A DeFi automation platform
Content •
Setup •
Security •
This package contains the implementation of the Swap Connector used by the Mimic protocol.
The Swap Connector is part of the core architecture and is in charge of providing an interface to swap tokens.
This can be achieved using any type of on-chain exchange, then this repo provides a simple implementation using
Uniswap V2, Uniswap V3, Balancer V2, and Paraswap V5.
To set up this project you'll need git and yarn installed.
From your command line:
$ git clone https://github.com/mimic-fi/v2-core
$ cd v2-core/packages/swap-connector
$ yarn
$ yarn test
⚠️ Auditing
The status of our contracts are considered as experimental and should be used at your own risk.
Even though all our smart contracts have been reviewed and supervised with security researchers, currently we are going
through a formal audit process with one of the top firms in the industry. We will disclose the results and takeovers as
soon as we finish the process.
Hopefully soon we will be able to communicate a bug bounty program for the hacker community. However, if you found any
potential issue in any of our smart contracts or in any piece of code you consider critical for the safety of the
protocol, please contact us through security@mimic.fi.
GPL 3.0
Website mimic.fi ·
GitHub @mimic-fi ·
Twitter @mimicfi ·
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