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Polyfill package for Internet Explorer 11.
Babel only does syntax transformations, i.e. source code that would
otherwise throw a SyntaxError
Any attempt at a complete ES2015 polyfill is huge and
would still not be complete, since many ES 2015 features
cannot be implemented in ES 5. Instead, this package
cherry-picks the common and useful features.
- ES 2015 (+)
- Promise
- Static and instance methods of
- Array
- from
- of
- prototype
- entries
- fill
- find
- findIndex
- includes
- Number
- isFinite
- isInteger
- isSafeInteger
- parseFloat
- parseInt
- Object
- String
- endsWith
- includes
- repeat
- startsWith
Copyright 2017 Mintlab B.V.
Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or – as soon they will be approved by the European Commission -
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You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
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