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@nativescript/camera - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 6.0.0 to 7.0.0



@@ -0,1 +1,2 @@

import * as permissions from '@nativescript-community/perms';
export declare function getAspectSafeDimensions(sourceWidth: any, sourceHeight: any, reqWidth: any, reqHeight: any): {

@@ -5,1 +6,27 @@ width: number;

export declare function mapError(e: any): PermissionResult;
export declare function mapCameraPermissionStatus(permission: permissions.Result): PermissionResult;
export declare function mapPhotoPermissionStatus(permission: permissions.Result): PermissionResult;
export declare function combineCamerPhotoPermissions(cameraPermissions: PermissionResult, photoPermissions: PermissionResult): PermissionsResult;
export declare enum Status {
authorized = "authorized",
denied = "denied",
limited = "limited",
restricted = "restricted",
undetermined = "undetermined",
never_ask_again = "never_ask_again",
unknown = "unknown",
error = "error"
export interface PermissionsResult {
Success: boolean;
Details: {
Camera?: PermissionResult;
Photo?: PermissionResult;
export interface PermissionResult {
Success: boolean;
Details: Status;
Error?: any;



@@ -7,5 +7,58 @@ export function getAspectSafeDimensions(sourceWidth, sourceHeight, reqWidth, reqHeight) {

width: Math.floor(sourceWidth / aspectCoef),
height: Math.floor(sourceHeight / aspectCoef)
height: Math.floor(sourceHeight / aspectCoef),
function mapStatus(result) {
let status = Status.unknown;
if (result && result.length > 1) {
if (Object.keys(Status).findIndex((k) => k === result[0]) >= 0) {
status = Status[result[0]];
return status;
export function mapError(e) {
return {
Success: false,
Details: Status.error,
Error: e,
export function mapCameraPermissionStatus(permission) {
const status = mapStatus(permission);
const result = {
Success: status === Status.authorized,
Details: status,
return result;
export function mapPhotoPermissionStatus(permission) {
const status = mapStatus(permission);
const result = {
Success: status === Status.authorized || status ===,
Details: status,
return result;
export function combineCamerPhotoPermissions(cameraPermissions, photoPermissions) {
const result = {
Success: cameraPermissions.Success && photoPermissions.Success,
Details: {
Camera: cameraPermissions,
Photo: photoPermissions,
return result;
export var Status;
(function (Status) {
Status["authorized"] = "authorized";
Status["denied"] = "denied";
Status["limited"] = "limited";
Status["restricted"] = "restricted";
Status["undetermined"] = "undetermined";
Status["never_ask_again"] = "never_ask_again";
Status["unknown"] = "unknown";
Status["error"] = "error";
})(Status || (Status = {}));

import { CameraOptions } from '.';
import { PermissionResult, PermissionsResult } from './common';
export declare const takePicture: (options?: CameraOptions) => Promise<any>;
export declare const isAvailable: () => boolean;
export declare function requestPermissions(): Promise<boolean>;
export declare function requestPhotosPermissions(): Promise<boolean>;
export declare function requestCameraPermissions(): Promise<boolean>;
export declare function requestPermissions(): Promise<PermissionsResult>;
export declare function requestPhotosPermissions(): Promise<PermissionResult>;
export declare function requestCameraPermissions(): Promise<PermissionResult>;
import { Utils, Application, Device, Trace, ImageAsset } from '@nativescript/core';
import * as permissions from '@nativescript-community/perms';
import { combineCamerPhotoPermissions, mapCameraPermissionStatus, mapPhotoPermissionStatus, Status } from './common';

@@ -159,19 +160,19 @@ const useAndroidX = function () {

export async function requestPermissions() {
return requestCameraPermissions().then((cameraPermissions) => requestPhotosPermissions().then((photoPermissions) => combineCamerPhotoPermissions(cameraPermissions, photoPermissions)));
export async function requestPhotosPermissions() {
if (api30()) {
const hasPerm = await permissions.request('android.permission.CAMERA');
return hasPerm[1];
return {
Success: true,
Details: Status.authorized,
else {
const hasPerm1 = await permissions.request('android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE');
const hasPerm2 = await permissions.request('android.permission.CAMERA');
return hasPerm1[1] && hasPerm2[1];
const hasPerm = await permissions.request('android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE');
return mapPhotoPermissionStatus(hasPerm);
export async function requestPhotosPermissions() {
const hasPerm = await permissions.request('android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE');
return hasPerm[1];
export async function requestCameraPermissions() {
const hasPerm = await permissions.request('android.permission.CAMERA');
return hasPerm[1];
return mapCameraPermissionStatus(hasPerm);

@@ -178,0 +179,0 @@ const createDateTimeStamp = function () {

import { ImageAsset } from '@nativescript/core';
import { PermissionsResult, PermissionResult } from './common';

@@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ * Take a photo using the camera.

export function requestPermissions(): Promise<any>;
export function requestCameraPermissions(): Promise<any>;
export function requestPhotosPermissions(): Promise<any>;
export function requestPermissions(): Promise<PermissionsResult>;
export function requestCameraPermissions(): Promise<PermissionResult>;
export function requestPhotosPermissions(): Promise<PermissionResult>;

@@ -23,44 +23,43 @@ /**

export interface CameraOptions {
* Defines the desired width (in device independent pixels) of the taken image. It should be used with height property.
* If `keepAspectRatio` actual image width could be different in order to keep the aspect ratio of the original camera image.
* The actual image width will be greater than requested if the display density of the device is higher (than 1) (full HD+ resolutions).
width?: number;
* Defines the desired width (in device independent pixels) of the taken image. It should be used with height property.
* If `keepAspectRatio` actual image width could be different in order to keep the aspect ratio of the original camera image.
* The actual image width will be greater than requested if the display density of the device is higher (than 1) (full HD+ resolutions).
width?: number;
* Defines the desired height (in device independent pixels) of the taken image. It should be used with width property.
* If `keepAspectRatio` actual image width could be different in order to keep the aspect ratio of the original camera image.
* The actual image height will be greater than requested if the display density of the device is higher (than 1) (full HD+ resolutions).
height?: number;
* Defines the desired height (in device independent pixels) of the taken image. It should be used with width property.
* If `keepAspectRatio` actual image width could be different in order to keep the aspect ratio of the original camera image.
* The actual image height will be greater than requested if the display density of the device is higher (than 1) (full HD+ resolutions).
height?: number;
* Defines if camera picture aspect ratio should be kept during picture resizing.
* This property could affect width or height return values.
keepAspectRatio?: boolean;
* Defines if camera picture aspect ratio should be kept during picture resizing.
* This property could affect width or height return values.
keepAspectRatio?: boolean;
* Defines if camera picture should be copied to photo Gallery (Android) or Photos (iOS)
saveToGallery?: boolean;
* Defines if camera picture should be copied to photo Gallery (Android) or Photos (iOS)
saveToGallery?: boolean;
* iOS Only
* Defines if camera "Retake" or "Use Photo" screen forces user to crop camera picture to a square and optionally lets them zoom in.
allowsEditing?: boolean;
* iOS Only
* Defines if camera "Retake" or "Use Photo" screen forces user to crop camera picture to a square and optionally lets them zoom in.
allowsEditing?: boolean;
* The initial camera. Default "rear".
* The current implementation doesn't work on all Android devices, in which case it falls back to the default behavior.
cameraFacing?: "front" | "rear";
* The initial camera. Default "rear".
* The current implementation doesn't work on all Android devices, in which case it falls back to the default behavior.
cameraFacing?: 'front' | 'rear';
* (iOS Only) Specify a custom UIModalPresentationStyle (Defaults to UIModalPresentationStyle.FullScreen)
modalPresentationStyle?: number;
* (iOS Only) Specify a custom UIModalPresentationStyle (Defaults to UIModalPresentationStyle.FullScreen)
modalPresentationStyle?: number;
import { CameraOptions } from '.';
import { PermissionResult, PermissionsResult } from './common';
export declare let takePicture: (options: CameraOptions) => Promise<any>;
export declare let isAvailable: () => boolean;
export declare let requestPermissions: () => Promise<unknown>;
export declare let requestPhotosPermissions: () => Promise<void>;
export declare let requestCameraPermissions: () => Promise<void>;
export declare let requestPermissions: () => Promise<PermissionsResult>;
export declare let requestPhotosPermissions: () => Promise<PermissionResult>;
export declare let requestCameraPermissions: () => Promise<PermissionResult>;

@@ -1,2 +0,4 @@

import { Utils, ImageSource, ImageAsset, Trace, Frame } from '@nativescript/core';
import { Device, Frame, ImageAsset, ImageSource, Trace, Utils } from '@nativescript/core';
import * as permissions from '@nativescript-community/perms';
import { combineCamerPhotoPermissions, mapCameraPermissionStatus, mapError, mapPhotoPermissionStatus } from './common';
var UIImagePickerControllerDelegateImpl = /** @class */ (function (_super) {

@@ -125,4 +127,10 @@ __extends(UIImagePickerControllerDelegateImpl, _super);

let authStatus = PHPhotoLibrary.authorizationStatus();
if (authStatus !== 3 /* PHAuthorizationStatus.Authorized */) {
let authStatus;
if (parseFloat(Device.osVersion) >= 14) {
authStatus = PHPhotoLibrary.authorizationStatusForAccessLevel(2 /* PHAccessLevel.ReadWrite */);
else {
authStatus = PHPhotoLibrary.authorizationStatus();
if (authStatus !== 3 /* PHAuthorizationStatus.Authorized */ && authStatus !== 4 /* PHAuthorizationStatus.Limited */) {
saveToGallery = false;

@@ -173,86 +181,16 @@ }

export let requestPermissions = function () {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
requestPhotosPermissions().then(() => {
requestCameraPermissions().then(resolve, reject);
}, reject);
return requestCameraPermissions().then((cameraPermissions) => requestPhotosPermissions().then((photoPermissions) => combineCamerPhotoPermissions(cameraPermissions, photoPermissions)));
export let requestPhotosPermissions = function () {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
let authStatus;
if (Utils.SDK_VERSION >= 14) {
authStatus = PHPhotoLibrary.authorizationStatusForAccessLevel(2 /* PHAccessLevel.ReadWrite */);
else {
authStatus = PHPhotoLibrary.authorizationStatus();
switch (authStatus) {
case 0 /* PHAuthorizationStatus.NotDetermined */: {
const handler = (auth) => {
if (auth === 3 /* PHAuthorizationStatus.Authorized */) {
if (Trace.isEnabled()) {
Trace.write('Application can access photo library assets.', Trace.categories.Debug);
else {
if (Utils.SDK_VERSION >= 14) {
PHPhotoLibrary.requestAuthorizationForAccessLevelHandler(2 /* PHAccessLevel.ReadWrite */, handler);
else {
case 3 /* PHAuthorizationStatus.Authorized */: {
if (Trace.isEnabled()) {
Trace.write('Application can access photo library assets.', Trace.categories.Debug);
case 1 /* PHAuthorizationStatus.Restricted */:
case 2 /* PHAuthorizationStatus.Denied */: {
if (Trace.isEnabled()) {
Trace.write('Application can not access photo library assets.', Trace.categories.Debug);
return permissions
.then((photoPermissions) => mapPhotoPermissionStatus(photoPermissions))
.catch((e) => mapError(e));
export let requestCameraPermissions = function () {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
let cameraStatus = AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatusForMediaType(AVMediaTypeVideo);
switch (cameraStatus) {
case 0 /* AVAuthorizationStatus.NotDetermined */: {
AVCaptureDevice.requestAccessForMediaTypeCompletionHandler(AVMediaTypeVideo, (granted) => {
if (granted) {
else {
case 3 /* AVAuthorizationStatus.Authorized */: {
case 1 /* AVAuthorizationStatus.Restricted */:
case 2 /* AVAuthorizationStatus.Denied */: {
if (Trace.isEnabled()) {
Trace.write('Application can not access Camera assets.', Trace.categories.Debug);
return permissions
.then((photoPermissions) => mapCameraPermissionStatus(photoPermissions))
.catch((e) => mapError(e));
"name": "@nativescript/camera",
"version": "6.0.0",
"version": "7.0.0",
"description": "Provides API for using device camera",

@@ -39,3 +39,4 @@ "main": "index",

"@nativescript-community/perms": "^2.3.1"
"types": "./index.d.d.ts"

@@ -21,2 +21,6 @@ # @nativescript/camera

**Note: Version 7 contains breaking changes:**
* New behavior on requesting permissions, detailed in [Request for user permissions](#request-for-user-permissions).
## Installation

@@ -58,13 +62,34 @@

function success() {
// permission request accepted or already granted
// ... call camera.takePicture here ...
function failure() {
// permission request rejected
// ... tell the user ...
const perms = await camera.requestPermissions();
if (perms.Success) {
// permission request accepted or already granted
// ... call camera.takePicture here ...
} else {
// permission request rejected
// ... tell the user ...
const cameraPermissionSuccess = perms.Details.Camera.Success;
const photoPermissionSuccess = perms.Details.Photo.Success
If specifying the `saveToGallery = false` option, you can call the `requestCameraPermissions` method.
import { requestPermissions } from '@nativescript/camera';
const perms = await camera.requestCameraPermissions();
if (perms.Success) {
// permission request accepted or already granted
// ... call camera.takePicture here ...
} else {
// permission request rejected
// ... tell the user ...
> **Note:** (**for Android**) Older versions of Android that don't use a request permissions popup won't be affected by the usage of the `requestPermissions()` method.

@@ -71,0 +96,0 @@

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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