2.0.0-rc.9 (2018-06-19) :rocket:
- New design theme Corporate
- New components: Progress Bar, Alert
- OAuth2 Strategy with Google Auth example
- New documentation website with live examples
- Auth module refactoring
Bug Fixes
- context-menu: hide on menu item click (#431) (a5bcd3c)
- docs: add missing operator (#455) (1cb4993)
- docs: add progress-bar icon (#476) (98562f5)
- docs: fix auth install article Closes #273 (180d8f1)
- docs: update mobile styles (#487) (6af2694)
- docs: update styles (#486) (9e44fb8)
- footer: use correct footer color variable (#454) (c2e310d)
- layout: fix layout height when header is not fixed (#437) (084391b)
- popover: hide when host was removed (#430) (a07496d)
- reveal-card: fix second card being visible on small screens (#438) (cad2246)
- rtl: reset bootstrap default styles (#414) (7634df5)
- search: resolve search field component factory (#439) (15cf18d)
- theme: add new variable(btn-outline-focus-fg) for focused outline buttons (#471) (df31a4c)
- theme: remove layout-padding for corporate theme, remove unnecessary color from icon (#496) (49abbb9)
Code Refactoring
- auth: provider -> strategy,
method, multiple tokens (3428ec3)
- auth: add OAuth2 example with google auth (fd95095)
- auth: add OAuth2 strategy (2f28cbc)
- card: option to hide toggle button in reveal/flip cards (#448) (ef5ebbb)
- docs: update docs design, add playground examples (f40e78f)
- docs: update urls to include baseUrl (#489) (f7fb11a)
- docs: use path-location instead of hash (61d4139)
- menu: add collapseAll function (#478) (2942bfd)
- sidebar: breakpoints configuration for compacted states (#457) (56411db)
- theme: add alert component (ee27fda)
- theme: add progress-bar component (#459) (3693494)
- theme: corporate - new theme (#479) (c75eaf7)
Multiple breaking changes introduced to auth module to improve code readability,
follow better naming conventions and for better extensibility in future releases.
More details and update steps: https://github.com/akveo/nebular/blob/master/src/framework/auth/UPGRADE.md#200-rc8-200-rc9
<a name="2.0.0-rc.8"></a>