix styling justify-content
- link-button: fix padding
- link-button: adjust styles + add focus styles
- link-button: add variants
- link-button: change gap to 0.5rem
- link-button: remove the duplicated code
- link-button: change justify-content to center to make fullwidth look better
- link-button: custom link component
- link-button: external link icon on target _blank
- linkButton: use button style and fix the story for icon
- logo: new build
- logo: remove stories from build + clear changelog
- logo: add support for all <div> props, like className
- logo: html tag name fix
- modal: delete trigger button and fix styling
- modal: delete unuse styling, and move styling for storybook to storybook
- modal: fix styling in css file
- modal: delete icon backgrund-color in css file
- modal: update modal docs
- modal: fix bug of unopenable modal + new docs
- modal: fix spacing
- modal: adjust max height and overflow
- multi-select: style adjustments
- multi-select: support for all default key
- multi-select: validation
- multi-select: fix project
- multi-select: fix build
- multi-select: change remove to update list
- multi-select: support modals
- multi-select: null on item fix
- multi-select: fix intermittent errors in tag removal
- radio: remove padding
- radio: new build
- radio: change padding on label and helper text
- radio: remove invalid line and fix css
- radio: change gap between elements to 0.5rem
- radio: remove stories from build + clear changelog
- radio: change the styling in focus visible to a variable
- radio: move radioGroup storybook to radio storybook, and fix tsconfig
- radio: fix data in stories
- search-field: remove stories from build
- search-field: update deps
- search-field: update deps
- search-field: update readme
- search-field: fix deps
- search-field: update icon size
- search-field: inherit focus from textField
- search-field: dependency update
- search-field: update deps
- search-field: update deps
- search-field: update deps
- search-field: fix padding to remove style error between button and input
- select: remove padding and add variables
- select: fix list spacing
- select: new build
- select: use client
- select: change to lucide icon
- select: fix icon alignment
- select: remove hard value
- select: add aria-expanded to css to rotate chevron icon
- select: change to border
- select: update icon size
- select: change box-shadow to border
- select: change the styling in focus visible to a variable
- select: support modals
- spinner: new build
- spinner: remove stories from build
- spinner: update deps
- spinner: update readme
- table: use client
- table: remove stories from build
- table: update deps
- table: update readme
- table: update icon size
- tabs: new build
- tabs: update readme
- tabs: new focus state
- tabs: fix styles
- tabs: responsive
- tag: fix stories and css and delete unuse codes
- tag: styling + dismissable
- tag: fix project
- tag: dependency update
- textField: fix text color in invald error to red color
- textarea: fix handleChange run when element focus
- textarea: naming
- textarea: remove stories from build
- textarea: remove stories from build
- textarea: update readme
- textarea: remove focus animation
- textarea: fix focus
- textarea: fix to show the error when the characters be more from max
- textarea: change color
- textarea: change error message at maxCharacters
- textarea: change error message when > maxCharacter
- textfield: remove padding
- textfield: new build
- textfield: style
- textfield: fix alignment
- textfield: fix error message alignment
- textfield: fix stories
- textfield: update deps
- textfield: update readme
- textfield: fix text color in invald error to red color
- textfield: update icon size
- textfield: remove focus animation
- textfield: fix focus
- textfield: update error message docs + support
- textfield: change error message when > maxCharacter
- textfield, textarea: fix spacing
- theme: include tokens again
- theme: clear changelog
- theme: update version
- theme: add new variable (bump)
- toast: larger icon
- toast: fix button size + new build
- toast: remove stories from build
- toast: update deps
- toast: update readme
- toast: update icon size
- toast: new focus state
- toast: update deps + fix lint for now
- toast: update deps + lint
- toast: refreshed code, design and docs
- ui: update deps
- ui: update deps
- ui: add modal
- ui: update theme version
- ui: dependency update + added multi-select
- ui: update deps
- ui: update deps
⚠️ Breaking Changes
- modal: new API
- card: new card api
- ⚠️ toast: new build
- ⚠️ textfield: new build
- ⚠️ textarea: new build
- ⚠️ tabs: new build
- ⚠️ table: new build
- ⚠️ spinner: new build
- ⚠️ select: new build
- ⚠️ search-field: new build
- ⚠️ radio: new build + replace vite test
- ⚠️ logo: new build
- ⚠️ link-button: new build
- ⚠️ link: new build
- ⚠️ info-banner: new build
- ⚠️ grid: new build
- ⚠️ flex: new build
- ⚠️ file-upload: new build
- ⚠️ date-picker: new build
- ⚠️ combobox: new build
- ⚠️ checkbox: new build
- ⚠️ card: new build
- ⚠️ button: new build
- ⚠️ breadcrumbs: new build
- ⚠️ accordion: new build
❤️ Thank You
- jabir Khalil
- pixelrickdreamer
- Wilhelm Hjelm
- wilhjelmig
🚀 Features
- DS-434/tag: create a new component
- Modal: create a new component
- Modal: create a new component
- Modal: fix styling, delete not used codes and add button component
- ⚠️ accordion: new build
- ⚠️ breadcrumbs: new build
- button: added tertiary and danger themes
- ⚠️ button: new build
- button: remove underline from tertiary button
- button: add icon and iconSize prop and logic to make icon smaller when size=small
- button: update button stories
- button: remove unused icon
- button: add property to change button's icon direction
- button: change inline style to class style
- button: add buttongroup component, move mobile rules
- ⚠️ card: new build
- ⚠️ card: new api, replace button with stretched link
- card: support custom link component
- checkbox: select all checkbox
- checkbox: new wrapper
- ⚠️ checkbox: new build
- combobox: create a combobox component with styling
- ⚠️ combobox: new build
- date-picker: new wrapper
- date-picker: new datepicker
- date-picker: datepicker renamed daterangepicker in favor of datepicker
- ⚠️ date-picker: new build
- dropdown: new component
- ⚠️ file-upload: new build
- fileupload: new wrapper
- flex: add fluid variant
- flex: can now take all props of usual div
- ⚠️ flex: new build
- grid: add fluid variant
- grid: can now take all props of usual div
- ⚠️ grid: new build
- info-banner: add support for ReactNodes in message
- info-banner: dismissable banner
- ⚠️ info-banner: new build
- ⚠️ link: new build
- link: add standalone link variant
- link: ability to stretch link in parent
- link: add icon in prop, add disabeld, and add states in css
- ⚠️ link-button: new build
- link-button: inherits api from button
- link-button: add own style, delete unuse codes, and fix the stories
- link-button: add full width
- link-button: add full width and delete unuse code
- linkButton: add icon
- ⚠️ logo: new build
- logo: new variants and refactor
- ⚠️ modal: new API
- multi-select: new component
- radio: new wrapper
- ⚠️ radio: new build + replace vite test
- ⚠️ search-field: new build
- searchfield: props rewrite
- select: new wrapper
- ⚠️ select: new build
- sidebar: new component
- ⚠️ spinner: new build
- table: new component!
- ⚠️ table: new build
- table: add docs + striped option
- ⚠️ tabs: new build
- tag: new component
- tertiary button: change padding
- textArea: creat textArea component
- textarea: new component
- textarea: new wrapper
- ⚠️ textarea: new build
- textfield: add ssn validation
- ⚠️ textfield: new build
- textfield: support counter and maxCharacters
- theme: new build
- ⚠️ toast: new build
- ui: export new components
- ui: new build
🩹 Fixes
- change node version on deploy
- new readme + doc build
- a littel fixing
- add test for textarea in textfield.spec
- add test for textarea
- shows an error when the max current charaters are more from max charecters
- shows an error when the max current charaters are more from max charecters
- shows an error when the max current charaters are more from max charecters
- add how many characters are over from max characters
- fix disable state text color and change px to rem
- add a character's collector when there is no max characters was given
- add isDisabled in AriaSelect tag and fix the style in css
- remove file
- dependencies
- fix the link path in readme
- accordion: new build
- accordion: fix changelog
- accordion: hover on trigger
- accordion: update icon size
- accordion: color on iOS
- breadcrumbs: fix styles + new build
- breadcrumbs: remove stories from build
- breadcrumbs: update deps
- breadcrumbs: dependency update
- breadcrumbs: update deps
- button: add large option to size in storybook and fix styling to tertiary
- button: change name large to null in the size option in storybook
- button: new build
- button: test fix
- button: add icon variant
- button: clear changelog
- button: share api with link-button
- button: change property name to iconPlacement
- button: delete unuse inline style and fix merge
- button: adjust spacing
- button: update icon size
- button: fix styling to focus-visible state
- button: delete the third box-shadow and fix style to all
- button: remove the duplicated code
- button: move the styling from global to under button class
- button: add variable focus in tokens.css and fix the style with variable
- button: add press style on icon btn
- button: change the styling in focus visible to a variable
- button: correct spacing on icon button
- button: remove pixel and rem mixing
- card: accecibility fix on icon
- card: new build
- card: only animate out arrow
- card: correct border-color
- card: clear changelog
- card: remove stories from build
- card: update deps
- card: update deps
- card: better column stretching
- card: support custom link
- checkbox: new build
- checkbox: change styling of description
- checkbox: fix gap between label and description
- checkbox: change to luide icon and fix css
- checkbox: fix checkbox size and disabled state css
- checkbox: change back to polyline for checkmark
- checkbox: add the animation back again
- checkbox: remove unused icons
- checkbox: change gap to 0.5rem
- checkbox: remove left line when invalid
- checkbox: change gap to 0,5rem
- checkbox: remove stories from build + clear changelog
- checkbox: adjust styling
- checkbox: select all can be indeterminate
- checkbox: change the styling in focus visible to a variable
- checkbox: fix state could be null
- combobox: add a story autocomplete,fix storybook name,the tag to ComboBox,and style focus state
- combobox: fix diabled state style and fix combobox test
- combobox: naming, docs, build
- combobox: rewrite to new wrapper
- combobox: fix props
- combobox: button alignment
- combobox: naming
- combobox: focus style fix
- combobox: chevron icon will be upp when select is opened
- combobox: add aria-expanded to css to rotate chevron icon
- combobox: remove unessecary component rename + a11y
- combobox: remove stories from build
- combobox: update readme
- combobox: update icon size
- combobox: new focus style
- combobox: fix style
- combobox: support modals
- combobox: color on iOS
- combobox: fix build
- date-picker: new build
- date-picker: correct color on placeholder
- date-picker: correct colors
- date-picker: remove stories from build
- date-picker: update deps
- date-picker: fix deps
- date-picker: update icon size
- date-picker: change the styling in focus visible to a variable
- date-picker: add variable
- date-picker: new focus state
- date-picker: dependency update
- date-picker: spacing on timefields
- date-picker: update deps
- date-picker: support modals
- date-picker: add deps
- date-picker: color on iOS
- date-picker: update deps
- date-picker: update deps
- docs: change doc structure
- docs: accessibility is back
- docs: mend broken pages
- docs: fix top banner
- docs: test commit on GitHub
- docs: updates to accomodate storybook
- docs: remove "build with"
- docs: fix storybook link
- docs: new frontpage
- docs: fix broken link
- docs: update url
- docs: update url
- docs: fix broken link
- file-upload: fix build
- file-upload: remove stories from build
- file-upload: update deps
- file-upload: update icon size
- file-upload: fix text overflow mobile
- flex: new build
- flex: remove stories from build
- flex: better column stretching
- flex: fix column wrapping
- grid: new build
- grid: remove stories from build
- grid: update readme
- grid: better column stretching
- info-banner: new build
- info-banner: fix dismissable button
- info-banner: add div props to info-banner
- info-banner: remove stories from build
- info-banner: update deps
- info-banner: fix classname info clsx
- info-banner: update icon size
- link: new build
- link: remove stories from build
- link: update readme
- link: icon stays in size
- link: ignore icon prop if link is standalone
- link: fix style to center the icon with text
- link: fix the wrong style
- link: add style underline to hover and active state
- link: add visited state to css
- link: add url address which leads to link component in docsweb
- link: commit
- link: support custom link component
- link-button: new build
- link-button: update deps
- link-button: update readme
- link-button: fix dependency
- link-button: fix styling justify-content
- link-button: fix padding
- link-button: adjust styles + add focus styles
- link-button: add variants
- link-button: change gap to 0.5rem
- link-button: remove the duplicated code
- link-button: change justify-content to center to make fullwidth look better
- link-button: custom link component
- link-button: external link icon on target _blank
- linkButton: use button style and fix the story for icon
- logo: new build
- logo: remove stories from build + clear changelog
- logo: add support for all <div> props, like className
- logo: html tag name fix
- modal: delete trigger button and fix styling
- modal: delete unuse styling, and move styling for storybook to storybook
- modal: fix styling in css file
- modal: delete icon backgrund-color in css file
- modal: update modal docs
- modal: fix bug of unopenable modal + new docs
- modal: fix spacing
- modal: adjust max height and overflow
- multi-select: style adjustments
- multi-select: support for all default key
- multi-select: validation
- multi-select: fix project
- multi-select: fix build
- multi-select: change remove to update list
- multi-select: support modals
- multi-select: null on item fix
- multi-select: fix intermittent errors in tag removal
- radio: remove padding
- radio: new build
- radio: change padding on label and helper text
- radio: remove invalid line and fix css
- radio: change gap between elements to 0.5rem
- radio: remove stories from build + clear changelog
- radio: change the styling in focus visible to a variable
- radio: move radioGroup storybook to radio storybook, and fix tsconfig
- radio: fix data in stories
- search-field: remove stories from build
- search-field: update deps
- search-field: update deps
- search-field: update readme
- search-field: fix deps
- search-field: update icon size
- search-field: inherit focus from textField
- search-field: dependency update
- search-field: update deps
- search-field: update deps
- search-field: update deps
- search-field: fix padding to remove style error between button and input
- select: remove padding and add variables
- select: fix list spacing
- select: new build
- select: use client
- select: change to lucide icon
- select: fix icon alignment
- select: remove hard value
- select: add aria-expanded to css to rotate chevron icon
- select: change to border
- select: update icon size
- select: change box-shadow to border
- select: change the styling in focus visible to a variable
- select: support modals
- spinner: new build
- spinner: remove stories from build
- spinner: update deps
- spinner: update readme
- table: use client
- table: remove stories from build
- table: update deps
- table: update readme
- table: update icon size
- tabs: new build
- tabs: update readme
- tabs: new focus state
- tabs: fix styles
- tabs: responsive
- tag: fix stories and css and delete unuse codes
- tag: styling + dismissable
- tag: fix project
- tag: dependency update
- textField: fix text color in invald error to red color
- textarea: fix handleChange run when element focus
- textarea: naming
- textarea: remove stories from build
- textarea: remove stories from build
- textarea: update readme
- textarea: remove focus animation
- textarea: fix focus
- textarea: fix to show the error when the characters be more from max
- textarea: change color
- textarea: change error message at maxCharacters
- textarea: change error message when > maxCharacter
- textfield: remove padding
- textfield: new build
- textfield: style
- textfield: fix alignment
- textfield: fix error message alignment
- textfield: fix stories
- textfield: update deps
- textfield: update readme
- textfield: fix text color in invald error to red color
- textfield: update icon size
- textfield: remove focus animation
- textfield: fix focus
- textfield: update error message docs + support
- textfield: change error message when > maxCharacter
- textfield, textarea: fix spacing
- theme: include tokens again
- theme: clear changelog
- theme: update version
- theme: add new variable (bump)
- toast: larger icon
- toast: fix button size + new build
- toast: remove stories from build
- toast: update deps
- toast: update readme
- toast: update icon size
- toast: new focus state
- toast: update deps + fix lint for now
- toast: update deps + lint
- toast: refreshed code, design and docs
- ui: update deps
- ui: update deps
- ui: add modal
- ui: update theme version
- ui: dependency update + added multi-select
- ui: update deps
- ui: update deps
⚠️ Breaking Changes
- modal: new API
- card: new card api
- ⚠️ toast: new build
- ⚠️ textfield: new build
- ⚠️ textarea: new build
- ⚠️ tabs: new build
- ⚠️ table: new build
- ⚠️ spinner: new build
- ⚠️ select: new build
- ⚠️ search-field: new build
- ⚠️ radio: new build + replace vite test
- ⚠️ logo: new build
- ⚠️ link-button: new build
- ⚠️ link: new build
- ⚠️ info-banner: new build
- ⚠️ grid: new build
- ⚠️ flex: new build
- ⚠️ file-upload: new build
- ⚠️ date-picker: new build
- ⚠️ combobox: new build
- ⚠️ checkbox: new build
- ⚠️ card: new build
- ⚠️ button: new build
- ⚠️ breadcrumbs: new build
- ⚠️ accordion: new build
❤️ Thank You
- jabir Khalil
- pixelrickdreamer
- Wilhelm Hjelm
- wilhjelmig
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See conventional commits for commit guidelines.
♻️ Refactoring
- (button) change label for null to Default (null) for better semantics - (8601a72) - PHIEKS
- (danger button) changed colors of hover and pressed to signalRed130 and signalRed150 - (db690ae) - PHIEKS
- (docs) change structure docs - (a22ffaf) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (link) change css - (8319676) - PHIEKS
- (teaxtfield) new textfield wrapper component - (44a96e9) - jabir Khalil
- (textarea) name convention - (6dd7f86) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textarea) properly fix textarea folder name - (cdf4cf2) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (theme) build tokens css from tokens ts - (1f0cfa4) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (tokens) added token signalRed150 - (13df91d) - PHIEKS
- (tokens) make changes in the right file! - (27ea2df) - PHIEKS
- restructure - (3249c37) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- change namespace to @midas-ds - (c82a991) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- new playground apps - (d415c17) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- change import - (6ced9ef) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- change test - (a717056) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fixes - (4e5ee55) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- upgrade - (5bda647) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- deploy - (c238523) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix build - (926c018) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix build - (583280a) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- new output path - (3299e38) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- actions - (f8b670d) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- merge - (1f52d8a) - PHIEKS
- storybook restructure - (dfbb50c) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- storybook fix types - (4da2398) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix husky rules - (3514cb3) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- husky rules - (f6e8008) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- husky rules - (5cea4aa) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix commitlint and commits - (15ee1f5) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- remove proseWrap - (4ad4612) - PHIEKS
✅ Tests
- (modal) remove test - (e1c976a) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (DS-434/tag) create a new component - (23d36cd) - jabir Khalil
- (Modal) create a new component - (9f3ba44) - jabir Khalil
- (Modal) create a new component - (02ca9df) - jabir Khalil
- (Modal) fix styling, delete not used codes and add button component - (d13c8d0) - jabir Khalil
- (accordion) [breaking] new build - (d7a3d40) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (breadcrumbs) [breaking] new build - (33ae364) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (button) [breaking] new build - (cf0f9b2) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (button) remove underline from tertiary button - (113b3a5) - PHIEKS
- (button) add icon and iconSize prop and logic to make icon smaller when size=small - (44c637f) - PHIEKS
- (button) update button stories - (2a85551) - PHIEKS
- (button) remove unused icon - (91b8e5b) - PHIEKS
- (button) add property to change button's icon direction - (cfd3dbe) - jabir Khalil
- (button) change inline style to class style - (724d45d) - jabir Khalil
- (button) add buttongroup component, move mobile rules - (6ba8ec5) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (card) [breaking] new build - (8d3d9f1) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (card) [breaking] new api, replace button with stretched link - (a87d021) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (card) support custom link component - (556a24b) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (checkbox) new wrapper - (6f23b57) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (checkbox) [breaking] new build - (9d4bbde) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (combobox) create a combobox component with styling - (b604153) - jabir Khalil
- (combobox) [breaking] new build - (e867ce4) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (date-picker) new wrapper - (d9f65eb) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (date-picker) new datepicker - (6b48888) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (date-picker) datepicker renamed daterangepicker in favor of datepicker - (1749b36) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (date-picker) [breaking] new build - (b395ea7) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (dropdown) new component - (b7573b2) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (file-upload) [breaking] new build - (ed8219b) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (fileupload) new wrapper - (a948f22) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (flex) add fluid variant - (5a749ff) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (flex) can now take all props of usual div - (535ffef) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (flex) [breaking] new build - (6bd011f) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (grid) add fluid variant - (babaa23) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (grid) can now take all props of usual div - (93976ad) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (grid) [breaking] new build - (622d7ef) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (info-banner) add support for ReactNodes in message - (8947dc0) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (info-banner) dismissable banner - (e5ab7d0) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (info-banner) [breaking] new build - (d34c98f) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (link) [breaking] new build - (62a1b20) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (link) add standalone link variant - (ec4aed3) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (link) ability to stretch link in parent - (cd4dc18) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (link) add icon in prop, add disabeld, and add states in css - (fb25727) - jabir Khalil
- (link-button) [breaking] new build - (9f7c29a) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (link-button) inherits api from button - (7cd24c0) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (link-button) add own style, delete unuse codes, and fix the stories - (1489514) - jabir Khalil
- (link-button) add full width - (3a183ce) - jabir Khalil
- (link-button) add full width and delete unuse code - (7cc43d8) - jabir Khalil
- (linkButton) add icon - (ee4dab9) - jabir Khalil
- (logo) [breaking] new build - (633018f) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (logo) new variants and refactor - (58ab2c9) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (modal) [breaking] new API - (6147348) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (multi-select) new component - (359d159) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (radio) new wrapper - (bf415ce) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (radio) [breaking] new build + replace vite test - (20fbca5) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (search-field) [breaking] new build - (f2f04eb) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (searchfield) props rewrite - (de736c1) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (select) new wrapper - (a091086) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (select) [breaking] new build - (d3f9148) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (sidebar) new component - (ac135ce) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (spinner) [breaking] new build - (2a19638) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (table) new component! - (c4aed74) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (table) [breaking] new build - (45e403e) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (table) add docs + striped option - (5d9c70f) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (tabs) [breaking] new build - (853ea67) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (tag) new component - (311d71e) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (tertiary button) change padding - (192241f) - PHIEKS
- (textArea) creat textArea component - (bfd96d1) - jabir Khalil
- (textarea) new component - (78483c4) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textarea) new wrapper - (8c5368f) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textarea) [breaking] new build - (3d07b87) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textfield) add ssn validation - (9506a18) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textfield) [breaking] new build - (2ee22be) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textfield) support counter and maxCharacters - (ab97d0c) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (theme) new build - (2129739) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (toast) [breaking] new build - (112541b) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (ui) export new components - (6bef09f) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (ui) new build - (53c8550) - Wilhelm Hjelm
💄 Style
- (tokens) right name of token this time - (83e88f2) - PHIEKS
- serach field style fix - (0ecef63) - Wilhelm Hjelm
📝 Documentation
- (accordion) remove duplicate guidelines - (9a0845d) - PHIEKS
- (accordion) remove duplicate guidelines - (a3edb66) - PHIEKS
- (button) structure guidelines with subheadings and change some wording - (d4781b3) - PHIEKS
- (button) structure guidelines with subheadings and change some wording - (c6dea49) - PHIEKS
- (button) remove duplicate text - (aafbc84) - PHIEKS
- (button) update button documentation - (bb81047) - PHIEKS
- (button) add text about iconPlacement - (e60b42f) - jabir Khalil
- (button) add livecodeblock to examples - (2b3f285) - PHIEKS
- (button) remove small button and outdated info about button placement - (52902a4) - PHIEKS
- (button) 'remove parts again after merge - (db4bd13) - PHIEKS
- (button) fix examples after merge - (8bad45f) - PHIEKS
- (button flowchart) fix flowchart order - (379db93) - PHIEKS
- (card) remove old instructions and tbd guidelines - (ecce285) - PHIEKS
- (card) remove old instructions and tbd guidelines - (984e8be) - PHIEKS
- (checkbox) remove sentence about using select as alternative to checkbox - (a5ba68b) - PHIEKS
- (checkbox) remove sentence about using select as alternative to checkbox - (5b55085) - PHIEKS
- (checkbox) change wording in intro - (47431fc) - PHIEKS
- (config) add cache magic to favicon path - (aeb74c0) - PHIEKS
- (design) add XD-file as a downloadable asset - (8af0238) - PHIEKS
- (design) add asset in zip format instead - (2b69438) - PHIEKS
- (design) add latest UI kit - (e046db0) - PHIEKS
- (design) add new version of UI-kit - (58ae7dc) - PHIEKS
- (design) remove stray link - (e66d78b) - PHIEKS
- (design/index) change wording to make it clearer - (25c416d) - PHIEKS
- (design/index) change wording to make it clearer - (16c8242) - PHIEKS
- (docs) rewrite examples and fix domain - (e45987d) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (docs) rewrite examples and fix domain - (44b7aae) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (docs) add new UI-kit and link - (d61a8cf) - PHIEKS
- (error-message) change headings and restructure text to make it clearer. Remove loose text - (000406a) - PHIEKS
- (error-message) change headings and restructure text to make it clearer. Remove loose text - (a341764) - PHIEKS
- (flex) switch only swedish term to english - (b8664a1) - PHIEKS
- (form.stories) make two examples, one simple and one with two columns - (3806117) - PHIEKS
- (forms) remove loose text - (71670ed) - PHIEKS
- (forms) remove loose text - (022c0ae) - PHIEKS
- (icons) change sentence to only swedish - (ef12424) - PHIEKS
- (icons) change sentence to only swedish - (4785c29) - PHIEKS
- (intro) add infobanner - (173acee) - PHIEKS
- (intro) change wording on info-banner - (4e7def8) - PHIEKS
- (intro) change main heading - (84074d0) - PHIEKS
- (language) remove fields, they do not add value - (2803a3c) - PHIEKS
- (language) remove fields, they do not add value - (1ee52c4) - PHIEKS
- (link) change description and introduction - (c93d941) - PHIEKS
- (link button) fix broken links - (15f4c62) - PHIEKS
- (logo) text change + added flex - (32b7053) - PHIEKS
- (logo) changed examples - (ca94d1a) - PHIEKS
- (multi-select) change wording and remove incomplete flowchart - (d192de9) - PHIEKS
- (multi-select) change wording in intro - (261d174) - PHIEKS
- (multi-select) fix misleading example - (db710bc) - pixelrickdreamer
- (radio) change example to fruits - (8c7ced3) - PHIEKS
- (radio) change example to fruits - (08ada35) - PHIEKS
- (radio) update info - (c9b69a0) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (radio) change wording on intro section - (914c1ff) - PHIEKS
- (radio) change example to 3 fruits to follow our guidelines - (2d75249) - PHIEKS
- (radio) change wording on intro section - (f2e6750) - PHIEKS
- (radio) change example to 3 fruits to follow our guidelines - (02f75cd) - PHIEKS
- (radio) merge trouble - (30f5c3f) - PHIEKS
- (radio) remove incomplete flowchart - (a660805) - PHIEKS
- (radio) change wording in intro - (bbf17e1) - PHIEKS
- (radio) remove the section normal användning - (25bc10c) - jabir Khalil
- (relase14) remove text - (8ea8b10) - PHIEKS
- (release 12) change wording - (91cd220) - PHIEKS
- (release 12) change wording - (7863443) - PHIEKS
- (release 13) add base for release notes - (7c203c0) - PHIEKS
- (release12) add text and change some wording - (fde263b) - PHIEKS
- (release12) change more wording - (6143c0d) - PHIEKS
- (release13) added info about Remix - (afa47b7) - PHIEKS
- (release13) release notes update - (caecd6b) - PHIEKS
- (release14) change wording - (14f9874) - PHIEKS
- (select) change guidelines regarding when to use select - (62cde9c) - PHIEKS
- (select) change wording and remove incomplete flowchart - (0be1a60) - PHIEKS
- (select) change wording in intro - (8c806f1) - PHIEKS
- (spinner) add use case and guidelines - (fb9a70d) - PHIEKS
- (spinner) remove stray ; - (ac25825) - PHIEKS
- (tabs) fix install command - (f85745d) - PHIEKS
- (textfield) change flexcolumn to {2} to make an actual short field - (812e20b) - PHIEKS
- (textfield) change flexcolumn to {2} to make an actual short field - (940edf8) - PHIEKS
- (textfield) change wording in section about Personnummer - (2c96e1c) - PHIEKS
- (textfield) change live Code Block from section egna felmeddelanden to code block - (e4e2cb5) - jabir Khalil
- (textfield) add tsx in code block in egena felmeddelanden section code - (b9cced7) - jabir Khalil
- (textfield) change wording - (c994813) - PHIEKS
- (toast) add flex component to wrap buttons in live code block exemple - (b94d358) - jabir Khalil
- (toast) add fluid to flex component in live code block - (7ec1430) - jabir Khalil
- (toast) change flexItem col 6 to col 3 in live code block - (3b5dedd) - jabir Khalil
- (ui-kit) fix XD-link and remove Figma link - (4669f56) - PHIEKS
- update info files - (9ada72d) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- update info - (bce62ca) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- startpage fix - (ae33852) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- change logo on storybook - (8c89738) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- update info - (bdc63f7) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix card, startpage, about page - (c48700c) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- add flowcharts to selct, radio and checkbox - (303623b) - PHIEKS
- remove status badges from text pages - (277d872) - PHIEKS
- remove guidelines that are only TBD - (fd7e28d) - PHIEKS
- remove status badges from text pages - (14aeb43) - PHIEKS
- remove guidelines that are only TBD - (4c3f337) - PHIEKS
- update info - (f2ff00e) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- sprint 12 blog - (42b7dc6) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- sprint12 blog - (ec6ddf5) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix sprint page - (fd8ee2b) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix sprint page - (35fca37) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- update info - (3bb8429) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- change wording - (7e5ce16) - PHIEKS
- fix styling in flowchart button (add primary) - (fb7414d) - jabir Khalil
- add styling to flowchart - (8982125) - PHIEKS
- rearrange and add styling to flowcharts - (3725769) - PHIEKS
- add remix explaination for new build - (f421662) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix personnummer example - (3499855) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- some pages lacked description - (023e781) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- releasenotes - (94dcb94) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- suggestion startpage - (70b0dd7) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- table desc - (ab409eb) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- releasenotes - (2f38920) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- updated startpage - (bd455ee) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- add errorMessage to textfield and fix css line-height - (f7c062b) - jabir Khalil
- update info - (49465b0) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- update to docs code blocks - (77012df) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- remove changelog - (8bab931) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- update info - (75632b7) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- update info - (1a439a9) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix download links - (c40d589) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- change some swedish wording - (ffb45c2) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- change favicon and delete files which are not used - (3c86428) - jabir Khalil
- add linkButton with icon - (5b53315) - jabir Khalil
- fix merge - (ef857c4) - jabir Khalil
- add icon to linkbutton - (ee4bb86) - jabir Khalil
- fix text - (1c7f000) - jabir Khalil
- test new header - (71bd8ff) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix transparent backgrund to favicon - (fe4a7d5) - jabir Khalil
- add swedish names - (1f9c17c) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- 14 release notes - (96e3f5a) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- add new info - (8f319ff) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- new info - (cae5f15) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- new versions - (6f94105) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- add design pattern on buttons and links. Remove flowchart - (d41db25) - PHIEKS
- change storybook link to include parent - (06dab97) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- add Personnummer design pattern - (a90caa3) - PHIEKS
- change some wording - (85368cb) - PHIEKS
- change wording - (e46d30e) - PHIEKS
- change wording - (d90c643) - PHIEKS
- add period - (43541f7) - PHIEKS
- search-field data - (b35cb41) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- release 15 start - (f94f215) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- add draft of releasenotes for release 15 - (43a6880) - PHIEKS
- new version of modal - (0ec4dd3) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- add draft of design pattern for buttons and links - (367dd0d) - PHIEKS
- add more text - (981d4b9) - PHIEKS
- add examples - (3458741) - PHIEKS
- add live code blocks - (58f528d) - PHIEKS
- hideCode on LiveCodeBlock - (6c6b033) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- add hideCode to codeblocks - (06d504a) - PHIEKS
- change wording - (de4eb76) - PHIEKS
- add example to error-message pattern - (96c5587) - PHIEKS
- add example to forms pattern - (22fa646) - PHIEKS
- releasenotes - (cc53d87) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- new flowchart for select decision - (0391461) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- change wording - (8b4d28c) - PHIEKS
- updated info - (afe6b51) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- move mobile menu trigger - (d18b1cc) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- remove guidelines and add link to DIGG - (5343015) - PHIEKS
- add accessibility info from Patrik - (668c694) - PHIEKS
- textfield validation - (c57c9fb) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- no reference on multiselect - (ea7cad4) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- updated info - (10c421f) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- add new UI-kit and change link - (d83806d) - PHIEKS
- add new UI-kit with minor changes - (780ed09) - PHIEKS
- updated info - (2fbcb65) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- add version to link text for clarity - (33637fa) - PHIEKS
- fix link formatting - (dbbac52) - PHIEKS
- change text and add new link - (f451446) - PHIEKS
- beroenden - (659beeb) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix newline - (072af76) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix links - (b1fe775) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- move riktlinjer to bottom on every component page - (55614de) - PHIEKS
- update old release on API change - (fc6114b) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- remove duplicate riktlinjer - (b25a351) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- remove breadcumbs, tags and bottom nav - (be0fbe8) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- test responsive - (7fad63f) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- test responsive - (83019b9) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- first draft of release notes - (d02e512) - PHIEKS
- add more stuff - (57a3216) - PHIEKS
- change wording - (f15a729) - PHIEKS
- automatically get latest release - (d953654) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- update info - (da600fa) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- info - (8647940) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- add design principles for web - (0e639a5) - PHIEKS
- add first draft of release notes 17 - (edad5fd) - PHIEKS
- add more notes to release notes - (1b1c35f) - PHIEKS
- code example on toast - (e1c8fbc) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- remove Introduction from all component pages - (ef546dd) - PHIEKS
- remove stray ## - (7208f18) - PHIEKS
- streamline "installation och användning" - (c6906fb) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- update data - (98c73fe) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- list of updated components - (bcffd5d) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- client side routing - (893b64f) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- remove duplicate heading - (a4bcc4c) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- new section guider - (a648c3a) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- add local search functionality - (9ea87d9) - pixelrickdreamer
- some search style change + swedish - (e014624) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- move search to devDeps - (8549217) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- start release notes - (8018d4e) - Wilhelm Hjelm
🚧 Miscellaneous Chores
- (accordion) release version 1.0.1 [skip-ci] - (ad14501) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (breadcrumbs) release version 0.0.4 [skip-ci] - (1014ea6) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (button) release version 0.5.29 [skip-ci] - (6c07f8d) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (button) release version 0.6.3 [skip-ci] - (45095ed) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (button) release version 0.6.4 [skip-ci] - (e0683af) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (button) release version 0.6.4 [skip-ci] - (c798bdf) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (button) release version 1.0.1 [skip-ci] - (db67593) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (card) release version 0.3.3 [skip-ci] - (398efab) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (card) release version 0.3.4 [skip-ci] - (e02378f) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (card) release version 0.3.4 [skip-ci] - (0984ef8) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (card) release version 0.3.4 [skip-ci] - (c1574b8) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (card) release version 1.0.1 [skip-ci] - (9e9236e) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (checkbox) remove hard color code - (b72c918) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (checkbox) release version 0.5.2 [skip-ci] - (7b74b68) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (checkbox) release - (ff34c6e) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (checkbox) release version 0.6.0 [skip-ci] - (0e0790c) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (checkbox) release version 0.6.0 [skip-ci] - (f7cc03c) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (combobox) release version 0.1.0 [skip-ci] - (32c1752) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (date-picker) prevent style clashing - (243dc9e) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (date-picker) release version 0.1.1 [skip-ci] - (d14e2d4) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (deps) bump the npm_and_yarn group across 1 directory with 5 updates - (e13df8a) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump next in the npm_and_yarn group across 1 directory - (16fe477) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump rollup in the npm_and_yarn group across 1 directory - (02db51d) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump next in the npm_and_yarn group across 1 directory - (a5b9f89) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump next in the npm_and_yarn group across 1 directory - (cc5fad3) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps-dev) bump vite in the npm_and_yarn group across 1 directory - (5df3d9c) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps-dev) bump axios in the npm_and_yarn group across 1 directory - (ccc1a2f) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps-dev) bump the npm_and_yarn group across 2 directories with 1 update - (988f86e) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps-dev) bump mermaid - (f224f70) - dependabot[bot]
- (docs) new template - (8cefe30) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (docs) new info - (fd7bc75) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (file-upload) remove padding - (a33b96d) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (file-upload) bump - (52c47f0) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (info-banner) release version 0.3.0 [skip-ci] - (58c963e) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (info-banner) release version 0.3.0 [skip-ci] - (68c3a51) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (layout) release version 0.0.1-beta.2 [skip-ci] - (b42e814) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (layout) release version 0.0.1-beta.0 [skip-ci] - (3fb064b) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (layout) release version 0.0.1-beta.1 [skip-ci] - (139f60d) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (link) release version 0.0.2 [skip-ci] - (2a7781f) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (link) release version 0.0.3 [skip-ci] - (0269940) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (logo) release version 0.2.54 [skip-ci] - (295b718) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (modal) add readme - (a1881a0) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (modal) release version 0.1.1 [skip-ci] - (7d794fd) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (multi-select) release version 0.1.1 [skip-ci] - (7bdcf7b) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (radio) release version 0.6.3 [skip-ci] - (1f7061c) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (radio) release version 0.7.0 [skip-ci] - (673f115) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (radio) release version 0.7.0 [skip-ci] - (8b45ef1) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (search-field) release version 0.0.2 [skip-ci] - (255d67b) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (search-field) release version 1.0.3 [skip-ci] - (fa5b533) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (select) release version 0.4.24 [skip-ci] - (91238f0) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (select) adjust props - (d10a5e0) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (select) release version 0.4.25 [skip-ci] - (5f25f75) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (select) release version 0.4.25 [skip-ci] - (6b86dc1) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (select) release version 0.5.2 [skip-ci] - (56c65f0) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (table) release version 0.1.0 [skip-ci] - (83afbeb) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textarea) release version 0.0.2 [skip-ci] - (aee3973) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textarea) release version 0.0.3 [skip-ci] - (3be15c2) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textfield) wrapper - (40e7333) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textfield) release version 0.11.0 [skip-ci] - (3b27a1a) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (theme) release version 0.5.33 [skip-ci] - (5e24461) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (theme) release version 0.5.26 [skip-ci] - (197993d) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (theme) release version 0.5.3 [skip-ci] - (6d0d75e) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (theme) release version 0.5.4 [skip-ci] - (65012ab) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (theme) release version 1.0.1 [skip-ci] - (e85c42a) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (toast) release version 0.5.2 [skip-ci] - (426a627) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (toast) release version 0.5.2 [skip-ci] - (021864e) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (toast) fix max-width and timeout in stories - (81f626f) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (toast) fix colors - (c064136) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (toast) fix font size - (b59dcf3) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (ui) release version 0.5.29 [skip-ci] - (1b66902) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (ui) new release command - (f18c5de) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- project adjustments - (5ab19f8) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fixes - (7f472c1) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix indent - (ac419cf) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- project files - (5af83d4) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- storybook examples - (f473499) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix storybook build - (94da4ea) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- add storybook build path to gitingore - (9b47bd8) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- packages - (db49bc7) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- packages - (b61411e) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- add workflows to release branches - (22bf8f8) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- new versions - (6a78ee0) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- new versions - (967cc2f) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- added tests to release/branch - (290aa06) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- add/remove packages + eslint rules - (69fa09b) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix linting - (fd49a81) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- remove vitest - (ec1e411) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- add jest config - (3dc785f) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- "fix" remix test - (eab9798) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- new remix app - (af755e9) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- remove remix test - (e3924e8) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- new editor styles - (76611ed) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- readd package - (b141a60) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix packages - (af1ab71) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- upgrade packages - (76453a5) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- replace @nx/linter with new package - (5deb2f1) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- change package name - (fdaf598) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- change package - (8cf7a92) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- update deps - (037798a) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- update deps - (52b8c17) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- update deps - (b88ce0a) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- update deps - (0ba17b9) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- update packages - (4c55232) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- add vs code extensions recomendations - (99e1388) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- lint fixes - (26a6f49) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- project files - (e25b542) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- test new changelog - (f0a49dd) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix proper stylelinting - (79b0104) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- test pr-release workflow - (ca2ff0f) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- test updated workflow - (8484188) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- test permissions - (12ee266) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- test permission - (a176ee0) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- remove main as target - (5246d26) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix title - (220cd92) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- test env - (8c631a0) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- test PR_NUMBER - (94cd258) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- test pr-preview - (b31e261) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- remove console.log - (997cbc0) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- test new permission - (fb9c53d) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix docId - (0e0f968) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- remove documentation test - (ee42001) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix padding - (7994992) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix margin - (591c646) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- 80% - (c4eb098) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- update project readme - (d16d9ae) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- add mdx support to prettier and eslint - (6260942) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- lint css files - (7c6916c) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- move some project files - (3331156) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- add new extension recommendation - (98bfff6) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- remove pr comments - (23f3cda) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix lint - (8e90b89) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- release fixes - (321e027) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- force scopes to have exact project names - (4f009cb) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- test new workflow - (14df129) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- test permissions - (4296e17) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- add deps - (1740a72) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix icon size - (702fffc) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- link button style - (f68ec76) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- change recomendations and settings - (bc24f9a) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix card test - (aa1a506) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix card props - (3bd040c) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- remove icon - (f0a7e10) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- test base url - (777a602) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- test storybook link - (0713ecf) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix tags - (661e98f) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- multi-select start - (bc6a348) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fixes - (6141270) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix warning - (d68260d) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix multiselect story - (f481730) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- build file - (861e37f) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- added pre release workflow - (ddbd264) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- datepicker - (5c72a7b) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- remove deps - (b8133f6) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix package-lock - (a5fdf6e) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- merge - (33c4c12) - jabir Khalil
- merge - (9f7e084) - PHIEKS
- update app - (4f2c7b8) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- spacing - (f9677cd) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fixes - (ca77556) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- update colors - (d1682d4) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- package updates - (a11103e) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- remove import - (d36a17b) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- update sizes - (f82aa9b) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- npm audit - (b18dd23) - pixelrickdreamer
- linkbutton - (56da608) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- package updates - (0e4e000) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix test - (5918086) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- test new version - (faafd0e) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix sidebar height - (8b76708) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- remove spacing - (23046eb) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- placeholders - (2482fb5) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix buttons - (73f3ab1) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- button type - (d86fcd7) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- change to white "theme" - (afa24c5) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- separate header - (8f22500) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- update examples - (68bf279) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- animate backdrop - (93d7f50) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- rename to layout - (b2652fb) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- separate sidebar - (234495c) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- autodocs on layout - (50cf786) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fresh packages - (43c971e) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- potential fix build error - (707cc82) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix - (3d24ec4) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- remove imports - (adbb879) - Wilhelm Hjelm
🩹 Bug Fixes
- (accordion) new build - (d3acc2d) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (accordion) fix changelog - (56c7a02) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (accordion) hover on trigger - (b1e167b) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (accordion) update icon size - (4abd6da) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (accordion) color on iOS - (af63b92) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (breadcrumbs) fix styles + new build - (b8268f7) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (breadcrumbs) remove stories from build - (1121b09) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (breadcrumbs) update deps - (867d8cc) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (breadcrumbs) dependency update - (ab6cf96) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (breadcrumbs) update deps - (85f51a8) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (button) new build - (acd3cc7) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (button) add large option to size in storybook and fix styling to tertiary - (849b9ba) - jabir Khalil
- (button) change name large to null in the size option in storybook - (b1bebe2) - jabir Khalil
- (button) test fix - (2ec104c) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (button) add icon variant - (22c93b2) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (button) clear changelog - (8679f61) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (button) share api with link-button - (7a4ca21) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (button) change property name to iconPlacement - (d4aa3ee) - jabir Khalil
- (button) delete unuse inline style and fix merge - (c87b2bf) - jabir Khalil
- (button) update icon size - (2ad3e31) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (button) adjust spacing - (13bcc90) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (button) fix styling to focus-visible state - (f3bb6a9) - jabir Khalil
- (button) delete the third box-shadow and fix style to all - (b2dd9a3) - jabir Khalil
- (button) remove the duplicated code - (a626db8) - jabir Khalil
- (button) move the styling from global to under button class - (d69d784) - jabir Khalil
- (button) add variable focus in tokens.css and fix the style with variable - (ad3468d) - jabir Khalil
- (button) change the styling in focus visible to a variable - (5f2f912) - jabir Khalil
- (button) add press style on icon btn - (ab32101) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (button) correct spacing on icon button - (1bd04c0) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (card) accecibility fix on icon - (7053535) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (card) new build - (06b10cc) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (card) only animate out arrow - (7cebdd5) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (card) correct border-color - (c62b094) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (card) clear changelog - (afc2f36) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (card) remove stories from build - (0a48f1d) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (card) update deps - (00fdad5) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (card) update deps - (d0bde7c) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (card) better column stretching - (67fa08e) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (card) support custom link - (7eb6948) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (checkbox) new build - (cd3071b) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (checkbox) change styling of description - (eaf0d37) - PHIEKS
- (checkbox) fix gap between label and description - (8d548f1) - PHIEKS
- (checkbox) change to luide icon and fix css - (ee52b3f) - PHIEKS
- (checkbox) fix checkbox size and disabled state css - (7a95ba1) - PHIEKS
- (checkbox) change back to polyline for checkmark - (a72f517) - PHIEKS
- (checkbox) add the animation back again - (8985f51) - PHIEKS
- (checkbox) remove unused icons - (6afeca6) - PHIEKS
- (checkbox) remove left line when invalid - (287185c) - PHIEKS
- (checkbox) change gap to 0.5rem - (a266269) - PHIEKS
- (checkbox) change gap to 0,5rem - (d17b76b) - PHIEKS
- (checkbox) remove stories from build + clear changelog - (5b171e1) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (checkbox) change the styling in focus visible to a variable - (fcd7692) - jabir Khalil
- (checkbox) adjust styling - (b663ef1) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (checkbox) select all can be indeterminate - (8d6c8c3) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (checkbox) fix state could be null - (a3368b2) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (combobox) add a story autocomplete,fix storybook name,the tag to ComboBox,and style focus state - (f1179bc) - jabir Khalil
- (combobox) fix diabled state style and fix combobox test - (25f2c89) - jabir Khalil
- (combobox) naming, docs, build - (f9de90a) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (combobox) rewrite to new wrapper - (0802df3) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (combobox) fix props - (79bc05f) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (combobox) button alignment - (896a150) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (combobox) naming - (8814de2) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (combobox) focus style fix - (a341465) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (combobox) chevron icon will be upp when select is opened - (817ef6f) - jabir Khalil
- (combobox) add aria-expanded to css to rotate chevron icon - (548503d) - jabir Khalil
- (combobox) remove unessecary component rename + a11y - (c55c5cd) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (combobox) remove stories from build - (1f7dbca) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (combobox) update readme - (76ebbab) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (combobox) update icon size - (12d6f22) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (combobox) new focus style - (70343e3) - jabir Khalil
- (combobox) fix style - (f754c72) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (combobox) color on iOS - (52bbe02) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (combobox) support modals - (faa16f0) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (combobox) fix build - (2c15ffd) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (date-picker) new build - (728228c) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (date-picker) correct color on placeholder - (8e78cce) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (date-picker) correct colors - (b0b58db) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (date-picker) remove stories from build - (101b473) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (date-picker) update deps - (768544a) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (date-picker) fix deps - (56d7613) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (date-picker) update icon size - (0ecaa4a) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (date-picker) change the styling in focus visible to a variable - (1b20694) - jabir Khalil
- (date-picker) add variable - (26ecb15) - jabir Khalil
- (date-picker) new focus state - (0c1d404) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (date-picker) dependency update - (cd6842a) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (date-picker) spacing on timefields - (9d54455) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (date-picker) update deps - (509bd43) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (date-picker) color on iOS - (26b827c) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (date-picker) support modals - (3ae02ca) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (date-picker) add deps - (3e4bd50) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (date-picker) update deps - (6647cbd) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (date-picker) update deps - (a5e12f2) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (docs) fix top banner - (e5326fe) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (docs) test commit on GitHub - (4d5748e) - wilhjelmig
- (docs) updates to accomodate storybook - (f6b7738) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (docs) remove "build with" - (83d9f46) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (docs) fix storybook link - (36b1548) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (docs) new frontpage - (e216eaf) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (docs) fix broken link - (aa79f43) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (docs) update url - (94f6860) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (docs) update url - (42bc9f7) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (docs) fix broken link - (ba36066) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (file-upload) fix build - (85ddcf7) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (file-upload) remove stories from build - (1c0c356) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (file-upload) update deps - (d31d5a6) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (file-upload) update icon size - (8751ee6) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (file-upload) fix text overflow mobile - (93af02b) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (flex) new build - (aa9ddbd) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (flex) remove stories from build - (c62361f) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (flex) better column stretching - (ce63580) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (flex) fix column wrapping - (c442295) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (grid) new build - (8103518) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (grid) remove stories from build - (2735373) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (grid) update readme - (4a238f6) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (grid) better column stretching - (760253f) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (info-banner) new build - (c8fa059) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (info-banner) fix dismissable button - (ad2ffdf) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (info-banner) add div props to info-banner - (66c5669) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (info-banner) remove stories from build - (24a837a) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (info-banner) update deps - (44408ac) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (info-banner) fix classname info clsx - (841fccb) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (info-banner) update icon size - (e137456) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (link) new build - (a7f0a5f) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (link) remove stories from build - (4071754) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (link) update readme - (e2f295f) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (link) icon stays in size - (fc5ebeb) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (link) ignore icon prop if link is standalone - (8b75335) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (link) fix style to center the icon with text - (2d79dcd) - jabir Khalil
- (link) fix the wrong style - (ebf8942) - jabir Khalil
- (link) add style underline to hover and active state - (420b77c) - jabir Khalil
- (link) add visited state to css - (de42c19) - jabir Khalil
- (link) add url address which leads to link component in docsweb - (19ebc2f) - jabir Khalil
- (link) commit - (1175df8) - jabir Khalil
- (link) support custom link component - (01f5653) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (link-button) new build - (e8feb75) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (link-button) update deps - (859365c) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (link-button) update readme - (0339220) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (link-button) fix dependency - (7857125) - jabir Khalil
- (link-button) fix styling justify-content - (71ff50d) - jabir Khalil
- (link-button) fix padding - (4e67d49) - jabir Khalil
- (link-button) adjust styles + add focus styles - (830c880) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (link-button) add variants - (641dad3) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (link-button) remove the duplicated code - (f5a3a40) - jabir Khalil
- (link-button) change gap to 0.5rem - (8d1e94a) - PHIEKS
- (link-button) change justify-content to center to make fullwidth look better - (dae7932) - PHIEKS
- (link-button) custom link component - (414e233) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (link-button) external link icon on target _blank - (358520d) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (linkButton) use button style and fix the story for icon - (12b4ace) - jabir Khalil
- (logo) new build - (2ed0f63) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (logo) remove stories from build + clear changelog - (a045d3d) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (logo) add support for all <div> props, like className - (48c8ade) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (logo) html tag name fix - (bdec843) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (modal) delete trigger button and fix styling - (64a93e6) - jabir Khalil
- (modal) delete unuse styling, and move styling for storybook to storybook - (b1631b0) - jabir Khalil
- (modal) fix styling in css file - (577c812) - jabir Khalil
- (modal) delete icon backgrund-color in css file - (983e3dc) - jabir Khalil
- (modal) update modal docs - (62f2546) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (modal) fix bug of unopenable modal + new docs - (e21f7ee) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (modal) fix spacing - (9c5a41a) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (modal) adjust max height and overflow - (6e14b30) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (multi-select) style adjustments - (6caf8b6) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (multi-select) support for all default key - (99394f9) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (multi-select) validation - (bdc09e9) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (multi-select) fix project - (ced8ad1) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (multi-select) fix build - (3e64cdd) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (multi-select) change remove to update list - (a856f02) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (multi-select) support modals - (8382491) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (multi-select) null on item fix - (d9e0b01) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (multi-select) fix intermittent errors in tag removal - (7ec65ea) - pixelrickdreamer
- (radio) remove padding - (d091ca4) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (radio) new build - (8ec235c) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (radio) change padding on label and helper text - (9064f56) - PHIEKS
- (radio) remove invalid line and fix css - (19f1e18) - PHIEKS
- (radio) change gap between elements to 0.5rem - (aba80bc) - PHIEKS
- (radio) remove stories from build + clear changelog - (a065754) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (radio) change the styling in focus visible to a variable - (0d51fb6) - jabir Khalil
- (radio) move radioGroup storybook to radio storybook, and fix tsconfig - (6a9b236) - jabir Khalil
- (radio) fix data in stories - (20d938b) - jabir Khalil
- (search-field) remove stories from build - (7a6adf0) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (search-field) update deps - (965bf29) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (search-field) update deps - (b6a2670) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (search-field) update readme - (47592c0) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (search-field) fix deps - (ea51719) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (search-field) update icon size - (149abd6) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (search-field) inherit focus from textField - (6657845) - jabir Khalil
- (search-field) dependency update - (92777f5) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (search-field) update deps - (5f9f96b) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (search-field) update deps - (156e2c2) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (search-field) update deps - (b04c43c) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (select) remove padding and add variables - (7609a86) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (select) fix list spacing - (9e079e9) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (select) new build - (56d48d0) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (select) use client - (4538389) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (select) change to lucide icon - (c9cbd10) - PHIEKS
- (select) fix icon alignment - (e9b7f9d) - PHIEKS
- (select) remove hard value - (4866d1c) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (select) add aria-expanded to css to rotate chevron icon - (7ca8556) - jabir Khalil
- (select) change to border - (f724cc2) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (select) update icon size - (c9560e8) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (select) change the styling in focus visible to a variable - (8353e47) - jabir Khalil
- (select) change box-shadow to border - (6784d14) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (select) support modals - (4b004d5) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (spinner) new build - (8c77bf0) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (spinner) remove stories from build - (d2e8c1d) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (spinner) update deps - (4615050) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (spinner) update readme - (a41246e) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (table) use client - (fc9bda5) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (table) remove stories from build - (8287a67) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (table) update deps - (647fda3) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (table) update readme - (c05fdac) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (table) update icon size - (7de821b) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (tabs) new build - (91a58e1) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (tabs) update readme - (723eb3f) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (tabs) new focus state - (7cc95c9) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (tabs) fix styles - (8340403) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (tabs) responsive - (212eff6) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (tag) fix stories and css and delete unuse codes - (6280a13) - jabir Khalil
- (tag) styling + dismissable - (54c492a) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (tag) fix project - (97e289b) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (tag) dependency update - (108c6e3) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textField) fix text color in invald error to red color - (a5b38a9) - jabir Khalil
- (textarea) fix handleChange run when element focus - (e631acd) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textarea) naming - (0c0498c) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textarea) remove stories from build - (418f2fe) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textarea) remove stories from build - (b4176ff) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textarea) update readme - (4e68e35) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textarea) remove focus animation - (0b8929f) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textarea) fix focus - (add7471) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textarea) fix to show the error when the characters be more from max - (19199f1) - jabir Khalil
- (textarea) change color - (92d32e3) - jabir Khalil
- (textarea) change error message at maxCharacters - (14b2774) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textarea) change error message when > maxCharacter - (25512c6) - PHIEKS
- (textfield) remove padding - (21422a2) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textfield) style - (b525f0e) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textfield) new build - (082df93) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textfield) fix alignment - (3938ac5) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textfield) fix error message alignment - (6478166) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textfield) fix stories - (650a55d) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textfield) update deps - (ad01f0a) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textfield) update readme - (ef5d329) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textfield) fix text color in invald error to red color - (d0b65d1) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textfield) update icon size - (f3afab8) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textfield) remove focus animation - (b2fb402) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textfield) fix focus - (202b8f6) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textfield) update error message docs + support - (beba749) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (textfield) change error message when > maxCharacter - (221abdf) - PHIEKS
- (textfield, textarea) fix spacing - (c1c78d1) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (theme) include tokens again - (03b6516) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (theme) clear changelog - (e9e454a) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (theme) update version - (cf91176) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (theme) add new variable (bump) - (bb9a3cb) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (toast) larger icon - (d109d95) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (toast) fix button size + new build - (76d967c) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (toast) remove stories from build - (c059437) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (toast) update deps - (338dc1d) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (toast) update readme - (a0e8786) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (toast) update icon size - (eee5cc9) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (toast) new focus state - (f460952) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (toast) update deps + lint - (717bc9b) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (toast) update deps + fix lint for now - (24a9506) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (toast) refreshed code, design and docs - (df43d00) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (ui) update deps - (0f35eb6) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (ui) update deps - (ed768b1) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (ui) add modal - (df294b2) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (ui) update theme version - (0fd97a0) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (ui) dependency update + added multi-select - (1cf0729) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (ui) update deps - (220dae3) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- (ui) update deps - (4a3d497) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- a littel fixing - (1853317) - jabir Khalil
- add test for textarea in textfield.spec - (b95cbf6) - jabir Khalil
- add test for textarea - (3b9c7a9) - jabir Khalil
- shows an error when the max current charaters are more from max charecters - (986b17a) - jabir Khalil
- shows an error when the max current charaters are more from max charecters - (eae3b37) - jabir Khalil
- shows an error when the max current charaters are more from max charecters - (bf5c89d) - jabir Khalil
- add how many characters are over from max characters - (0e05859) - jabir Khalil
- change node version on deploy - (53c9c4d) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- new readme + doc build - (385b3a1) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix disable state text color and change px to rem - (335ebad) - jabir Khalil
- add a character's collector when there is no max characters was given - (0b35029) - jabir Khalil
- add isDisabled in AriaSelect tag and fix the style in css - (bc08566) - jabir Khalil
- remove file - (d0d3b5d) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- dependencies - (31903a3) - Wilhelm Hjelm
- fix the link path in readme - (3cec027) - jabir Khalil