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@myparcel/sdk - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.1.0 to 3.2.0




@@ -1,1 +0,336 @@

"use strict";var g=Object.defineProperty;var v=(a,e,t)=>e in a?g(a,e,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:t}):a[e]=t;var s=(a,e,t)=>(v(a,typeof e!="symbol"?e+"":e,t),t);Object.defineProperty(exports,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"});const l=require("@myparcel/ts-utils");class m extends Error{constructor(t){super(t.message);s(this,"data");Object.setPrototypeOf(this,m.prototype),"ApiException",}}class h extends Error{constructor(t){super(t);s(this,"name","user");Object.setPrototypeOf(this,h.prototype),"UserException"}}const H=(a,e)=>{if(e){const t=Object.entries(e).map(([r,i])=>`${r}=${i}`);t.length&&(a+=`?${t.join("&")}`)}return a},O="",T=["POST","PUT"];class S{constructor(e){s(this,"baseUrl");s(this,"headers");s(this,"parameters");s(this,"options");s(this,"_requiredHeaders",[]);this.baseUrl=((e==null?void 0:e.baseUrl)??O).replace(/\/+$/,""),this.headers=(e==null?void 0:e.headers)??{},this.parameters=(e==null?void 0:e.parameters)??{},this.options=(e==null?void 0:e.options)??{}}get requiredHeaders(){return this._requiredHeaders}set requiredHeaders(e){this._requiredHeaders=e}async doRequest(e,t){const r=this.normalizeOptions(e,{...t,...this.options});this.validateHeaders(e,r);const i=await this.request(e,r);if(l.isOfType(i,"errors"))throw new m(i);if(l.isOfType(i,"data")){const p=e.getResponseProperty();let[p];const{page:d,size:o,results:c};return(d!==void 0||o!==void 0||c!==void 0)&&(n={[p][p]},d!==void 0&&(,o!==void 0&&(n.size=o),c!==void 0&&(n.results=c)),n}return i}getHeaders(){return{Accept:"application/json",...this.headers}}createUrl(e,t){let r=e.getPath();if(r.length&&!r.startsWith("/")&&(r=`/${r}`),t!=null&&t.path&&(r=this.substitutePath(r,t.path)),r.includes("/:"))throw new h(`One or more path variables are missing in ${r}`);return t!=null&&t.parameters&&(r=H(r,t.parameters)),this.baseUrl+r}substitutePath(e,t){if(t&&Object.entries(t).forEach(([r,i])=>{e=e.replace(`:${r}`,String(i))}),e.includes(":")){const r=e.match(/:\w+?\?/g);r==null||r.forEach(i=>{e=e.replace(`/${i}`,"")})}return e}validateHeaders(e,t){const r=Object.entries(t.headers).reduce((p,[n,d])=>({...p,[n.toLowerCase()]:d}),{}),i=this.requiredHeaders.filter(p=>!(p.toLowerCase()in r));if(i.length)throw new h(`Required headers are missing: ${i.join(", ")}`)}normalizeOptions(e,t){const r={...t,parameters:{...this.parameters,...t.parameters,...e.getParameters()},headers:{...T.includes(e.method)?{"Content-Type":"application/json"}:{},...this.getHeaders(),...t.headers,...e.getHeaders()}};if(l.isOfType(t,"body")){const i=e.getProperty();i===void 0?r.body={data:t.body}:r.body={data:{[i]:t.body}}}return r}}const E=a=>{try{return JSON.parse(a),!0}catch{return!1}};class f extends S{constructor(t){super(t);s(this,"request",async(t,r)=>{var o;const i=new AbortController,p=setTimeout(()=>i.abort(),r.timeout),n={method:t.method,headers:r.headers,...r.timeout&&{signal:i.signal}};l.isOfType(r,"body")&&(n.body=JSON.stringify(r.body));const d=await fetch(this.createUrl(t,r),n);if(clearTimeout(p),d.body){const c=await d.text();return(o=d.headers.get("Content-Type"))!=null&&o.includes("application/json")&&E(c)?JSON.parse(c):c}})}}class b{constructor(e){s(this,"method","GET");s(this,"responseProperty");s(this,"headers");s(this,"parameters");this.headers=(e==null?void 0:e.headers)??{},this.parameters=(e==null?void 0:e.parameters)??{}}getHeaders(){return this.headers}getParameters(){return this.parameters}getPath(){return this.path}getProperty(){return}getResponseProperty(){return this.responseProperty??}}class u extends b{}class y extends b{}function P(a,e){if(!e.length)throw new h("At least one endpoint must be passed.");return e.reduce((t,r)=>({...t,[]:async i=>a.doRequest(r,i??{})}),{})}const w=(a,e)=>(a.requiredHeaders=["Authorization"],P(a,e)),x=(a,e)=>P(a,e);class C extends y{constructor(){super(...arguments);s(this,"name","getShipment");s(this,"path","shipments/:id");s(this,"property","shipments")}}class A extends y{constructor(){super(...arguments);s(this,"name","getShipments");s(this,"path","shipments");s(this,"property","shipments")}}class j extends y{constructor(){super(...arguments);s(this,"method","POST");s(this,"name","postShipments");s(this,"path","shipments");s(this,"property","shipments");s(this,"responseProperty","ids")}getHeaders(){return{...super.getHeaders(),"Content-Type":"application/vnd.shipment+json;charset=utf-8;version=1.1"}}}class q extends u{constructor(){super(...arguments);s(this,"name","getCarrier");s(this,"path","carriers/:carrier");s(this,"property","carriers")}}class G extends u{constructor(){super(...arguments);s(this,"name","getCarriers");s(this,"path","carriers");s(this,"property","carriers")}}class U extends u{constructor(){super(...arguments);s(this,"name","getDeliveryOptions");s(this,"path","delivery_options");s(this,"property","deliveries")}getHeaders(){return{...super.getHeaders(),Accept:"application/json;version=2.0"}}}class k extends u{constructor(){super(...arguments);s(this,"name","getPickupLocations");s(this,"path","pickup_locations");s(this,"property","pickup_locations")}}exports.AbstractClient=S;exports.AbstractEndpoint=b;exports.AbstractPrivateEndpoint=y;exports.AbstractPublicEndpoint=u;exports.ApiException=m;exports.BASE_URL=O;exports.FetchClient=f;exports.GetCarrier=q;exports.GetCarriers=G;exports.GetDeliveryOptions=U;exports.GetPickupLocations=k;exports.GetShipment=C;exports.GetShipments=A;exports.PostShipments=j;exports.UserException=h;exports.createMyParcelSdk=P;exports.createPrivateSdk=w;exports.createPublicSdk=x;
var O = Object.defineProperty;
var H = (a, e, t) => e in a ? O(a, e, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: t }) : a[e] = t;
var s = (a, e, t) => (H(a, typeof e != "symbol" ? e + "" : e, t), t);
import { isOfType as u } from "@myparcel/ts-utils";
class y extends Error {
constructor(t) {
s(this, "data");
Object.setPrototypeOf(this, y.prototype), = "ApiException", = t;
class o extends Error {
constructor(t) {
s(this, "name", "user");
Object.setPrototypeOf(this, o.prototype), = "UserException";
const v = (a, e) => {
if (e) {
const t = Object.entries(e).map(([r, i]) => `${r}=${i}`);
t.length && (a += `?${t.join("&")}`);
return a;
}, w = "", S = ["POST", "PUT"];
class x {
constructor(e) {
* Base URL to make requests to.
* @protected
s(this, "baseUrl");
* Headers to use with requests.
* @protected
s(this, "headers");
* @protected
s(this, "parameters");
* Additional client specific options.
* @protected
s(this, "options");
* Array of headers that are required. Client will throw an error if any are missing.
* @private
s(this, "_requiredHeaders", []);
this.baseUrl = ((e == null ? void 0 : e.baseUrl) ?? w).replace(/\/+$/, ""), this.headers = (e == null ? void 0 : e.headers) ?? {}, this.parameters = (e == null ? void 0 : e.parameters) ?? {}, this.options = (e == null ? void 0 : e.options) ?? {};
get requiredHeaders() {
return this._requiredHeaders;
set requiredHeaders(e) {
this._requiredHeaders = e;
* Prepare and execute the final request and handle the response.
async doRequest(e, t) {
const r = this.normalizeOptions(e, { ...t, ...this.options });
this.validateHeaders(e, r);
const i = await this.request(e, r);
if (u(i, "errors"))
throw new y(i);
if (u(i, "data")) {
const p = e.getResponseProperty();
let d =[p];
const { page: n, size: c, results: h } =;
return (n !== void 0 || c !== void 0 || h !== void 0) && (d = {
}, n !== void 0 && ( = n), c !== void 0 && (d.size = c), h !== void 0 && (d.results = h)), d;
return i;
* Gets default and custom headers.
* @protected
getHeaders() {
return {
Accept: "application/json",
* Uses the base url, endpoint and options to create the final request url.
* @protected
createUrl(e, t) {
let r = e.getPath();
if (r.length && !r.startsWith("/") && (r = `/${r}`), t != null && t.path && (r = this.substitutePath(r, t.path)), r.includes("/:"))
throw new o(`One or more path variables are missing in ${r}`);
return t != null && t.parameters && (r = v(r, t.parameters)), this.baseUrl + r;
* Replace path variables in an url path. Deletes optional parameters if
* they're not passed.
* @protected
substitutePath(e, t) {
if (t && Object.entries(t).forEach(([r, i]) => {
e = e.replace(`:${r}`, String(i));
}), e.includes(":")) {
const r = e.match(/:\w+?\?/g);
r == null || r.forEach((i) => {
e = e.replace(`/${i}`, "");
return e;
* Validates headers passed in options.
* @protected
validateHeaders(e, t) {
const r = Object.entries(t.headers).reduce(
(p, [d, n]) => ({
[d.toLowerCase()]: n
), i = this.requiredHeaders.filter((p) => !(p.toLowerCase() in r));
if (i.length)
throw new o(`Required headers are missing: ${i.join(", ")}`);
* Executes transformations on options before request.
* @protected
normalizeOptions(e, t) {
const r = {
parameters: {
headers: {
...S.includes(e.method) ? { "Content-Type": "application/json" } : {},
if (u(t, "body")) {
const i = e.getProperty();
i === void 0 ? r.body = {
data: t.body
} : r.body = {
data: { [i]: t.body }
return r;
const f = (a) => {
try {
return JSON.parse(a), !0;
} catch {
return !1;
class E extends x {
constructor(t) {
s(this, "request", async (t, r) => {
var c, h;
const i = new AbortController(), p = setTimeout(() => i.abort(), r.timeout), d = {
method: t.method,
headers: r.headers,
...r.timeout && { signal: i.signal }
u(r, "body") && (d.body = JSON.stringify(r.body));
const n = await fetch(this.createUrl(t, r), d);
if (clearTimeout(p), n.body) {
if ((c = n.headers.get("Content-Disposition")) != null && c.includes("attachment"))
return n.blob();
const m = await n.text();
return (h = n.headers.get("Content-Type")) != null && h.includes("application/json") && f(m) ? JSON.parse(m) : m;
class P {
constructor(e) {
* HTTP method.
s(this, "method", "GET");
* Property used in the response. Falls back to `` if it's not
* set.
s(this, "responseProperty");
* Headers to include when calling this endpoint.
s(this, "headers");
* Parameters to include in the endpoint url.
s(this, "parameters");
this.headers = (e == null ? void 0 : e.headers) ?? {}, this.parameters = (e == null ? void 0 : e.parameters) ?? {};
getHeaders() {
return this.headers;
getParameters() {
return this.parameters;
getPath() {
return this.path;
getProperty() {
getResponseProperty() {
return this.responseProperty ??;
class l extends P {
class b extends P {
function g(a, e) {
if (!e.length)
throw new o("At least one endpoint must be passed.");
return e.reduce(
(t, r) => ({
[]: async (i) => a.doRequest(r, i ?? {})
const j = (a, e) => (a.requiredHeaders = ["Authorization"], g(a, e)), q = (a, e) => g(a, e);
class A extends b {
constructor() {
s(this, "name", "getShipment");
s(this, "path", "shipments/:id");
s(this, "property", "shipments");
class U extends b {
constructor() {
s(this, "name", "getShipments");
s(this, "path", "shipments");
s(this, "property", "shipments");
class $ extends b {
constructor() {
s(this, "method", "POST");
s(this, "name", "postShipments");
s(this, "path", "shipments");
s(this, "property", "shipments");
s(this, "responseProperty", "ids");
getHeaders() {
return {
"Content-Type": "application/vnd.shipment+json;charset=utf-8;version=1.1"
class _ extends l {
constructor() {
s(this, "name", "getCarrier");
s(this, "path", "carriers/:carrier");
s(this, "property", "carriers");
class k extends l {
constructor() {
s(this, "name", "getCarriers");
s(this, "path", "carriers");
s(this, "property", "carriers");
class G extends l {
constructor() {
s(this, "name", "getDeliveryOptions");
s(this, "path", "delivery_options");
s(this, "property", "deliveries");
getHeaders() {
return { ...super.getHeaders(), Accept: "application/json;version=2.0" };
class R extends l {
constructor() {
s(this, "name", "getPickupLocations");
s(this, "path", "pickup_locations");
s(this, "property", "pickup_locations");
export {
x as AbstractClient,
P as AbstractEndpoint,
b as AbstractPrivateEndpoint,
l as AbstractPublicEndpoint,
y as ApiException,
w as BASE_URL,
E as FetchClient,
_ as GetCarrier,
k as GetCarriers,
G as GetDeliveryOptions,
R as GetPickupLocations,
A as GetShipment,
U as GetShipments,
$ as PostShipments,
o as UserException,
g as createMyParcelSdk,
j as createPrivateSdk,
q as createPublicSdk


"name": "@myparcel/sdk",
"version": "3.1.0",
"version": "3.2.0",
"description": "JavaScript SDK to connect to the MyParcel API via Node.js or browser",

@@ -14,11 +14,12 @@ "keywords": [

"author": "Edie Lemoine <>",
"type": "module",
"exports": {
".": {
"types": "./lib/index.d.ts",
"import": "./lib/index.mjs",
"require": "./lib/index.js"
"import": "./lib/index.js",
"require": "./lib/index.cjs"
"main": "./lib/index.js",
"module": "./lib/index.mjs",
"main": "./lib/index.cjs",
"module": "./lib/index.js",
"types": "./lib/index.d.ts",

@@ -52,3 +53,3 @@ "files": [

"@myparcel-eslint/eslint-config-prettier-typescript": "^1.2.0",
"@myparcel/semantic-release-config": "^4.2.3",
"@myparcel/semantic-release-config": "^5.0.0",
"@tsconfig/recommended": "^1.0.2",

@@ -61,5 +62,5 @@ "@vitest/coverage-v8": "^0.34.4",

"sort-package-json": "^2.4.1",
"typescript": "^4.9.5",
"typescript": "^5.2.0",
"vite": "^4.1.1",
"vite-plugin-dts": "^1.7.3",
"vite-plugin-dts": "^3.6.0",
"vitest": "^0.34.0",

@@ -66,0 +67,0 @@ "vitest-fetch-mock": "^0.2.1"

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