Mozilla Cookie Helper
What does it do?
A complete cookies reader/writer framework with full unicode support. For more general information on web Cookies visit MDN.
How to install and use
Install via npm: npm install @mozmeao/cookie-helper
Import the library at your applications entrypoint via require, import or by using a global variable in your script tag::
import CookieHelper from '@mozmeao/cookie-helper';
const CookieHelper = require('@mozmeao/cookie-helper')
const CookieHelper = window.CookieHelper
Once that object is instanciated you can use the following functions:
Function | Notes |
CookieHelper.setItem(name, value[, end[, path[, domain[, secure[, samesite]]]]]) | will set a cookie inside of document.cookie If the cookie is created it will return true otherwise, false |
CookieHelper.getItem(name) | Will return the key that you pass to the function, if not found or no argument was passed - will return null |
CookieHelper.removeItem(name[, path[, domain]]) | Will remove the cookie that matches the passed key. If no key is found, it will return false . If key is found, it will set the cookie to expire immediately and then return true |
CookieHelper.hasItem(name) | Will return true if cookie is found that matches the passed key. If no key is found it will return false |
CookieHelper.keys() | Will return an array of the keys found in document.cookie |
Further Doumentation
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
License, v. 2.0.