Getting started
Install the package with:
yarn add @moassabot/twitchapi
npm install @moassabot/twitchapi --save
Import the TwitchAPI class:
const TwitchAPI = require('@moassabot/twitchapi');
import TwitchAPI from '@moassabot/twitchapi';
Create a new instance:
const client_id = process.env.TWITCH_CLIENT_ID;
const client_secret = process.env.TWITCH_CLIENT_SECRET;
const api = new TwitchAPI(client_id, client_secret);
Properties Reference
The only properties are the Axios Instances for the two APIs: auth and helix. They might be used in order to access the base URLs or to make requests not provided in the TwitchAPI class methods.
Axios instance for the OAuth Twitch API used in the getAccessToken, refreshAccessToken, getAppAccessToken methods. It is set in the TwitchAPI constructor with the baseURL
const auth = api._auth;
Axios instance for the Helix Twitch API used in the remaining methods. It is set in the TwitchAPI constructor with the baseURL
const helix = api._helix;
Methods Reference
Get Access Token
Used in OAuth authorization code flow callback to obtain a User Access Token
const response = await api.getAccessToken({ code, redirect_uri })
- context {object}
- code {string}: Received code from twitch OAuth code flow
- redirect_uri {string}: Redirect URI set up in your application for the OAuth code flow
- Promise<{object}>
- access_token {string}: Twitch Access Token
- refresh_token {string}: Twitch Refresh Token
- expires_in {number}: Number of seconds until token expires
- scope {string[]}: Array with the allowed scopes
- token_type {string}: The type of token (it should be "bearer")
Refresh Access Token
Used to obtain a new Access Token with a Refresh Token
const response = await api.refreshAccessToken(refresh_token)
- refresh_token {string}: A valid Twitch refresh_token
- Promise<{object}>
- access_token {string}: Twitch Access Token
- refresh_token {string}: Twitch Refresh Token
- expires_in {number}: Number of seconds until token expires
- scope {string[]}: Array with the allowed scopes
- token_type {string}: The type of token (it should be "bearer")
Get App Access Token
Used in OAuth client credentials flow to obtain an App Access Token
const response = await api.getAppAccessToken("chat:edit chat:read")
- scopes {string}: Space-separated list of scopes
- Promise<{object}>
- access_token {string}: Twitch Access Token
- refresh_token {string}: Twitch Refresh Token
- expires_in {number}: Number of seconds until token expires
- scope {string[]}: Array with the allowed scopes
- token_type {string}: The type of token (it should be "bearer")
Get User
Fetch user information with a valid User Access Token.
Check out the original reference for more information.
const user = await api.getUser({ twitch_access_token })
- context {object}
- twitch_access_token {string}: Twitch valid User Access Token
- Promise<{object}>
- id {string}: Twitch User’s ID
- login {string}: Twitch User’s login name
- display_name {string}: User’s display name
- type {string}: User’s type "staff", "admin", "global_mod", or ""
- broadcaster_type {string}: User’s broadcaster type: "partner", "affiliate", or ""
- description {string}: User’s channel description
- profile_image_url {string}: URL of the user’s offline image
- offline_image_url {string}: URL of the user’s profile image
- view_count {number}: Total number of views of the user’s channel
- email {string}: User’s verified email address. Returned if the request includes the user:read:email scope.
- created_at {string}: Date when the user was created
Get Users
Fetch users information with a list of user IDs.
Check out the original reference for more information.
const users = await api.getUsers({ ids, twitch_access_token })
- context {object}
- ids {string[]}: Array of Twitch User IDs
- twitch_access_token {string}: Twitch valid App Access Token
- Promise<{object[]}>
- id {string}: Twitch User’s ID
- login {string}: Twitch User’s login name
- display_name {string}: User’s display name
- type {string}: User’s type "staff", "admin", "global_mod", or ""
- broadcaster_type {string}: User’s broadcaster type: "partner", "affiliate", or ""
- description {string}: User’s channel description
- profile_image_url {string}: URL of the user’s offline image
- offline_image_url {string}: URL of the user’s profile image
- view_count {number}: Total number of views of the user’s channel
- email {string}: User’s verified email address. Returned if the request includes the user:read:email scope.
- created_at {string}: Date when the user was created
Get Stream
Fetch information of one stream.
Check out the original reference for more information.
const stream = await api.getStream({ id, twitch_access_token })
- context {object}
- id {string}: Twitch User ID
- twitch_access_token {string}: Twitch valid App Access Token
- Promise<{object}> in case the stream is online
- id {string}: Stream ID
- user_id {string}: ID of the user who is streaming
- user_login {string}: Login of the user who is streaming
- user_name {string}: Display name
- game_id {string}: ID of the game being played on the stream
- game_name {string}: Name of the game being played on the stream
- type {string}: Stream type: "live" or "" (in case of error)
- title {string}: Stream title
- viewer_count {number}: Number of viewers watching the stream at the time of the query
- started_at {string}: UTC timestamp
- language {string}: Stream language. A language value is either the ISO 639-1 two-letter code for a supported stream language or “other”.
- thumbnail_url {string}: Thumbnail URL of the stream
- tag_ids {string[]}: Shows tag IDs that apply to the stream
- is_mature {boolean}: Indicates if the broadcaster has specified their channel contains mature content that may be inappropriate for younger audiences
- null in case the stream is offline
Get Streams
Fetch information of more than one stream.
Check out the original reference for more information.
const streams = await api.getStreams({ ids, twitch_access_token })
- context {object}
- id {string[]}: Twitch User IDs
- twitch_access_token {string}: Twitch valid App Access Token
- Promise<{object[]}>
- id {string}: Stream ID
- user_id {string}: ID of the user who is streaming
- user_login {string}: Login of the user who is streaming
- user_name {string}: Display name
- game_id {string}: ID of the game being played on the stream
- game_name {string}: Name of the game being played on the stream
- type {string}: Stream type: "live" or "" (in case of error)
- title {string}: Stream title
- viewer_count {number}: Number of viewers watching the stream at the time of the query
- started_at {string}: UTC timestamp
- language {string}: Stream language. A language value is either the ISO 639-1 two-letter code for a supported stream language or “other”.
- thumbnail_url {string}: Thumbnail URL of the stream
- tag_ids {string[]}: Shows tag IDs that apply to the stream
- is_mature {boolean}: Indicates if the broadcaster has specified their channel contains mature content that may be inappropriate for younger audiences
Get Editors
Fetch a channel's list of editors.
Check out the original reference for more information.
const editors = await api.getEditors({ id, twitch_access_token })
- context {object}
- id {string}: Broadcaster’s user ID associated with the channel
- twitch_access_token {string}: Twitch valid User Access Token
- Promise<{object[]}>
- user_id {string}: User ID of the editor
- user_name {string}: Display name of the editor
- created_at {string}: Date and time the editor was given editor permissions
Get Follows
Fetch follows from User with ID user_id / to Channel with channel_id.
Check out the original reference for more information.
const follows = await api.getFollows({ twitch_access_token, channel_id, user_id })
At least one of channel_id and user_id paramaters must be passed. If both are defined, the return value will determine if the User with ID user_id follows the Channel with ID channel_id.
- context {object}
- twitch_access_token {string}: Twitch valid User Access Token
- channel_id {string}: ID of the followed channel
- user_id {string}: ID of the following user
- Promise<{object[]}>
- user_id {string}: ID of the user following the channel_id user
- from_login {string}: Login of the user following the channel_id user
- from_name {string}: Display name corresponding to user_id
- channel_id {string}: ID of the user being followed by the user_id user
- to_login {string}: Login of the user being followed by the user_id user
- to_name {string}: Display name corresponding to channel_id
- followed_at {string}: Date and time when the user_id user followed the channel_id user
Get Subscriptions
Fetch a Channel's Subscriptions.
Check out the original reference for more information.
const subs = await api.getSubscriptions({ id, twitch_access_token })
- context {object}
- id {string}: User ID of the broadcaster. Must match the User ID in the Bearer token.
- twitch_access_token {string}: Twitch valid User Access Token
- Promise<{object[]}>
- broadcaster_id {string}: User ID of the broadcaster
- broadcaster_login {string}: Login of the broadcaster
- broadcaster_name {string}: Display name of the broadcaster
- gifter_id {string}: If the subscription was gifted, this is the user ID of the gifter. Empty string otherwise.
- gifter_login {string}: If the subscription was gifted, this is the login of the gifter. Empty string otherwise.
- gifter_name {string}: If the subscription was gifted, this is the display name of the gifter. Empty string otherwise.
- is_gift {boolean}: true if the subscription is a gift subscription
- tier {string}: Type of subscription (Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3).
1000 = Tier 1, 2000 = Tier 2, 3000 = Tier 3 subscriptions.
- plan_name {string}: Name of the subscription
- user_id {string}: ID of the subscribed user
- user_name {string}: Display name of the subscribed user
- user_login {string}: Login of the subscribed user
Set Title
Modifies a Broadcast's Title.
Check out the original reference for more information.
await api.setTitle({ title, broadcaster_id, twitch_access_token })
- context {object}
- title {string}: The title of the stream. Value must not be an empty string.
- broadcaster_id {string}: ID of the channel to be updated
- twitch_access_token {string}: Twitch valid User Access Token
Set Game
Modifies a Broadcast's Game.
Check out the original reference for more information.
await api.setGame({ game, broadcaster_id, twitch_access_token })
- context {object}
- game {string}: The name of the current game being played on the channel. Use “” (an empty string) to unset the game.
- broadcaster_id {string}: ID of the channel to be updated
- twitch_access_token {string}: Twitch valid User Access Token